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THE MASH SYSTEM ©2017 Mash Elite Performance All Rights Reserved

ORIGINS ................................................................................................................................................3 SECTION 1: THE METHODS ..............................................................................................................8 BREAKING DOWN THE SYSTEM .............................................................................................9 POST-ACTIVATION POTENTIATION ......................................................................................11 MAXIMUM EFFORT METHOD ............................................................................................14 VELOCITY-BASED DAYS .........................................................................................................18 REPETITION METHOD ............................................................................................................20 UNDULATING PERIODIZATION ............................................................................................22 PENDULUM WAVES ...............................................................................................................24 PRILEPIN'S CHART .................................................................................................................25 CONJUGATE METHOD .........................................................................................................26 WORK CAPACITY ..................................................................................................................28 GENERAL PHYSICAL PREPAREDNESS ..............................................................................30 MUSCULAR BALANCE AND ACCESSORY WORK ..............................................................32 COMPENSATORY ACCELERATION ...................................................................................33 ACCOMMODATING RESISTANCE ......................................................................................35 SECTION 2: THE PROGRAMS ..........................................................................................................37 MASH SYSTEM OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING .........................................................................38 MASH SYSTEM POWERLIFTING ..........................................................................................71 MASH SYSTEM SUPER TOTAL ...........................................................................................103 MASH SYSTEM ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE .....................................................................125 MASH SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL FITNESS: MASHFIT .........................................................161 CONDITIONING THAT WON'T CRUSH YOUR GAINS .........................................................................175 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................................180 APPENDIX A: BAND TENSIONS .........................................................................................................181

If you’re thinking about using these programs, please be smart. Don’t participate in strenuous exercise unless cleared by a competent medical professional. Heavy weights can be dangerous, so only perform these exercises if you can do so safely. If you follow any of these programs or perform any of these exercises, you do so at your own risk.

The Mash System


ORIGINS I’ve spent decades with the barbell as an athlete, coach, and programmer. I’ve had opportunities to learn from some of the best, and I’ve worked with thousands of amazing athletes. Over this time, my programming approach has continually been refined. I never want to say I’m finished and know everything, so I’m always trying to be better. And this year, my programming grew more than ever. We’re seeing great results from the Mash System. And now, I want to share that with you.

WHAT MAKES A PROGRAM EFFECTIVE When I say Mash System, I want to be clear that most of the elements you will find in my programming are taken from somewhere else. Every program or method has origins from past coaches and past research. To my knowledge, there haven’t been any new training protocols hitting the scene in quite sometime. But I want all you coaches and athletes to pay attentions to this. The effectiveness of a program isn’t due to having some new trick. Results don’t come from the methods or training principles. What makes a plan effective is how they are applied and pieced together. The Mash System


MY INFLUENCES I have a distinct advantage over most coaches because I have crossed many lines in my time as a strength coach. As an athlete, I played college football at Appalachian State University. My strength coach, Mike Kent, was way ahead of his time. We performed snatches, clean and jerks, and deep squats. Now he’s the Head Strength Coach at the University of Florida. I am friends with Coach Joe Kenn, Head Strength Coach for the Carolina Panthers and two-time NSCA Strength Coach of the Year. In the strength and conditioning world, I would definitely consider him my mentor. I have also been influenced by several great coaches like Ryan Horn, Mark Watts, Jonas Sahratian, Dan John, Martin Rooney, Charles Poliquin, and Loren Seagraves. My first weightlifting coach was two-time Olympian Wes Barnett. Olympic Bronze Medalist Dragomir Cioroslan was my second weightlifting coach, so I was off and running as a young man. Later I was mentored my Coach Don McCauley during my time at MuscleDriver USA, and now I am lucky enough to still work with him on a daily basis. I am friends with and have been influenced by amazing coaches like Sean Waxman, John Broz, Dave Spitz, Spencer Arnold, and Kevin Simons. Obviously in powerlifting I became a three-time World Champion in an era where all of the best were competing against one another in the World Powerlifting Organization. I also crossed lines and competed in the USAPL, IPF, and the USPF, going head to head against the Greatest of All Time, Ed Coan. It’s hard to say a lot The Mash System


of negative things about my powerlifting career, as I was able to get it done in all the popular federations. During this time, Louie Simmons befriended me. I definitely look to him as a mentor. I was also blessed to be sponsored by Elite Fitness Systems during my time as a competitive powerlifter. Dave Tate and Jim Wendler were tremendous influences during my career as well. I am giving you this background so you can see where my programming is derived from. Of course I have done my own research to continue the evolution - especially over the last five years. If a coach is producing, I want to know why. So should you.

WHEN COACHES PRODUCE Too many coaches make the mistake of resorting to criticizing or making ridiculous accusations when an opposing coach is producing. Not me. I want to know exactly what they’re doing. So many half-rate coaches would be so much better if they would stop hating and start learning. It only makes sense, guys. If you are a weightlifting coach it makes even more sense because we are all trying to produce for Team USA. Besides coaches, I am constantly reading the books and articles from practitioners and research experts like Andy Galpin, Greg Nuckols, and Stuart McGill. These guys help me confirm that my program lines up with the most current science out there. This is important, for sure. There aren’t a lot of absolutes yet, but you definitely want to know what those absolutes are. The Mash System


RESULTS Even though I have been constantly learning from these wonderful teachers, I believe my programming has evolved the most this past year. I would say in 2017 the Mash Mafia’s programming peaked in effectiveness. We have three men on the USA Weightlifting Senior World Team, which is the most of any other team in America. We had one athlete on the Junior World Team and Junior Pan Am Team. We had another athlete on the Youth World Team and Youth Pan Am Team. We also coached a New Zealand Youth, Isaac Lawgun, to the Youth World Championships and the Oceania Championships (where he won). I would say 2017 is the most impressive year in our history… and pretty much unmatched by any other team. As I’m writing this, we’re a few weeks past the 2017 American Open Series 3 in Grand Rapids, MI. This meet marked the best results our team has ever had. I am not just talking about medals. I mean, we did win just about every age and weight class there - but that’s not what was so exciting. We took a team of ten people, and each and every one of them hit personal records with extraordinary performances. These aren’t rookies new to the sport. It’s not that hard to get new athletes to hit personal records. I am talking about guys like Jordan Cantrell - who hit a 19kg lifetime total personal record to make the world team. He hit that massive total while not gaining one ounce of weight, which makes the feat even more extraordinary. The meet was like an artist painting the perfect picture. It was confirmation we are on the right path as a team. It was confirmation our program is performing unlike anyone else’s in the country. The Mash System


But we’re not seeing results only in weightlifting. We are killing powerlifting as well. We are sending a squad to the USAPL Nationals, and we are looking for Medals. Kevin Nason is the USPA National Champion and IPL World Champion. Alexander Williams crushed several IPL World Records. And of course, our strength and conditioning athletes have been outstanding for years. We got to watch Tommy Bohanon earn the starting fullback position for the Jacksonville Jaguars. Cade Carney is crushing it for the Wake Forest Demon Deacons as the starting running back. Trip McNeil is killing it for Duke University. I have an eighth grader who’s about to explode onto the scene, and his last name is Carney as well: Tate is that younger brother that will do whatever to beat his older brother. We will see!

UNDER THE HOOD So what does our program consist of? That’s the question all of you are asking, I get it. I know most of you buy my e-books to get the programs. However, I want you to understand the methods behind the success. I want you to know why it works, so hopefully you can one day create an even better program. Let’s take the first step.

The Mash System



BREAKING DOWN THE SYSTEM It’s taken me this long to be comfortable labeling my programming as a system. I just didn’t think it was perfect enough to be called a system. I am not calling it perfected now, as I don’t think any programming approach is ever perfected. But I am comfortable with saying that the Mash System is pretty darn close to perfect. Look, results simply don’t lie. The methods that make up the Mash System are the same methods we have used to produce some of the best athletes in the world. I’m going to outline them all here. Then afterwards, you can see how they fit together: I’ll be laying out and explaining programs for weightlifting, powerlifting, super total, strength and conditioning, and functional fitness. None of the principles I use are new. Once again, the magic is in the application of these methods. I hope you guys and gals will enjoy the way I’ve arranged these methods and the creativity in the way they are applied. I know the Mash Mafia will make changes as we learn new ideas, but the groundwork of the system will remain the same. It has taken me several years to arrive at this point. The programs I have used on my athletes and on myself are all the research anyone could want to derive the data needed to develop this system. I have been coaching for over twenty years. I have worked with thousands The Mash System


of athletes during this time from all levels. That’s a lot of programs, a lot of experiments, and a lot of success to get to where the Mash System is now. Whether it’s for you or your athletes, I am hoping this book will help catapult all of you towards better programs. Maybe one day I will be buying your book. Look, if you produce enough good athletes, you can guarantee I will be buying your products. I have spent my life piecing these methods together in a way that is manageable by my athletes. I am so excited to share the Mash System with all of you. Some coaches don’t like to share their methods, but that’s not me. I want the world to benefit from my work. If I can make one life better, it’s worth all the sacrifices.

The Mash System


POST-ACTIVATION POTENTIATION I have had tremendous success with post-activation potentiation (PAP). I love it so much that I like to call it the Mash Method, and I wrote an eBook (The Mash Method) all about it. Again, it’s nothing new – but it’s powerful. The core of PAP is how the contractile history of a muscle influences the mechanical performance of subsequent muscle contractions. In other words, when your body feels heavy weight, your central nervous system will be primed and you’ll lift more. You can use this theory or method in one of several ways. Basically you pick a movement that you want to improve (like vertical leap, squat, jerk, or sprint), and you pair it with a similar movement that will allow a higher load. For example: • Squat with vertical leap • Heavy walkout with squat • Partial front squat with jerk • Heavy prowler push with sprint When you squat 405 pounds, wait 45-60 seconds, and then perform a vertical leap, the body will remember the heavy squat. Your body will then recruit more fibers, allowing you to jump higher. The movements do not have to be exactly the same - just similar. For years, my wife has used a heavy walkout to prime for a heavy The Mash System


squat. She will work up to 95% with regular squats, perform a walkout with 105%, hold it 15-30 seconds, and then rack the bar. Then she’ll attempt a personal record. I used to use this method with success quite frequently without even knowing what I was doing. I would work up heavy squatting with bands - which would end up being about 105% at the top and 85-90% at the bottom. The deload of the bands would allow me to perform the movement without major fatigue. Then I would remove the bands and attempt a personal record in the back squat. The Mash Method was born! Another example would be to perform a heavy front squat partial or high box squat coupled with a jerk. I haven’t tried it yet, but others have with success. You would want to warm up to 95% in the jerk, perform the partial front squat, and then attempt a new personal record in the jerk. The key with this method is proper rest between the heavy movement and the movement being tested. If it’s a low fatigue movement with low volume like a walkout, I would only rest 45-60 seconds. But more volume requires more rest. Right after a really heavy lift, the effect of PAP is at its highest - but so is fatigue. Luckily, the fatigue state improves at a faster rate than the PAP effect fades. The goal is to perform the tested movement at the sweet spot when the PAP is highest and fatigue is lowest. PAP doesn’t work the same for everyone. It works best for efficient lifters and lifters who have been training for a long time. If you are brand new to weight training, I would recommend a couple years of just general training with a barbell before attempting complex methods like the Mash Method. The Mash System


There still isn’t a lot of scientific research on this method other than lifters using it with success in training. I have so many ways I want to use this principle. I hope to perform my own research on this method someday.

The Mash System


MAXIMUM EFFORT METHOD As you can tell, I am definitely influenced by the work of Louie Simmons. When I was powerlifting, I probably used the maximum effort method more than all the other methods combined. Maximum effort definitely got me stronger, but the overuse of the method probably ended my career prematurely. The key is using this method wisely. The Maximum Effort Method is defined as lifting a maximal load against a maximal resistance. More simply put, it means to go heavy. The Bulgarians popularized this training method with their brutal program. They were famous for maxing out in the snatch, clean and jerk, and front squat three or more times per day, every day of the week. If you want to get better at a particular complex movement like the snatch or clean and jerk, you are going to have to snatch and clean and jerk. If you want to be able to lift heavy weights in those two movements, you are going to have to lift heavy weights often. There’s no way around it. The SAID Principle states the body will adapt specifically to imposed demands, so specificity is important - especially in more complex movements like the snatch and clean and jerk. Squatting, benching, and deadlifting don’t require as much muscular coordination, so specificity doesn’t have to be quite as dialed in. However in my experience, a certain amount of specificity will always produce better results than too much variation. The extent

The Mash System


of specificity required will vary just like other aspects of training such as frequency, load, and volume. Once an athlete has mastered a movement, then more experimentation can take place. For example, in powerlifting you might give safety squat bar box squats a go for a few weeks. But at six weeks out a more specific approach will render a better result. A barbell movement is an athletic movement just like throwing a baseball, shooting a basketball, or throwing a shot put. You don’t throw a softball to get better at throwing a baseball. You don’t throw a baseball to get better at throwing a football. A specific approach will always give you a better result. Whether you are a weightlifter, powerlifter, or field athlete, maximum effort has to be a part of your training. Speed is important, but without strength nothing amazing is possible. If you can only back squat 405 pounds, you sure aren’t going to clean and jerk 440 pounds. As a powerlifter it’s cool if you can squat 300 pounds at 0.9 m/s. However if you want to squat 500 pounds, you better put some weight on the bar. Now do I think everyone should train like the Bulgarians? No way! It was a flawed system riddled with drug use. It was also a state funded program in a very poor country. The lifters didn’t have a lot of other opportunities, so there was a plethora of athletes to choose from. It became a survival of the fittest, not the best. Once their athletes retired, their bodies were wrecked. Plenty of other countries, including Russia and China, have showed champions can be produced with way less abuse and a wiser approach. With that being said, maximum effort must be a part of the program… It just can’t be the entire program. By the way, all of you The Mash System


Americans who are maxing out once per day and telling everyone you training Bulgarian are frauds. If you want to tell everyone you are training Bulgarian, I want to see you maxing out three times per day, every day. Maxing out once per day is simply a lazy way to train. You will have the volume of a middle school athlete for a program. That’s not tough! That’s just a lazy approach. I use one day per week for maximum effort in the slow strength movements like squatting and benching. I also use one day per week in the faster complex movements like the snatch and clean and jerk. Normally that equates to two days per week being set aside for maximum effort. When an athlete is seven or more weeks out from trying to peak, we can play with the specificity of these maximum effort days and perform variations like these: Olympic Movements (Snatch and Clean and Jerk): • Powers • Lifts off blocks of various heights • Lifts from the hang • Complexes • Pauses within different angles of the pull • 1-3 rep maximums • Lifts from a deficit Squat: • Pauses at varied heights • Pauses of varied lengths • Different bars (safety squat, cambered, etc.) • Front squat, low bar, high bar, etc. • 1-3 rep maximums The Mash System


Bench Press: • Pauses at varied heights • Pauses of varied lengths • Board presses of varied heights • Sling Shot bench • 1-3 rep maximums Deadlift: • Pauses at varied heights • Pauses of varied lengths • Deadlifts off blocks of various heights • Reverse band deadlifts • 1-3 rep maximums • Deficit deadlifts These are just a few ways we can shake up the maximum effort days. I vary them to prevent the law of accommodation. However when the meet or testing day gets closer, we become more specific.

The Mash System


VELOCITY-BASED DAYS Whether you are a powerlifter, weightlifter, or field athlete, velocity has to be a consideration as well. If force = mass x acceleration, velocity-based days give you the acceleration portion of that equation. Louie Simmons calls this day dynamic effort, and that works too. I have chosen to refer to these days as velocitybased because preferably there will be a measurement of velocity to guarantee the intended stimulus is being used. This is where it gets a little crazy. On the velocity-based days we are looking for strength-speed. Strength is the priority, and the intention is to move the weight as fast as possible. We are looking for the bar to move at about 0.7 to 0.8m/s. If strength is still the goal, you will be using 75-85% of your onerep maximum with a goal of 0.7 to 0.8 m/s. In 1974 A.S. Prilepin did a series of studies to understand which loads (percentage of one-rep maximum) and what volumes worked best for strength. An 80% average seemed to be the most sustainable load to get strong. 90% and above worked the best, but wasn’t as sustainable over a long period of time if used specifically. If you want to get strong while still focusing on power output, using an average of 80% on the strength movements at around 0.7 to 0.8 m/s will do the trick. If you find that 80% is difficult to move at that velocity, you might want to consider adding plyometrics to your program and lightening the load until a faster velocity can be generated. For the Olympic lifts of snatch and clean and jerk, 80% is still the average, but velocity is of less importance. For a snatch or The Mash System


clean and jerk to happen, a much higher velocity is required. If you can complete the lift, you have generated a velocity well above 1.2 m/s because of the sheer distance the bar must move. 80% was still found to produce the most strength probably because of the sustainability and the neuromuscular efficiency gained with the amount of volume possible at those percentages. I reserve one day per week for peak velocity days in the strength movements. I reserve one or two days for the Olympic lifts depending on where we are in the program. The closer to a meet will require more focus on the competition movements, as specificity becomes the driving force.

The Mash System


REPETITION METHOD This principle involves high repetitions with some sets to failure. The goal with the repetition method is metabolic stress - or what a bodybuilder might call the pump. With this, many physiological processes will begin which will get you jacked! When you are banging out those reps, you are pumping more and more blood into the muscles. This constant pumping causes occlusion of the veins, which basically traps the nourishing blood in the muscles. This is why blood flow restriction protocols work so well. When the blood gets trapped, hypoxia (or lack of oxygen) occurs. Since the Type I fibers need oxygen to be recruited, the bigger and stronger Type II Fibers take on the load. The build up of metabolic byproducts such as lactate help to set off an increased hormonal surge. Hypertrophy training that elicits an amazing pump helps to create greater levels of IGF-1 and growth hormone while down-regulating myostatin (which blocks growth). This positive hormonal state is what allows for better muscle protein synthesis. Basically, we are able to add more protein to our muscles than we breakdown. Lactate triggers the anterior pituitary gland to produce growth hormone. Growth hormone is great for strengthening tendons and increasing muscle collagen, which is great for injury prevention. But contrary to popular belief, growth hormone has little to do with protein synthesis. It does, however, trigger the liver to produce IGF-1, which is responsible for growth-promoting effects on almost every The Mash System


cell in the body - especially skeletal muscle, cartilage, and bone. This is where the magic occurs. The cell volumization or swelling also caused from the pooling of the blood helps to create muscle hypertrophy from the inside out. I use the repetition method mainly with accessory work designed to target weak muscles or areas of the body required more often based on the nature of the sport. For example, hip extension is important in pretty much any sport. Therefore glutes and hamstrings are always going to be important. I also use the repetition method early on in a cycle with the main goal being hypertrophy. After the hypertrophy phase, the repetition method is reserved for primarily accessory movements.

The Mash System


UNDULATING PERIODIZATION When I started strength training, all of the literature was focused on linear periodization. With that scheme, each four week mesocycle is reserved for hypertrophy, strength, or absolute strength. As a young man I noticed that by the time I was working on absolute strength I was losing muscle size. A smaller muscle is a weaker muscle, so I didn’t think this was a great plan. Now the literature is showing that waving your training is superior. I recommend that each mesocycle is a mixture of all three major components with an emphasis on one or the other. It could look something like this: Mesocycle 1: Focus on hypertrophy, second priority is strength, and a slight emphasis on absolute strength. Mesocycle 2: Medium emphasis on hypertrophy, focus on strength, and medium emphasis on absolute strength. Mesocycle 3: Slight emphasis on hypertrophy, medium emphasis on strength, and focus on absolute strength. Of course this can vary depending on the person and their individual need. Linear periodization still works - please don’t get me wrong. Ed Coan used linear periodization, and he is the greatest powerlifter The Mash System


of all-time. But he could have lifted once per month and been the best powerlifter of all-time. Not many of us have the genetics of Ed Coan or Pyrros Dimas, so we have to do everything better than they did.

The Mash System


PENDULUM WAVES Westside Barbell introduced me to this methodology. Westside uses a three-week wave with increases each week. Then on the fourth week, they drop back down, switch bars, or both. The reason is they found after three weeks they could no longer get stronger or faster. We use a similar approach at Mash Elite, but in a four-week rotation. Whereas Westside might do something like: Week 1: 70% for 8 x 2 Week 2: 75% for 7 x 2 Week 3: 80% for 7 x 2 Our programming will wave like this: Week 1: 70% for 8 x 2 Week 2: 75% for 7 x 2 Week 3: 70% for 6 x 2 Week 4: 80% for 7 x 2 I got this style of periodization from Coach Joe Kenn. As he calls it, the third week is a deload to reload on week four. In this scheme, week four will have the highest intensity and week two will have the highest volume. It’s all pretty simple - it’s just a way of organizing your programming while minimizing accommodation. We want a steady state of adaptation, and this type of wave has produced the best results so far.

The Mash System





Total Range

















I talked about A.S. Prilepin’s work earlier in the section on velocity-based days. In 1974 Prilepin researched the results from training with various intensities and loads. He determined the greatest strength gains came from training with loads above 90%, and those gains decreased as the load decreased. Of course you can’t always train at 90% and above, so he also came up with a chart demonstrating optimal volume and repetitions per set. I use this chart to guide my programming. There are a lot of ways to play around with it, but I have found that averaging what the chart deems as optimal normally produces the best results. I say normally because there are always outliers. If you are beginning weight training or you are starting a new client/athlete, I recommend starting with ranges between Prilepin’s suggested low and optimal. Then you can slowly move toward the high ranges within strategic portions of the program.

The Mash System


CONJUGATE METHOD Most people label the Westside Barbell System as the conjugate method because almost everything they do is related to the conjugate method. Basically, the conjugate method relies extensively on movements that are related but slightly different in nature. A goodmorning, for example, is similar to a back squat but is definitely different overall. There are variations that are more similar, such as a paused back squat being very similar to a regular back squat. Louie Simmons is the one who devised the Westside Barbell System after studying a lot of the old Russian manuals translated by Bud Charniga. This system originated in the early 1970s by the Dynamo Club in the former Soviet Union. They had 70 elite Olympic Weightlifters, and they introduced 25-30 special exercises that were related but different to the snatch and clean and jerk. They soon realized that when special exercises (like back squats, goodmornings, pulls, glute ham raises, etc.) increased then so did their snatch and clean and jerk. When the lifters were asked about the program, they requested more special exercises. The conjugate method was born. I totally agree with the conjugate method. Everything in my program rotates in some form or another. I most certainly strengthen weaknesses with special exercises like glute ham raises, goodmornings, reverse hypers, and rows. I still keep the snatch and the clean and jerk in the program for the sake of specificity and the complexity of the movement, but I will change how it’s used. I will vary with hangs, blocks, pauses, complexes, rep range, intensity used, total volume, and grip, for example. The Mash System


The main goal of the conjugate method is to decrease accommodation, so the body continues to adapt and strengthen throughout a training block. I don’t vary quite as much as Louie Simmons for specificity reasons, but I am 100% convinced some change has to be introduced often in a program for best results. Our bodies are designed to adapt to our environment - so for continued adaptation, the environment must change frequently.

The Mash System


WORK CAPACITY The amount of work an athlete can perform is directly correlated to their ability as a strength athlete. If you and I are similar in nature as strength athletes, the one who can perform the most quality work will win. It’s that simple. Notice I said “quality work”. If you perform more and more work without increasing your recovery time and methods, your work will soon outperform your recovery. When that happens, you will be overtrained and performance drops. I believe a lot of weightlifters and powerlifters miss the boat on this element of training. All of us like to perform the competition movements, but hardly any of us want to do the extra work to increase work capacity. Why? Well it’s work! I think one of the reasons Mash Mafia Weightlifting is so successful is because we work the hardest. Our entire team spends countless hours after their main practice pulling sleds, pushing prowlers, and carrying heavy objects. I am raising my young athletes to be the most in shape weightlifters of all-time. The entire squad performs work capacity exercises on a daily basis, and a lot of the time it resembles CrossFit. One of my young 15 year old weightlifters, Ryan Grimsland, is one of the best teenage CrossFitters in the world. He placed 21st last year, missing the games by one. That guy battles each and every day, and the rest of his teammates join him. Every since they started doing more CrossFit workouts, their maxes have increased tremendously across the board. The Mash System


The secret is the type of work they are doing. I keep it focused on concentric and isometric contractions without any eccentric contractions. Most muscle damage is caused by eccentric contractions, which requires the most recovery time. We are already using enough eccentric contractions with the amount of special exercises we perform. We keep the work capacity focused on carries, sled pulls, prowler pushes, handstand walks, and similar movements. We especially focus on work capacity when we are the furthest from a major competition. This allows us to slowly decrease the amount of extra work while we increase the specific work. By the end of the training block we are able to use more volume than the previous training block without adverse effects. I believe this to be one of the biggest reasons we are producing such high caliber athletes.

The Mash System


GENERAL PHYSICAL PREPAREDNESS Todd Bumgardner defined it perfectly in his article on TNation: “GPP is general training that improves your specific training by limiting your weaknesses, improving your quality of movement, and enhancing your body's ability to handle greater workloads.” GPP goes along with work capacity, but I thought it deserved its own explanation. A lot of people think of GPP as only sled pulls and prowler pushes, but that’s only part of the GPP picture. Technically anything that isn’t sport specific is general physical preparedness. If you are a weightlifter, anything that isn’t a snatch or clean and jerk is GPP. If you are a powerlifter, anything outside of squat, bench, and deadlift is GPP. Obviously some things are more specific than others: A squat is pretty specific to weightlifting, and a goodmorning is pretty specific to the squat and deadlift in powerlifting. However when we are the furthest from a meet, I prescribe the most general physical preparedness. For example, I will program bench press for weightlifting for general upper body strength and muscular balance. In powerlifting, I might add in muscle snatches to increase power output and to strengthen external rotation. This type of programming will keep the cycle fun and exciting while addressing weaknesses and imbalances. The Mash System


I will also prescribe exercises that encourage better movement like bear crawls, unilateral RDLs, lunges, lateral lunges, and rolls. An athlete who moves well will normally perform well and avoid injury. Most powerlifters retire early due to a major injury. One of my young powerlifters, Alexander Williams, just broke several records. Now he’s taking a season to learn the Olympic lifts to encourage proper movement. For a powerlifter, it’s all about optimal mobility. You don’t want to be too mobile, or you will lose some force generated from the stretch shortening cycle. But if you are too immobile, an injury is inevitable. Even though my programs take on a more specific feel as we near a meet, I will continue to use GPP throughout the training block. We will work on proper movement, target weaknesses, and improve work capacity – it just won’t be my focus.

The Mash System


MUSCULAR BALANCE AND ACCESSORY WORK This goes along with general physical preparedness and work capacity. We spend an average of 30-40% of our time in the gym on accessory work focused on muscular balance. A balanced musculature is a strong one - and more importantly, it’s one that doesn’t breakdown. I’ve said this before and I want you to take note: The athlete who can train the longest without breaking down and getting injured will be the one who eventually wins. Unlike other programs, we don’t suspend our accessory work near a competition. We continue accessory movements right up until we compete. If a movement is helping you to get strong, why would you stop doing it? If you watch the Chinese in the training hall at the World Championships, you will see them performing lots of accessory work after their main training. I would recommend, however, cutting back on the movements that cause a lot of muscle damage like RDLs and goodmornings. I recommend avoiding movements which lengthen muscles while loaded or in a stretched position during the final four to six weeks before a competition. These create a lot of muscle damage and are hard to recover from.

The Mash System


COMPENSATORY ACCELERATION Fred Hatfield is the first one to really coin the term, compensatory acceleration. Simply put, it means to continue accelerating throughout the entire range of motion of a lift. If force = mass x acceleration, more force will be produced with acceleration being the focus. Coach McCauley and I like to say, “faster as you go.” It’s a great cue to use with your athletes. Fred Hatfield said: “If you’re applying a thousand pounds of force at the bottom of the lift and then as leverage improves you continue to apply a thousand pounds or less, you’re not accomplishing as much as you can. Instead, you’ll see that as leverage improves you’re able to apply twelve hundred pounds of force - fourteen hundred pounds of force up near the top. The secret, though, is that you’re applying as much force as you possibly can exert all the way through the lift. That means you’re spending more time under maximum tension. That means you’re going to make progress much faster than you could otherwise, probably twice as fast.” You would think athletes are trying to accelerate, but often they simply aren’t lifting with that intent. I have athletes who will push faster if I simply cue them while squatting. It’s all about intent. The velocity-based days are set aside to really focus on this method. If The Mash System


you want to make sure your athletes will lift with intent, I recommend purchasing a tendo unit. If an athlete knows that they have to accelerate the lift to 0.8m/s, they will lift with intent.

The Mash System


ACCOMODATING RESISTANCE Accommodating resistance and compensatory acceleration go hand in hand. Accommodating resistance is a method made popular by Louie Simmons. He uses bands and chains to accommodate the strength curve. For example, you are in a stronger biomechanical position as you stand up from a back squat. Every inch you ascend puts you in a stronger position. That’s why we can squat so much more weight when we squat high. The bands and chains accommodate that change by increasing in resistance as we ascend and get in these stronger positions. The goal is to teach the body to fire more and more fibers as we stand, causing more compensatory acceleration. In my experience, bands increase the acceleration because they actually pull you down faster (causing more of a stretch reflex). I like the chains as well, however, because they feel more natural. Sometimes switching from a cycle of using lots of bands leaves one feeling awkward with straight weight. Rotating between bands, chains, and straight weight frequently will keep your squats feeling natural and moving quickly. This method is great for squats, pulls, and presses. If you have trouble lifting with the intent to continually accelerate, bands and chains are a very useful tool. I have used bands to work up heavy, stripped them off, and then worked up to a personal record many, many times in my career. Basically, I used bands for post-activation The Mash System


potentiation. This definitely helped my lifts, but the acceleration factor helped as well. I use this method within the workouts I am about to show all of you. You’ll love trying this method.

The Mash System



MASH SYSTEM OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING Every year our programming takes on a new shape with new characteristics, but now it has a major theme that won’t change. A lot of people still think I am a squat-every-day type of guy, and I am still all for high frequency squatting. However, the Mash System is a more holistic approach that focuses on the individual sports as a whole. Our weightlifters have benefitted greatly from this approach, having our most successful year to date. Some people stick with the basics - mainly hitting the snatch, the clean and jerk, and squats in their programs. I take a wider approach, focusing on the snatch, the clean and jerk, squatting, pulling, No Weaknesses accessory work, and work capacity. We use all of the methods previously discussed, strategically placed within the individual blocks. I have laid out a 12-week program that begins with a hypertrophyfocused block, moves into a strength-focused block, and of course ends with a competition/peaking phase focus. I use the work focus because I use a daily undulating periodization approach. So I might be focusing on hypertrophy, but I am still managing to touch on strength work and absolute strength throughout each mesocycle. Let’s look at the first four-week block, and I will explain it in more detail afterward.

The Mash System


WEEK 1 DAY 1 Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at Knee

70% for 2 x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1

No Hook Power Cleans from Blocks

3RM (starting with 63%)

High Bar Back Squat with Belt

5RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -15% not paused for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Clean Pulls from 2 Inch Deficit with Mini Bands

5 x 3, work up heavy (starting at 90%)

BB Elevated Hip Thrusts


DAY 2 Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee

70% for 2 x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x1

Snatch from High Blocks (Power Position)

3RM (starting with 63%)

Front Squat with Belt

1RM with 5 sec pause (RPE 7)

Snatch Pulls

95% for 3 x 3 with a 6 sec eccentric

Overhead Axle Bar Carries

3 x 40 yd

DAY 3 Front Squat

3RM (all reps 5 sec eccentric, 5 sec pause in bottom, 4 sec concentric, 10 sec pause at top), then -10% for 2 x 3 (same pauses and tempo)

Push Presses

5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Jerk Recoveries


Snatch Grip Deadlift (Paused at Mid Shin)

5RM (1st 2 reps paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 (not paused)

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

Weighted Push-Ups for 10 reps superset with KB Bat Wing Rows for 10 reps (with 2 sec pause) superset with KB High Pulls for 10 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up): 3 sets

DAY 4 Overhead Squat Variation Max Effort

Work up to 75% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Unilateral Farmers Walk

3 x 40 yd each hand

Plate Around the Worlds

3 x 8 each direction

Band Pull Throughs

3 x 15

Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension

3 x 10 with 3 sec pauses

DAY 5 Snatch Max Effort

Snatch Pull to Snatch to Hang Snatch to Overhead Squat: 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean to Hang Clean to Front Squat to 2 Jerks: 1RM

KB Swings

4 x 12

DAY 6 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10 Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10 Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10

Strict Presses

10RM, then -10% for 2 x 10

2 Inch Deficit RDLs with Mini or Light Band

3 x 8, progress and end with a 7-8 RPE

The Mash System



Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at Knee

75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% x 1

No Hook Power Cleans from Blocks

3RM (starting with 63%)

High Bar Back Squat with Belt

5RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -15% not paused for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Clean Pulls from 2 Inch Deficit with Mini Bands

4 x 3, work up heavy (starting at 90%)

BB Elevated Hip Thrusts


DAY 2 Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee

75% for 3 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% x 1

Snatch from High Blocks (Power Position)

3RM (starting with 63%)

Front Squat with Belt

1RM with 5 sec pause (RPE 7)

Snatch Pulls

95% for 3 x 3 with a 6 sec eccentric

Overhead Axle Bar Carries

3 x 40 yd

DAY 3 Front Squat

3RM (all reps 5 sec eccentric, 5 sec pause in bottom, 4 sec concentric, 10 sec pause at top), then -10% for 2 x 3 (same pauses and tempo)

Push Presses

5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Jerk Recoveries


Snatch Grip Deadlift (Paused at Mid Shin)

5RM (1st 2 reps paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 (not paused)

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

Weighted Push-Ups for 10 reps superset with KB Bat Wing Rows for 10 reps (with 2 sec pause) superset with KB High Pulls for 10 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up): 3 sets

DAY 4 Overhead Squat Variation Max Effort

Work up to 78% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Unilateral Farmers Walk

3 x 40 yd each hand

Plate Around the Worlds

3 x 8 each direction

Band Pull Throughs

3 x 15

Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension

3 x 10 with 3 sec pauses

DAY 5 Snatch Max Effort

Snatch Pull to Snatch to Hang Snatch: 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean to Hang Clean to Front Squat to Jerk: 1RM

KB Swings

4 x 12

DAY 6 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: 83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10 Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10 Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10

Strict Presses

10RM, then -10% for 3 x 10

2 Inch Deficit RDLs with Mini or Light Band

3 x 8, progress and end with an 8-9 RPE

The Mash System



Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at Knee

65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1

No Hook Power Cleans from Blocks

90% of 3RM for 2 x 3

High Bar Back Squat with Belt

90% of 5RM (1st rep paused 1 sec) for 2 x 5

Clean Pulls from 2 Inch Deficit with Mini Bands

3 x 3, work up heavy (starting at 95%)

BB Elevated Hip Thrusts


DAY 2 Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee

65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1

Snatch from High Blocks (Power Position)

90% of 3RM for 2 x 3

Front Squat with Belt

1RM with 5 sec pause (RPE 7)

Snatch Pulls

95% for 3 x 3 with a 6 sec eccentric

Overhead Axle Bar Carries

3 x 40 yd

DAY 3 Front Squat

90% of 3RM (all reps 5 sec eccentric, 4 sec conentric) for 3 x 3 (all reps 5 sec eccentric, 4 sec concentric)

Push Presses

90% of 5RM for 3 x 5

Jerk Recoveries

90% of 5RM for 5

Snatch Grip Deadlift (Paused at Mid Shin)

90% of 5RM (1st 2 reps paused 1 sec) for 2 x 5

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

Weighted Push-Ups for 10 reps superset with KB Bat Wing Rows for 10 reps (with 2 sec pause) superset with KB High Pulls for 10 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up): 3 sets

DAY 4 Overhead Squat Variation Max Effort

Work up to 80% for 3 x 5

Unilateral Farmers Walk

3 x 40 yd each hand

Plate Around the Worlds

3 x 8 each direction

Band Pull Throughs

3 x 15

Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension

3 x 10 with 3 sec pauses

DAY 5 Snatch Max Effort

Snatch Pull to Snatch: 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean to Front Squat to Jerk: 1RM

KB Swings

4 x 12

DAY 6 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10 Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10 Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10

Strict Presses

90% of 10RM for 3 x 10

2 Inch Deficit RDLs with Mini or Light Band

3 x 8, progress and end with a 9-10 RPE

The Mash System



Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at Knee

55% x 3, 65% x 3, 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1, work up (allowed 1 miss)

No Hook Power Cleans from Blocks

Start with 70%, work up to max single

High Bar Back Squat with Belt

5RM, then -10% for 5+

Clean Pulls from 2 Inch Deficit with Mini Bands

3 x 3, work up heavy (starting at 95%)

BB Elevated Hip Thrusts


DAY 2 Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee

55% x 3, 65% x 3, 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1, work up (allowed 1 miss)

Snatch from High Blocks (Power Position)

Start with 70%, work up to max single

Front Squat with Belt

1RM with 5 sec pause (RPE 7)

Overhead Axle Bar Carries

3 x 40 yd

DAY 3 Front Squat

1RM (5 sec eccentric, 5 sec pause in bottom, 4 sec concentric, 10 sec pause at top), then -15% for 2 x 3 (all reps same pauses and tempo)

Push Presses

5RM, then -15% for 5+

Jerk Recoveries


Snatch Grip Deadlift (Paused at Mid Shin)

5RM (1st rep paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 not paused

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

Weighted Push-Ups for 10 reps superset with KB Bat Wing Rows for 10 reps (with 2 sec pause) superset with KB High Pulls for 10 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up): 3 sets

DAY 4 Overhead Squat Variation Max Effort


Unilateral Farmers Walk

3 x 40 yd each hand

Plate Around the Worlds

3 x 8 each direction

Band Pull Throughs

3 x 15

Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension

3 x 10 with 3 sec pauses

DAY 5 Snatch Max Effort

Snatch: 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean and Jerk: 1RM

KB Swings

4 x 12

DAY 6 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: 85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10 Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10 Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10

Strict Presses

8RM, then -15% for 8+

2 Inch Deficit RDLs with Mini or Light Band

3 x 8, progress and end with a 7-8 RPE

The Mash System


DAY 1 On day one, we are using Prilepin’s chart to place the volume of the clean and jerks at the low end of the spectrum. Our goal for this block is to add some muscle. We are still focused on the lifts, but the main goal for the first block is to perfect movement. We are using the conjugate method when we choose no hook power cleans from blocks to go heavy in the lifts. It’s a way of using the max effort method, while still improving technique and keeping the intensity low. The no hook power cleans will lead to a stronger grip, but they will also lead to better timing and a faster pull under. Without a hook grip, one cannot over pull without the bar coming loose from the hands. That will cause the lifter to waste very little time up to extension before ripping underneath the bar. In the back squat we are utilizing the conjugate method by adding in the pause on the first repetition. A difference doesn’t have to be extreme to keep the body adapting. We also change the length of the pause throughout the mesocycle, which is also a way to utilize the conjugate method. Presecribing a 5RM is using the maximum effort method because we are going as heavy as possible for five repetitions. I recommend stopping before failure, so maybe look at this as a 9 RPE or (rate of perceived exertion). This is just a fancy way of conveying my auto-regulation expectations. A 10 RPE would mean an all-out maximum. A 9 RPE means to stop one set before a maximum is reached, and so forth. We are using the repetition method on the last set, where you see a 5+. The plus sign there means to go as many repetitions past five as possible. Once again, I recommend stopping a rep or two The Mash System


before failure. Back squats require a lot of muscle fibers to fire, so going to failure can be really tough on the nervous system. We are using the accommodating resistance method on the clean pulls by adding bands to the equation. The bands will teach the athlete to accelerate throughout the entire movement. As the lifter moves into positions that are biomechanically stronger, the bands will become exponentially harder. The lifter learns to pull with intent trying to cause enough speed to blast through those heavier tensions.

DAY 2 Here we will have the snatch using the same percentages extracted from Prilepin’s chart as on the clean and jerk during day one. We are using high blocks for the maximum effort accessory movement in the snatch. We want blocks high enough so the bar is placed right at the power position or in the crease of the hip with the knees bent four to six inches. There isn’t a big first and second pull to rely on, so the athlete learns to open at the hips and rip underneath. This is a great exercise to teach the third pull. The paused front squat is more of a recovery squat using a five second pause to emphasize a stable bottom position. The 7 RPE should keep the lifter from going heavy and causing a lot of muscular damage. We are using a slow eccentric on the snatch pulls to strengthen that pull position. Eccentrics are a great way to get stronger and add some muscle in needed areas. They are harder to recover from, but this block is designed to add muscle. That makes this exercise perfect. The Mash System


The overhead axle bar carry is used for many purposes. Number one is a weightlifter can never be too strong overhead. We are also using this movement to increase work capacity, while creating very little muscular damage to recover from. Isometric and concentric contractions create very little muscle damage. Therefore they are perfect for use with increasing work capacity.

DAY 3 Now we get creative with the tempo, which is another form of using the conjugate method. I like to use tempo variations this early in a program because time under tension is great for overall hypertrophy, and the pauses are great for stabilizing positions. Most weightlifters are hyper-mobile but lack eccentric strength and stabilization. This can cause missed lifts, but it can also lead to injury. It’s important the musculature around the spine is strong enough to support the structure. If not, low back injuries can wreck a career. Remember it’s not just about crushing it for a training block. It’s also about preparing the body to train injury free as far into the future as possible. In these front squats you will be using the max effort method to work up to a three-rep maximum early on and ending with a one-rep maximum during the last week. You will control the weight for a five second eccentric/descent, pause five seconds in the bottom of the squat, have a four second concentric/ascent portion, and finish with ten second holds at the top. I used this type of tempo to change the lives of one of my lifters named Eze Onwurah. He used a workout like this to go from a 130kg clean and jerk to a 150kg clean and jerk in nine weeks. This result isn’t typical, but it happened. This type of plan has helped thousands of people strengthen their squats. The Mash System


The push presses are using the max effort method with a five repetition maximum, ending with the repetition method of a 5+ (as many repetitions as possible past five). Jerk recoveries are in all of my workouts now. Wesley Weightlifting is a weightlifting team in St. Joseph, MO, and the entire team is known to have amazing jerks. I use a lot of their programming for jerks, and jerk recoveries are one of their favorite exercises. We are using the max effort method once again on the snatch grip deadlift. We are going for a five-rep maximum, and we are pausing it at mid-shin level during the first two reps. Most lifts are missed right off of the floor when the lifter gets pulled forwards. The goal with the pause is to maintain a position with the chest up and the shoulders over the bar while driving through the mid-foot. Isometric contractions are the absolute best for building strength at certain angles. We finish with some muscular balance work - or basically some awesome blood-pumping bodybuilding. Push-ups are great for developing strength in all areas of the scapula. Weightlifters spend so much time with vertical pressing, causing the musculature required for horizontal pressing to become weak. Over time this can cause a major imbalance that can lead to injury. Most weightlifters are simply too mobile in the shoulder region, which leads to major shoulder injuries. Push-ups are a healthy way to stop this imbalance from happening. Bat wing rows are a great way to strengthen the lats, which are responsible for maintaining a healthy posture during the pull. They also strengthen the rhomboids, which play a big part in stabilizing the scapula during the pull and the catch. The two second pause is to stabilize that position and strengthen the rhomboids in the contracted state. The Mash System


The kettlebell high pulls are meant to bring balance to the shoulder girdle. Weightlifters spend an enormous amount of time pressing vertically overhead. The opposite movement is the pull vertically below the head. In a perfect world, you would upright row whatever you can press. You would also dip the same as you pull-up. No one is completely perfect, but the goal is to work towards optimal.

DAY 4 Day four is an active recovery day that also promotes general physical preparedness and work capacity. Nothing is better for the core than good old-fashioned carries. Unilateral farmers walks are the best exercise on earth for spine and pelvis stabilization. Weightlifting and powerlifting are bilateral by nature, so proper movement of the hips isn’t encouraged as much as it should be. The quadratus lumborum are the small muscles that lift the hips up and down. Those muscles can get weak from all of the bilateral work. If you couple that with jobs or lifestyles that have us at a desk, the QL can start to be at risk of injury. Unilateral work can help restore their strength and health along with all the other muscles that protect our spine and pelvis. The plate around the world is a simple exercise where you take a plate with both hands and orbit the plate around your head keeping it as close to your head as possible. This exercise will light your shoulders on fire with a massive pump. There isn’t a lot of muscular damage with this one, so you will recover quickly from it. Basically you’ll get some shoulder boulders without a lot of soreness to recover from. The Mash System


Band pull-throughs are great for hip extension and getting the booty jacked and round. Once again this movement is great for hypertrophy without a lot of muscle damage. The peak load occurs at the finish of the concentric contraction, and then it deloads at the bottom of the eccentric contraction. This avoids loading the muscles in a stretched position. There is nothing wrong with movements like RDLs that load the hamstrings in a stretched position - they create tons of muscle damage which can help strengthen and grow the muscles. But that muscle damage is just hard to recover from. Movements like band pull-throughs are great for hypertrophy, strength, and active recovery because they will leave the glutes ready for business the next day. Plate t-spine flexion/extensions are an exercise I learned from Greg Nuckols when he was interning at my gym a few years ago. Yes, I learn from interns or anyone else that has great ideas. You should too. This exercise is performed in a hinge position just like a barbell bentover row. You will hold a plate with both hands, neutral grip, and arms long. The only movement occurs at the thoracic spine. You will allow the t-spine to flex, and then follow the flexion with hard extension. The focus is on the extension with the goal being to encourage proper posture during pulls, barbell catches, and squats. It’s all about strengthening the back in that perfect flat and stacked position.

DAY 5 Day five occurs on Friday for Team Mash Mafia, and we call it Max Out Friday. We always take Max Out Friday a little more like a competition day. Some people might even wear their singlets. This is our max effort day for the Olympic lifts. Here we are using the conjugate method by using complexes. Complexes are great for The Mash System


strengthening positions, keeping the bar in our hands for a longer time, and getting our athletes more efficient in each step of the lift. We go as heavy as possible for the complex prescribed, but the nature of complexes will keep the intensity down a bit. We like to use major complexes like the one that you see in day five of week one. There, we're using a snatch pull to a snatch to a hang snatch to an overhead squat - and we're performing that complex as heavy as we can go. Then for the clean and jerk, we'll perform a clean to a hang clean to a front squat and then two jerks. These complexes are great for getting our athletes strong and for testing their drive. Heavy weights performed with this many movements in a complex are rough on the soul. Each week the complexes will have fewer movements, which allows them to be performed heavier. On week four, I let the athletes perform a competition snatch and clean and jerk just to test where they are. I am looking for something around 90% or higher. Sometimes the athletes will hit something big even in week four. My super stud athlete, Jordan Cantrell, just hit personal records in week four while we were at a World Team Camp. This was a little unusual because of the higher overall volume and the fact that the lifts have mainly been taken from the blocks during this mesocycle. Normally the timing isn’t perfected at this point - but like I said, sometimes the added hypertrophy works wonders.

DAY 6 Day six is always dedicated to strength work in my programs. I like killing the volume in strength movements on Saturdays because we take Sunday off to allow our athletes to recover. The Mash System


Let me first explain the waves used in the back squat. The waves are a form of post activation potentiation I learned from Charles Poliquin. Set one is performed with 85% of your one-repetition maximum for three repetitions. You will then rest two minutes and perform 65% for ten repetitions. For example, if your maximum is 227kg/500lb, you would perform 193kg/425lb for three repetitions, and 148kg/325lb for ten repetitions. If those sets were somewhat easy, you can add 5kg/11pounds to each number previously performed. So to continue with our example, set two would be 198kg/435lb x 3, and 153kg/335lb x 10. On set three, you would again add five more kilograms if possible. You will notice the high repetitions are easier than normal because the body remembers the heavier weight recruiting fibers for a heavier load. You will also notice an increase in efficiency during each round as well. This style of lifting has produced some major personal records for several of our lifters. We are again using the max effort method with rep maxes in the strict press. However, the main purpose is hypertrophy with the higher repetitions. Now will strict presses make you a better weightlifter? That’s the question that a lot of people like to ask. It’s not going to necessarily make you better at jerks, but it will make you stronger in that position - allowing for more wear and tear. It’s not always about performing exercises that directly translate to lifting more. It’s also about performing movements that will stabilize you so you can perform the competition lifts longer without injury. Romanian deadlifts from a two inch deficit with bands are my favorite exercise on earth to increase pulling strength. The Mash System


Accommodating resistance with the bands through this great of a range of motion will teach the athlete to produce more force at a more rapid rate. This movement will cause an enormous amount of muscle damage, which is the reason why we perform them on Saturdays. This movement will translate into more pulling strength and a bigger snatch and clean. Well, that is the first four-week block explained. We will move a little faster through the next two because we aren’t going to get redundant on the methods. One of my main goals is for you guys and gals to see how all of the methods fit together to form one congruent system.

The Mash System


WEEK 5 DAY 1 Warm Up with Jerk Steps from Split

35% x 3, 45% for 2 x 3

Clean and Jerks

70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88% x1

Power Cleans from Blocks with Bar at Knees

3RM (starting with 70%)

Front Squat with Belt

1RM with 5 sec pause (RPE 7)

Clean Pulls with 50lb of Chains

5 x 3, work up heavy (starting at 90% total weight)

DAY 2 Snatch

70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88% x1

No Hook and No Feet Snatch

65% for 3 x 3, then 3RM

High Bar Back Squat

Step 1: 3 x 5 with 50% bar weight + 25% band tension (60 sec between sets) Step 2: Still using bands from the previous sets, work up to a heavy double, keeping it around an 8-9 RPE Step 3: Take bands off and work up to a 2RM with an 8-9 RPE

Seated Band Leg Curls

4 x 15

DAY 3 Snatch from Short Blocks with Bar Below Knee

70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% for 2 x 1

Clean from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks)

70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% for 2 x 1

Jerk From Racks (Paused 3 Sec in Catch)


Push Presses

3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

Plate Lateral Raises for 10 reps superset with Bentover Rows for 5 reps superset with Band Face Busters for 12 reps: 3 sets

DAY 4 Heaving Snatch Balance

1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Front Squat with Chains

7 x 3 with 55% bar weight + 20% chains (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8m/sec)

Farmers Walk

4 x 40 yd

Sled Rope Rows

4 x 30 yd

Sled Bear Crawls

4 x 30 yd

Med Ball Side to Side Abs

15 touches per side

DAY 5 Snatch Max Effort

Snatch Pull to Snatch to Hang Snatch: 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean to Hang Clean to Front Squat to Jerk: 1RM

Front Squat


Muscle Snatches


DAY 6 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

Strict Presses

5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Clean Grip Deadlift (Paused at Mid Shin, Using 50-100lb of Chain)

3RM (1st 2 reps paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused

Reverse Hypers

3 x 30-45 sec

One Arm Overhead Carries with a Fat Grip DB

3 x 40 yd each arm

The Mash System

85% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2, minutes, then 70% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2, minutes, then 70% x 6


WEEK 6 DAY 1 Warm Up with Jerk Steps from Split

35% x 3, 45% for 3 x 3

Clean and Jerks

70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88% x 1, work up (allowed 1 miss)

Power Cleans from Blocks with Bar at Knees

3RM (starting with 70%)

Front Squat with Belt

1RM with 5 sec pause (RPE 7)

Clean Pulls with 50lb of Chains

4 x 3, work up heavy (starting at 90% total weight)

DAY 2 Snatch

70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88% x1

No Hook and No Feet Snatch

68% for 3 x 3, then 3RM

High Bar Back Squat

Step 1: 3 x 5 with 55% bar weight + 25% band tension (60 sec between sets) Step 2: Still using bands from the previous sets, work up to a heavy double, keeping it around an 8-9 RPE Step 3: Take bands off and work up to a 2RM

Seated Band Leg Curls

4 x 15

DAY 3 Snatch from Short Blocks with Bar Below Knee

70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 78% x 2, 83% x 1, 88% x 1, 90% x 1

Clean from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks)

70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 78% x 1, 83% x 1, 88% x 1, 90% x 1

Jerk From Racks (Paused 3 Sec in Catch)


Push Presses

3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

Plate Lateral Raises for 10 reps superset with Bentover Rows for 5 reps superset with Band Face Busters for 12 reps: 3 sets

DAY 4 Heaving Snatch Balance

1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Front Squat with Chains

6 x 3 with 60% bar weight + 20% chains (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8m/sec)

Farmers Walk

4 x 40 yd

Sled Rope Rows

4 x 30 yd

Sled Bear Crawls

4 x 30 yd

Med Ball Side to Side Abs

15 touches per side

DAY 5 Snatch Max Effort

Snatch Pull to Snatch: 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean to Front Squat to Jerk: 1RM

Front Squat


Muscle Snatches


DAY 6 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

Strict Presses

5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Clean Grip Deadlift (Paused at Mid Shin, Using 50-100lb of Chain)

3RM (1st 2 reps paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused

Reverse Hypers

3 x 30-45 sec

One Arm Overhead Carries with a Fat Grip DB

3 x 40 yd each arm

The Mash System

88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 73% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 73% x 6+


WEEK 7 DAY 1 Warm Up with Jerk Steps from Split

35% x 3, 40% for 2 x 3

Clean and Jerks

70% for 2 x 2, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% for 2 x 1, 85% x 1

Power Cleans from Blocks with Bar at Knees

75% for 3 x 3

Front Squat with Belt

1RM with 5 sec pause (RPE 7)

Clean Pulls with 50lb of Chains

3 x 3, work up heavy (starting at 95% total weight)

DAY 2 Snatch

70% for 2 x 2, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% for 2 x 1, 85% x 1

No Hook and No Feet Snatch

70% for 3 x 3

High Bar Back Squat

Step 1: 3 x 5 with 60% bar weight + 25% band tension (60 sec between sets) Step 2: Still using bands from the previous sets, work up to a heavy double, keeping it around an 8-9 RPE Step 3: Take bands off and work up to a 1RM

Seated Band Leg Curls

3 x 10

DAY 3 Snatch from Short Blocks with Bar Below Knee

70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1

Clean from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks)

70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1

Jerk From Racks (Paused 3 Sec in Catch)


Push Presses

3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

Plate Lateral Raises for 10 reps superset with Bentover Rows for 5 reps superset with Band Face Busters for 12 reps: 3 sets

DAY 4 Heaving Snatch Balance

1RM with 3 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Front Squat with Chains

6 x 3 with 50% bar weight + 20% chains (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8m/sec)

Farmers Walk

4 x 40 yd

Sled Rope Rows

4 x 30 yd

Sled Bear Crawls

4 x 30 yd

Med Ball Side to Side Abs

15 touches per side

DAY 5 Snatch Max Effort

Snatch: 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean and Jerk: 1RM

Front Squat


Muscle Snatches


DAY 6 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5 Set 2: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5 Set 3: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5

Strict Presses

90% of 5RM for 3 x 5

Clean Grip Deadlift (Paused at Mid Shin, Using 50-100lb of Chain)

90% of 3RM (1st 2 reps paused 1 sec)

Reverse Hypers

3 x 30-45 sec

One Arm Overhead Carries with a Fat Grip DB

3 x 40 yd each arm

The Mash System


WEEK 8 DAY 1 Warm Up with Jerk Steps from Split

35% x 3, 40% for 2 x 3

Clean and Jerks

73% x 2, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work up (allowed 1 miss)

Power Cleans from Blocks with Bar at Knees


Front Squat with Belt

1RM with 5 sec pause (RPE 7)

Clean Pulls with 50lb of Chains

3 x 3, work up heavy (starting at 95% total weight)

DAY 2 Snatch

73% x 2, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work up (allowed 1 miss)

No Hook and No Feet Snatch


High Bar Back Squat

Step 1: 2 x 5 with 50% bar weight + 25% band tension (60 sec between sets) Step 2: Still using bands from the previous sets, work up to a heavy single, keeping it around an 8-9 RPE Step 3: Take bands off and work up to a 1RM

Seated Band Leg Curls

3 x 15

DAY 3 Snatch from Short Blocks with Bar Below Knee

70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 73% x 2, 83% x 1, 88% x 1, 75% x 2, 85% x 1, work up

Clean from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks)

70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 73% x 2, 83% x 1, 88% x 1, 75% x 2, 85% x 1, work up

Jerk From Racks (Paused 3 Sec in Catch)


Push Presses


Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

Plate Lateral Raises for 10 reps superset with Bentover Rows for 5 reps superset with Band Face Busters for 12 reps: 3 sets

DAY 4 Heaving Snatch Balance

1RM with 3 sec pause

Front Squat with Chains

7 x 2 with 60% bar weight + 20% chains (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8m/sec)

Farmers Walk

4 x 40 yd

Sled Rope Rows

4 x 30 yd

Sled Bear Crawls

4 x 30 yd

Med Ball Side to Side Abs

15 touches per side

DAY 5 Snatch Max Effort

Snatch: 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean and Jerk: 1RM

Front Squat


Muscle Snatches


DAY 6 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

Strict Presses

5RM, then -15% x 5+

Clean Grip Deadlift (Paused at Mid Shin, Using 50-100lb of Chain)

3RM (1st rep paused 1 sec)

Reverse Hypers

3 x 35-50 sec

One Arm Overhead Carries with a Fat Grip DB


The Mash System

90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1, minutes, then 75% x 5 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1, minutes, then 75% x 5


The goal for weeks five to eight is to get you strong. The volume is high in the lifts with a focus on increased technique, efficiency, and timing. We are going to peak the strength movements, like squats and pulls, during this phase. We want to maximize strength and perfect the movement of the lifts, which will allow us to focus on maximal numbers in the competition lifts during the final block. A lot of people respond well to the high volume and end up hitting personal records during this phase. This block will let you know who thrives with volume, and it’s something to make note of for later programs. This block is one that requires you to put your head down with your hood up. It’s work time, or grind time some might say. The key to this phase is listening to your body. If you are feeling beat up, you can either stick to the percentages or even cut back a bit. I definitely don’t recommend going off the script and hitting heavier percentages than what is prescribed. That is where people get into trouble. There will be plenty of chances to go heavy. I promise.

DAY 1 Day one starts with a warm up exercise meant to emphasize the positions and technique of the jerk. The movement starts in a solid split position. Then after a slight dip and drive, you will drive off the back foot, step forward, and complete the jerk. It’s a great way to prepare for performing heavy jerks. The intensity of the competition lifts is increased a great deal overall from the last block. We are still staying within the Prilepin's chart suggestions, but now we are going from low to more optimal The Mash System


within Prilepin’s suggestions. I like to always spend some time above 85% because most studies say that for the CNS to be properly stimulated in a way that will benefit future maximum attempts, time will need to be spent at or above 85%. The body perceives 85% and above slightly different than less intense sets. Power cleans from blocks are a great way to increase the rate of force development, while emphasizing a quick change of direction. I also love powers because they teach athletes to meet the bar in a strong athletic position. A lot of weightlifters fall underneath the bar, and then the descent of the barbell crushes them. The key to weightlifting is pulling under the bar, meeting the barbell, and decelerating the barbell with a strong torso in a good position. The key is knowing your way around the barbell and consciously knowing where the barbell is in space at all times. The front squat is more of a recovery squat emphasizing position, depth, and stabilization. The clean pulls are combining the Chinese method of pulls with the Westside accommodating resistance method. The Chinese like to end their training sessions with heavy pulls, only quitting when they are unable to maintain a proper position. That’s the goal here starting with 90% of your clean and jerk maximum. For example, if I can clean and jerk 400lb, I would start with 310lb of bar weight and 50lb of chains for a total of 360lb (90% of 400lb). Each set you can work up by either adding more straight weight or chains if you like.

DAY 2 Here the snatch percentages are the same as the clean and jerk percentages - and for the same reasoning. The no hook and no feet snatches are great for improving the bar path and timing of The Mash System


the snatch. With no hook grip, the bar path has to stay close to the body to maximize the center of gravity and keep the weight of the bar at a better biomechanical advantage. Not using a hook grip also will keep you or your athlete from over pulling. You will learn to only extend the hips optimally before starting the descent, which is where the real magic happens. Everyone wants to emphasize the ascent of the pull, but it’s the athletes with the best timing who make the most snatches. By timing, I mean knowing exactly when the bar is peaked, and then immediately beginning the descent. The back squat programming is the very way that I used post activation potentiation to set multiple world records. In step one we are emphasizing velocity and technique, which also excites the central nervous system. The bands help to increase overall velocity because they increase the speed of the descent. Increasing the speed of the descent increases the amount of kinetic energy causing a more explosive stretch reflex. Basically, faster down will equal a faster up. (By the way, there is a chart at the end of this book that gives you the way to calculate band weights) For step two you are going to work up to a max effort double with the bands, but you are going to stay at a 8-9 RPE. Basically, I want you to stop before you think you might miss. One great aspect of the bands is they will allow you to work up to a weight more than what you are capable of at the top - but because the bands deload at the bottom, you can still perform the lift. In step three, your body is prepared for a weight greater than you are capable of due to the bands. This Mash Method (or PAP) effect causes the body to recruit fibers for a heavier weight, making a normal max effort easier than normal. This is the very way I pushed my maxes higher and higher. You are essentially tricking the body to recruit more fibers so you can lift more weight than ever. The Mash System


Seated band leg curls or leg curls in general are something a lot of strength athletes are missing. We perform massive amounts of squats and other movements that require an enormous amount of knee extension. This can cause our patella tendons to get shortened, tight, and at risk of injury. The leg curls are the opposite movement. The knee flexion helps to bring balance to the knee joint, alleviating pain and reducing the risk of injury.

DAY 3 On day three we are using waves to take advantage of the PAP Method. The blocks are a form of the conjugate method, but the main reason we are using them in this situation is to take stress off the back. We want the back to be healthy for Max Out Friday. We are also separating the cleans and the jerks. We are using pauses to emphasize the positions of the catch position in the jerk. This is a great way to teach the body where it should be during the catch phase of the jerk. This will also help to stabilize the overhead position. The push presses are again using the max effort method along with some down sets to perfect the movement. Push presses are great for perfecting the dip and drive of the jerk. We are finishing day three with some upper body muscular balance work. Plate lateral raises are a great exercise for getting the shoulders strong and healthy without a lot of muscular damage. The Chinese can be found in the training hall of the Olympics and World Championships banging out lateral raises. They are like Westside in their emphasis of accessory movements. They are well aware lateral raises don’t cause a lot of muscular damage. Therefore they don’t require a lot of recovery time. Bentover rows are crucial The Mash System


for sport-specific strong backs. Weightlifting and powerlifting require athletes to keep the body in certain positions during the performance of lifts while keeping the bar close. Athletes are told to stay over the bar with the bar swept in close. This position will maximize the pull, but it can be hard to maintain. Bentover rows are a great way to develop that strength. Band face busters are a great exercise to strengthen the external rotators, rhomboids, middle traps, and lats. While standing, you will pull the bands towards your face with your elbows high, rotating to finish with your hands by your ears. This movement is a must for shoulder health.

DAY 4 Day four starts out with a movement to improve the overhead position of the snatch. The heaving snatch balance also emphasizes the speed underneath the bar into a receiving position. The front squats are utilizing the velocity-based method. The goal is 0.8m/s. There are a lot of tools out there that can measure velocity nowadays. If you can, I definitely recommend purchasing a tendo unit. Personally I use the Form Collar by Power Athlete to measure the velocity of my athletes. Measuring the velocity of your athletes will force them to lift with intent. If they can’t maintain the 0.8m/s, then they have to drop weight. There isn’t an athlete on earth that wants to drop down in weight. Velocity squats are great for increasing force production without causing a lot of damage to recover from. They will also excite the nervous system leaving it charged and ready for Max Out Friday. This has been one of my biggest changes in programming The Mash System


over the last year. I still believe in high frequency squats, and I prefer a higher intensity. But a constant emphasis on high frequency and high intensity leaves very little room for improving other movements. Velocity squats will still perfect efficiency and will definitely increase velocity and power. We are still using Prilepin’s Chart, so the intensity is still high enough to produce hypertrophy and strength gains. However, the chains deload in the bottom of the squat, taking heavy loads off of the joints. The rest of day four is all about improving work capacity and general physical preparedness. We are performing farmers walks, which allows us to handle heavier loads recruiting more fibers to strengthen the support muscles of the spine and pelvis. Sled rope rows are performed walking backwards. You will row the sled towards you, take a few steps backwards until the slack is out of the rope, and then repeat the row for the prescribed distance. I love the bear crawls with the sled attached to your body. Bear crawls are great for strengthening the core and improving functional movement patterns.

DAY 5 Max Out Friday once again - it’s go time! We are starting things out with some more complexes. However, the complexes use wah fewer movements to allow for heavier loads. By week seven, we are switching to a pure snatch and clean and jerk. At that point, you are just six weeks form competition time. It’s time for more specificity to prepare for competition. Once week seven rolls around, I recommend treating Fridays just like a competition. You will want to follow the same warm up and same attempts. The Mash System


We are also maxing in the front squat as we are using this block to push the strength numbers as high as possible. During the final block, the emphasis will switch to mainly just the competition lifts and accessory work. The muscle snatch is a great movement for emphasizing extension and quick arm turn over. I also like it for external rotation strength.

DAY 6 Day six is again set aside for strength. The PAP Method will be used for the squats. Remember to increase the weights in set two and three only if you can. If set one is a challenge, there is no reason to go up. We are sticking with strict presses, but lowering the rep maximum to allow for increased loads. This time we are using the clean grip deadlift with a pause at mid-shin to emphasize your position off the floor. The reverse hypers are added to strengthen the posterior chain. We use reverse hypers to increase the muscular capacity of the low back, glutes, and hamstrings. If you don’t have a reverse hyper, first I recommend getting one. If you can’t afford one, regular hyperextensions will suffice. I love the one-arm dumbbell overhead carries to encourage muscular balance and symmetry. This is also another way to increase work capacity without causing excessive muscular damage. Once week eight is over, it’s time to put an emphasis on the competition lifts. By now your strength numbers should be up, and now it’s time to turn that added strength into snatch and clean and jerk personal records.

The Mash System




70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 78% x 2, 83% x 1, 88% x 1, 90% x 1

Clean & Jerk

70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 78% x 2, 83% x 1, 88% x 1, 90% x 1

Front Squat

75% for 2 x 4, 80% for 2 x 3, 85% for 2 x 2

Clean Pulls from Blocks

105% for 3 x 3, working up each set

DAY 2 Power Snatch

65% for 3 x 3, then 3RM

No Hook Hang Clean

60% for 3 x 3, then 3RM

Jerk From Blocks


DAY 3 Snatch

65% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, max


65% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, max

High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains

7 x 3 with 60% bar weight + 15% bands or chains (6090 sec between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8m/s)

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

KB One Arm Rows for 8 each arm superset with Hang Snatch Grip High Pulls for 8 (start at 55% and progress): 4 sets

DAY 4 Warm Up with Overhead Squat Variations

Work up to 80% for 1 rep (paused 5 sec)

No Hook No Feet Snatch

3RM (RPE 7)

Plank Lat Pulls

3 x 20 sec each side

Front Squat with Belt


Sled Drags Forwards

70lb for 4 x 25 yd

Sled Drags Backwards

70lbs for 4 x 25 yd

DAY 5 Snatch Max Effort

Snatch: 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean and Jerk: 1RM

Front Squat with 50-100lb from a Weight Releaser


DAY 6 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: 93% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% x 4 Set 2: (add 5 kilos to first rep set if possible) 93% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% x 4 Set 3: (add 5 kilos to first rep set if possible) 93% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% x 4

Strict Presses

3RM, then -15% for 3+

Snatch Pulls from Blocks

105% for 3 x 3, working up each set



The Mash System




70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85 x 1, 88% x 1, work up (allowed one miss)

Clean & Jerk

70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85 x 1, 88% x 1, work up (allowed one miss)

Front Squat

75% x 4, 80% for 2 x 3, 85% x 2, 88% x 2

Clean Pulls from Blocks

105% for 3 x 3, working up each set

DAY 2 Power Snatch

68% for 3 x 3, then 3RM

No Hook Hang Clean

63% for 3 x 3, then 3RM

Jerk From Blocks


DAY 3 Snatch

70% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, work up (no misses)


70% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, work up (no misses)

High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains

6 x 3 with 65% bar weight + 10% bands or chains (6090 sec between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8m/s)

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

KB One Arm Rows for 8 each arm superset with Hang Snatch Grip High Pulls for 8 (start at 55% and progress): 4 sets

DAY 4 Warm Up with Overhead Squat Variations

Work up to 83% for 1 rep (paused 5 sec)

No Hook No Feet Snatch

3RM (RPE 8)

Plank Lat Pulls

3 x 25 sec each side

Front Squat with Belt


Sled Drags Forwards

70lb for 4 x 25 yd

Sled Drags Backwards

70lbs for 4 x 25 yd

DAY 5 Snatch Max Effort

Snatch Competition Style (3 attempts)

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean and Jerk Competition Style (3 attempts)

Front Squat with 50-100lb from a Weight Releaser


DAY 6 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: 95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 80% x 4 Set 2: (add 5 kilos to first rep set if possible) 95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 80% x 4 Set 3: (add 5 kilos to first rep set if possible) 95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 80% x 4+

Strict Presses


Snatch Pulls from Blocks

105% for 3 x 3, working up each set



The Mash System




Work up to your predicted opener for a double

Clean and Jerk

Work up to your predicted opener for 2 cleans and 1 jerk

Front Squat

75% x 4, 80% for 2 x 3, 85% for 2 x 2

Clean Pulls from Blocks


DAY 2 Power Snatch

1RM (no misses)

No Hook Hang Clean

1RM (no misses)

Jerk From Blocks


DAY 3 Snatch

88% for 4 x 1 (you must hit 4 singles), then work up (no misses)


88% for 4 x 1 (you must hit 4 singles), then work up (no misses)

High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains

6 x 3 with 60% bar weight + 10% bands or chains (6090 sec between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8m/s)

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset


DAY 4 Warm Up with Overhead Squat Variations

Work up to 85% for 1 rep (paused 3 sec)

No Hook No Feet Snatch

1RM (RPE 9)

Plank Lat Pulls

3 x 30 sec each side

Front Squat with Belt


Sled Drags Forwards

70lb for 4 x 25 yd

Sled Drags Backwards

70lbs for 4 x 25 yd

DAY 5 Snatch Max Effort

Snatch Competition Style (3 attempts)

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean and Jerk Competition Style (3 attempts)

Front Squat with 50-100lb from a Weight Releaser


DAY 6 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: 95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 85% x 3 Set 2: (add 5 kilos to first rep set if possible) 95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 85% x 3 Set 3: (add 5 kilos to first rep set if possible) 95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 85% x 3

Strict Presses


Snatch Pulls from Blocks




The Mash System




1RM (no misses)

Clean and Jerk

Work up to your opener

Front Squat

3RM (RPE 9)

Clean Pulls from Blocks


DAY 2 Power Snatch

65% for 3 x 2

Power Clean and Jerk

70% for 3 x 2

Jerk From Blocks


DAY 3 Snatch

Work up to opener


Work up to last warm up

High Bar Back Squat

5 x 2 with 60% (60-90 sec between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8m/s)

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset


DAY 4 Warm Up with Overhead Squat Variations

70% for 2 x 2

No Hook No Feet Snatch

70% for 2 x 2

Plank Lat Pulls


Front Squat with Belt

75% x 1

Sled Drags Forwards


Sled Drags Backwards


DAY 5 Active Recovery: Bar Work Only, Mobility



Clean and Jerk


The Mash System


Ok - it’s time to peak the lifts. We are still squatting often just not as heavy. The goal is to maintain the strength we have built. You may possible even get a little stronger - that's just not the emphasis. You will spend most of your time performing snatch and clean and jerk. Let’s push those maximums through the roof.

DAY 1 Day one starts out with the snatch and clean and jerk. We will be performing the lifts together on most days so you are prepared for competition day. We are starting things out with a PAP wave, and our goal is improving efficiency with some higher loads. We are keeping the front squat loads at an average of 80%, and we are keeping the total repetitions at what Prilepin determined as optimal. The clean pulls are still heavy like weeks five to eight, but they are being performed off of blocks to protect the back.

DAY 2 On day two we are using variations of the lifts for a total max effort day. Power Snatches are again great for rate of force development and speed in the third pull. No hook hang cleans are great for strengthening the grip, improving timing, and increasing the speed underneath. The first two weeks of the competition block have a one-repetition maximum in the jerk. I love using this movement for focusing totally on the jerk. It’s also a great way of increasing confidence in the movement. The Mash System


DAY 3 Now we're back to the snatch and clean. We are leaving off the jerk on this day, since we emphasized it on Tuesday. We start this block off with another wave, and then it moves into a lower volume and higher intensity phase for the last few weeks. We are using the velocity-based method on day three with the high bar back squat. We use a version of the pendulum wave except we deload on week three and reload on week four. This time we are keeping the intensity the same from week nine to week ten, but we are increasing the bar weight on week ten and decreasing the band/chain weight making it more challenging in the bottom. Still, the goal is velocity, and these squats should be easy to recover from. I still want you to focus on keeping the velocity at 0.8 m/s or faster. We are using kettlebell one arm rows to strengthen the back to support that structure required for a solid pull. The hang snatch high pulls are a great strengthener of the back, traps, and hip extension musculature. This muscular system is necessary for strong pulls. This movement is more for strengthening the pulling musculature than improving the pull. A high pull doesn’t actually happen during a real snatch.

DAY 4 Day four has overhead squats to improve position and to actively recover. The no hook no feet snatch is designed to improve timing, speed underneath, and bar path. Plank lat pulls are performed with a band directly in front of the athlete, so that a lat pull (hand ending at shoulder) can be completed. This is one of the exercises prescribed by Dr. Stu McGill. The sled drags are used to improve work capacity while actively recovering. The Mash System


DAY 5 Day five is the real Max Out Friday. We are going heavy, and we are treating Friday like a competition. I recommend taking the same warm ups and attempts as the ones that you are planning on during competition. We are also using the PAP Method to improve the maximum in the front squat with plate releasers. Plate releasers are the bomb for hitting squat personal records. I squatted my first raw 805 lb squat by lowering 905lb using plate releaser. Then at the bottom, 100 pounds kicks off and you can perform the ascent with 805lb.

DAY 6 Day six is still for strength. The goal is going heavy and maintaining strength from the previous block. We are also using the repetition method on the final set with a 4+. Definitely stop before a miss, though. We are testing out our strength in the strict press during the first two weeks and then dropping the presses to allow for more recovery as we move closer to competition. The final week is reserved for the meet taper. This is the typical way I taper people. However I take notes each competition on each of my athletes. Some prefer to go heavier, and some prefer to deload even more. The goal is perfecting the taper more and more each time. One thing that I would like to point out is that we pick our openers during week eleven on day one. We open in the snatch with something we can double. We open in the clean and jerk with something we can perform for two cleans and one jerk. This is a great way to avoid any potential bomb outs. The Mash System


This is the Mash System for Olympic weightlifting. This system has created more Team USA members than any other team in America over the last two years. I hope you guys and gals enjoy and crush all your personal records.

The Mash System


MASH SYSTEM POWERLIFTING Powerlifting is a sport I have competed in since I was 14 years old. I will always love the sport that has given me so much. This system still reflects some of the methods I used to set over ten world records. But just like my weightlifting system, my powerlifting system has evolved since then. This powerlifting program uses all the methods we discussed in section one and the same methods we are using to dominate the Olympic weightlifting world. This system works like none other.

The Mash System


WEEK 1 DAY 1 Low Bar Back Squat with Belt

5RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -15% not paused for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Deadlift (Paused 2 Sec 2 Inches off Floor and 2 Sec at Knee)

70% for 6 x 2, then work up with singles (stay under 83%)

Unilateral RDLs

3 x 8 each leg

BB Lunges

3 x 10 each leg (8 RPE)

DAY 2 Front Squat with Belt

1RM paused 5 seconds (7 RPE)

Bench Press

5RM (5 sec pause each rep), then -15% not paused for 2 x5

Closegrip Floor Presses (with 25lb of Chains)

8RM, then -10% for 2 x 8

Seated DB Power Cleans

3 x 12

BB Rows (Paused 2 Sec on Sternum)

3 x 10

Overhead Axle Carries

3 x 40 yd

DAY 3 Velocity-Based Saftey Squat Bar Squats (Box Optional)

50% Bar Weight + 25% Bands for 6 x 3 (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Squat Bottoms

8RM, then -10% for 8

Reverse Hypers

4 x 30-45sec

DAY 4 Velocity-Based Bench (Alternating Grip)

50% Bar Weight + 20% Bands for 4 x 5 (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

KB Bottom Up Z Press

3 x 10 each arm


3 x submaximal reps

Hang Muscle Snatch


DAY 5 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3, minutes, then 60% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3, minutes, then 60% x 10

Deadlift with Alternate Stance (Eccentric Slower than Concentric)

5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5

KB RDLs on Belt Squat or KB Swings with Bands around Hips

3 x 40 sec

BB Elevated Hip Thrusts


DAY 6 Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

Upper Body Muscular Imbalance Superset (30 Sec Rest between Sets)

DB Tricep Extensions x 8 superset with Band Pushdowns x 15: 6 sets

Fat Bar Curls

3 x 10

Upper Body Muscular Imbalance Superset

Rows x 10 superset with Band Pull Aparts x 10: 3 sets

The Mash System

80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3, minutes, then 60% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3, minutes, then 60% x 10


WEEK 2 DAY 1 Low Bar Back Squat with Belt

5RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -15% not paused for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Deadlift (Paused 2 Sec 2 Inches off Floor and 2 Sec at Knee)

75% for 5 x 2, then work up with singles (stay under 85%)

Unilateral RDLs

3 x 8 each leg

BB Lunges

3 x 10 each leg (8 RPE)

DAY 2 Front Squat with Belt

1RM paused 5 seconds (7 RPE)

Bench Press

5RM (3 sec pause each rep), then -15% not paused for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+ )

Closegrip Floor Presses (with 25lb of Chains)

8RM, then -10% for 2 x 8

Seated DB Power Cleans

3 x 12

BB Rows (Paused 2 Sec on Sternum)

3 x 10

Overhead Axle Carries

3 x 40 yd

DAY 3 Velocity-Based Saftey Squat Bar Squats (Box Optional)

55% Bar Weight + 25% Bands for 7 x 3 (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Squat Bottoms

8RM, then -10% for 8

Reverse Hypers

4 x 30-45 sec

DAY 4 Velocity-Based Bench (Alternating Grip)

55% Bar Weight + 20% Bands for 4 x 5 (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

KB Bottom Up Z Press

3 x 10 each arm


3 x submaximal reps

Hang Muscle Snatch


DAY 5 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3, minutes, then 63% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3, minutes, then 63% x 10

Deadlift with Alternate Stance (Eccentric Slower than Concentric)

5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5

KB RDLs on Belt Squat or KB Swings with Bands around Hips

3 x 40 sec

BB Elevated Hip Thrusts


DAY 6 Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

Upper Body Muscular Imbalance Superset (30 Sec Rest between Sets)

DB Tricep Extensions x 8 superset with Band Pushdowns x 15: 6 sets

Fat Bar Curls

3 x 10

Upper Body Muscular Imbalance Superset

Rows x 10 superset with Band Pull Aparts x 10: 3 sets

The Mash System

83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3, minutes, then 63% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3, minutes, then 63% x 10


WEEK 3 DAY 1 Low Bar Back Squat with Belt

5RM (1st rep paused 1 sec), then -15% not paused for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Deadlift (Paused 2 Sec 2 Inches off Floor and 2 Sec at Knee)

75% for 5 x 2, then work up with singles (stay under 85%)

Unilateral RDLs

3 x 8 each leg

BB Lunges

3 x 10 each leg (8 RPE)

DAY 2 Front Squat with Belt

1RM paused 5 seconds (7 RPE)

Bench Press

90 % of 5RM (3 sec pause each rep), for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+ )

Closegrip Floor Presses (with 25lb of Chains)

8RM, then -10% for 2 x 8

Seated DB Power Cleans

3 x 12

BB Rows (Paused 2 sec on Sternum)

3 x 10

Overhead Axle Carries

3 x 40 yd

DAY 3 Velocity-Based Saftey Squat Bar Squats (Box Optional)

45% Bar Weight + 25% Bands for 6 x 3 (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Squat Bottoms

8RM, then -10% for 8

Reverse Hypers

4 x 30-45 sec

DAY 4 Velocity-Based Bench (Alternating Grip)

45% Bar Weight + 20% Bands for 4 x 5 (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

KB Bottom Up Z Press

3 x 10 each arm


3 x submaximal reps

Hang Muscle Snatch


DAY 5 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10 Set 2: 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10 Set 3: 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10

Deadlift with Alternate Stance (eccentric slower than concentric)

90% of 5RM for 2 x 5

KB RDLs on Belt Squat or KB Swings with Bands around Hips

3 x 30 sec

BB Elevated Hip Thrusts


DAY 6 Bench Press

Set 1: 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10 Set 2: 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10 Set 3: 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10

Upper Body Muscular Imbalance Superset (30 Sec Rest between Sets)

DB Tricep Extensions x 8 superset with Band Pushdowns x 15: 6 sets

Fat Bar Curls

3 x 10

Upper Body Muscular Imbalance Superset

Rows x 10 superset with Band Pull Aparts x 10: 3 sets

The Mash System


WEEK 4 DAY 1 Low Bar Back Squat with Belt

5RM, then -15% x 5+

Deadlift (Paused 2 Sec 2 Inches off Floor and 2 Sec at Knee)

80% for 5 x 2, then work up with singles with no pauses (stay under 90%)

Unilateral RDLs

3 x 8 each leg

BB Lunges

3 x 10 each leg (8 RPE)

DAY 2 Front Squat with Belt

1RM paused 5 seconds (7 RPE)

Bench Press

5RM (1 sec pause each rep), then -15% x 5+

Closegrip Floor Presses (with 25lb of Chains)

5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5

Seated DB Power Cleans

3 x 12

BB Rows (Paused 2 Sec on Sternum)

3 x 10

Overhead Axle Carries

3 x 40 yd

DAY 3 Velocity-Based Saftey Squat Bar Squats (Box Optional)

60% Bar Weight + 25% Bands for 7 x 2 (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Squat Bottoms

8RM, then -10% for 8

Reverse Hypers

4 x 35-50 sec

DAY 4 Velocity-Based Bench (Alternating Grip)

60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands for 6 x 3 (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

KB Bottom Up Z Press

3 x 10 each arm


3 x submaximal reps

Hang Muscle Snatch


DAY 5 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3, minutes, then 65% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3, minutes, then 65% x 10

Deadlift with Alternate Stance (Eccentric Slower than Concentric)

3RM, then -15% for 3 x 5

KB RDLs on Belt Squat or KB Swings with Bands around Hips

3 x 40 sec

BB Elevated Hip Thrusts


DAY 6 Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

Upperbody Muscular Imbalance Superset (30 Sec Rest between Sets)

DB Tricep Extensions x 8 superset with Band Pushdowns x 15: 6 sets

Fat Bar Curls

3 x 10

Upperbody Muscular Imbalance Superset

Rows x 10 superset with Band Pull Aparts x 10: 3 sets

The Mash System

85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3, minutes, then 65% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3, minutes, then 65% x 10


In this four-week block we are emphasizing hypertrophy. Of course we are using undulating periodization, so we will still spend some time going heavy and getting strong – but hypertrophy is the focus. The easiest way to get stronger is by adding muscle. In this block you are going to get jacked. Then you’ll be setup to get stronger than ever later in the program. I would encourage you to read through the explanations of the weightlifting program as a lot of the reasoning behind this program was outlined there.

DAY 1 Even though we are focusing on hypertrophy in this first block, we use Mondays to work on strength. This is an example of how we apply undulating periodization. In the back squat we are utilizing the conjugate method by adding in the pause on the first repetition, and the five-rep maximum uses the maximum effort method. I will repeat this here because it’s important: I recommend stopping before failure, so maybe look at this as a 9 RPE. In the deadlift we are using isometric contractions and Prilepin’s chart to ensure a solid response. Half the battle in the deadlift is maintaining positions throughout the pull. You will notice you are working up with singles but keeping the weight under 85% of your one-repetition maximum. I would suggest looking at the velocity and trying to keep the velocity at 0.8 m/s or faster. We finish day one with unilateral work to keep the hips healthy. Personally I love unilateral RDLs for stabilizing the hips, encouraging hip movement, and strengthening the hip extensors. Unilateral work The Mash System


also helps to avoid asymmetrical issues that can quickly lead to major injuries.

DAY 2 Day two is every male’s favorite day. Bench Day, baby! We start the day off with a simple recovery squat and then move into some pec-increasing bench press. We are using the same max effort strategy as in the day one squat. The main accessory work is closegrip floor presses with chains. I love using specificity with accessory movements as much as possible. Pushdowns and DB triceps extensions are great for building hypertrophy in the triceps. But movements like closegrip floor presses are more specific to the bench press. Therefore, they yield results that add kilos to your personal records. The other accessory movements have already been talked about, except the DB power cleans. This movement is more about external rotation than anything else. The key is bringing the elbows high, forming a 90-degree angle with the torso and humerus, and then rotating with external rotation to lift the dumbbell up.

DAY 3 In day three we are going to have fun with the safety squat bar. I love using the specialty bars especially this far out from competition. The safety squat bar is great for strengthening the posterior chain and teaching an athlete to remain more vertical during a squat. The velocity squats are still following the guidelines set forth by Prilepin’s chart. I am using my version of the pendulum wave. The only difference is I add a deload week on week three The Mash System


before ending with a heavier week on week four. Of course all sets should be performed in the 0.8m/s range. If you are able to stay at that range or faster, I am fine with increasing the weights slightly on the last one or two sets as long as you keep the speed close to that 0.8m/s guideline. For powerlifters, I use squat bottoms as a staple for most of my programs. Squat bottoms start out like a normal squat. You will walk out and set up just like normal. You will then squat down below parallel just like normal, but then you will only come up to a few inches above parallel and then back down. The goal is to perform all reps at that dreaded bottom position until you fall in love with it. When a powerlifter gets comfortable in the bottom, anything is possible. I used squat bottoms to push my raw squat past 700 pounds early in my career. We are finishing with reverse hypers to strengthen the low back, glutes, and hamstrings. Reverse hypers are just amazing for improving the capacity of the low back and hip area.

DAY 4 On this day, we are again working on velocity. You will also be switching grips each set to develop strength and speed through multiple ranges of motion and biomechanical positions. I love the kettlebell bottom up z press. This movement is great for emphasizing optimal posture and ranges of motion within the shoulder joint. You will sit with your legs straight out in front of the body with the torso completely erect to perform this movement. With the pull-ups I am prescribing submaximal sets. This means you will stop a rep or two before reaching failure. We already talked The Mash System


about the muscle building qualities of the hang muscle snatch. Basically, this is another way of emphasizing external rotation. External rotation is very important for a powerlifter. I used to hear that powerlifters should have as much volume in the row as they do in the press. I recommend performing as much external rotation as you do internal rotation. Since bench pressing is a form of internal rotation, you will need to include as much external rotation as possible to maintain muscular balance.

DAY 5 The PAP method used with the squat is the same one I already explained in the weightlifting program. So you can look back if you need explanation. The deadlift here is a challenging way of strengthening the pull. I love focusing on the alternate stance this far from competition. So if you normally pull conventional, you will go sumo in this exercise. Lowering the bar slower in the eccentric portion will definitely help to strengthen the musculature involved during the pull. Most deadlifts are all concentric, so it makes it really hard to get strong. I love using the belt squat machine to emphasize hip extension. Hip extension is a big part of the deadlift and the back squat. I like using the belt squat and some kettlebells to improve the capacity of my pull and hip extension. If you don’t have access to a belt squat machine, I suggest hooking a green or purple band around your waist with the other end around a bolted down rack at hip height also. This will also improve hip extension. I use elevated hip thrusts (learned from Bret Contreras) to further encourage hip extension. I use hip thrusts in all of my The Mash System


programs for all of my athletes. I personally use hip thrusts in my own programming. You will also notice the hips moving better and feeling better. At least I do.

DAY 6 Once again we are using the PAP waves to elicit a better hypertrophy result. I want to state again that I like mixing the low rep ranges with the high rep ranges - especially for hard gainers. I have coached several people who have trouble getting stronger, but they can perform close to their maximum for high repetitions. In my experience, using the waves transfers better to absolute strength increases. Hard gainers need to prepare their bodies neurologically for heavier weight throughout an entire program. After bench press, I have you move into some bodybuilding let’s call it sport specific pumping. Triceps volume is another lesson I learned from Charles Poliquin that led to increases in my bench press. I like to focus on more specific triceps movements like closegrip bench on the other days, saving one day per week to push volume in the non-specific triceps movements. I like to pair dumbbell triceps extension with a simple pushdown. This superset is great for hypertrophy. The DB triceps extension will cause muscle damage while the pushdowns will maximize metabolic stress. Together those two movements will cause some major triceps gains, leading to some major bench gains. Dan John clued me in on using axle bar curls to counter the elbow pain that normally accompanies lots of bench pressing. It works. I am not sure why it works, but I am guessing all the extension from benching needs to be countered with some flexion from curling much like at the knee joint. The Mash System


You will finish the day with rowing and band pull aparts. I prescribe 3 sets of 10 repetitions for each. Rows are crucial for all strength athletes, as you will never see a strong athlete with a weak back. The pull aparts are great for targeting the smaller rhomboids that play a major role in scapula stabilization. You will see rows prescribed on all of my programs due to their universal importance for strength.

The Mash System


WEEK 5 DAY 1 Back Squat

Step 1: 3 x 5 with 50% bar weight + 25% band tension (60-90 sec between sets) Step 2: Still using bands from the previous sets, work up to a heavy double, keeping it around an 8-9 RPE Step 3: Take bands off and work up to a 2RM with an 8-9 RPE

Deadlift Paused at Knee

3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec)



BB Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats

3 x 8 each leg (8 RPE)

DAY 2 Front Squat with Belt

1RM paused 7 seconds (7 RPE)

Bench Press

75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1

Max Effort Sling Shot Bench Press


Bench Press (No Sling Shot, Competition Grip)

88% x 3, 90% for AMRAP

Closegrip Floor Presses with 50lb of Chains

5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Rope Face Pulls (Hand to Ears)

3 x 12

BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum


DB Fat Grip Overhead Walks

3 x 20yd forwards and backwards

DAY 3 Velocity-Based Buffalo Bar Squats (Box Optional)

6 x 3 with 50% Bar Weight + 25% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Squat Bottoms

5RM (start with 60% of squat), then -10% for 5

Dynamic Deadlift

75% for 6 x 3 (60-90 sec rest)

Reverse Hypers

4 x 35-50 sec

DAY 4 Velocity-Based Bench (Alternating Grip)

5 x 3 with 45% Bar Weight + 30% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Plate Lateral Raises

3 x 10


3 x submaximal reps

Standing Band Rows

3 x 15

DAY 5 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

85% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2, minutes, then 70% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2, minutes, then 70% x 6

Max Effort Deadlift

Deadlift from 6 Inch Blocks: 5RM, then -10% for 5

KB RDLs on Belt Squat or KB Swings with Bands around Hips

3 x 45 sec

Farmers Walk

4 x 30 yd

Plank with Lat Pull

3 x 30 sec each side

DAY 6 Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

Tricep Superset

Nosebreakers x 8 superset with Overhead Extensions x 15: 6 sets (30 sec between sets)

DB Hammer Curls

3 x 10

Pulling Superset

Rows x 10 superset with DB Rear Delt Flies x 10: 3 sets

The Mash System

85% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2, minutes, then 70% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2, minutes, then 70% x 6


WEEK 6 DAY 1 Back Squat

Step 1: 3 x 5 with 55% bar weight + 25% band tension (60-90 sec between sets) Step 2: Still using bands from the previous sets, work up to a heavy double, keeping it around an 8-9 RPE Step 3: Take bands off and work up to a 2RM

Deadlift Paused at Knee

3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec)



BB Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats

3 x 8 each leg (8 RPE)

DAY 2 Front Squat with Belt

1RM paused 7 seconds (7 RPE)

Bench Press

75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1

Max Effort Sling Shot Bench Press


Bench Press (No Sling Shot, Competition Grip)

90% x 1, 93% for AMRAP

Closegrip Floor Presses with 50lb of Chains

5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Rope Face Pulls (Hand to Ears)

3 x 12

BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum


DB Fat Grip Overhead Walks

3 x 20yd forwards and backwards

DAY 3 Velocity-Based Buffalo Bar Squats (Box Optional)

7 x 3 with 55% Bar Weight + 25% Bands (60-90sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Squat Bottoms

5RM, then -10% for 5

Dynamic Deadlift

80% for 6 x 3 (60-90 sec rest), then work up (stay under 90%)

Reverse Hypers

4 x 35-50sec

DAY 4 Velocity-Based Bench (Alternating Grip)

5 x 3 with 50% Bar Weight + 30% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Plate Lateral Raises

3 x 10


3 x submaximal reps

Standing Band Rows

3 x 15

DAY 5 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 73% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 73% x 6+

Max Effort Deadlift

Deadlift from 4 Inch Blocks: 5RM, then -10% for 5

KB RDLs on Belt Squat or KB Swings with Bands around Hips

3 x 45 sec

Farmers Walk

4 x 30 yd

Plank with Lat Pull

3 x 30 sec each side

DAY 6 Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

Tricep Superset

Nosebreakers x 8 superset with Overhead Extensions x 15: 6 sets (30 sec between sets)

DB Hammer Curls

3 x 10

Pulling Superset

Rows x 10 superset with DB Rear Delt Flies x 10: 3 sets

The Mash System

88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 73% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 73% x 6+


WEEK 7 DAY 1 Back Squat

Step 1: 3 x 3 with 60% bar weight + 25% band tension (60-90 sec between sets) Step 2: Still using bands from the previous sets, work up to a heavy double, keeping it around an 8-9 RPE Step 3: Take bands off and work up to a 1RM with an 8-9 RPE

Deadlift Paused at Knee

90% of 3RM x 3



BB Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats

4 x 5 each leg (8 RPE)

DAY 2 Front Squat with Belt

1RM paused 7 seconds (7 RPE)

Bench Press

75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1

Max Effort Sling Shot Bench Press

90% of 3RM x 3

Bench Press (No Sling Shot, Competition Grip)

85% for AMRAP

Closegrip Floor Presses with 50lb of chains

5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Rope Face Pulls (hand to ears)

3 x 12

BB Rows Paused 2 sec on sternum


DB Fat Grip Overhead Walks

3 x 20yd forwards and backwards

DAY 3 Velocity-Based Buffalo Bar Squats (Box Optional)

6 x 3 with 45% Bar Weight + 25% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Squat Bottoms

5RM, then -10% for 5

Dynamic Deadlift

70% for 5 x 3 (60-90 sec rest)

Reverse Hypers

4 x 35-50 sec

DAY 4 Velocity-Based Bench (Alternating Grip)

5 x 3 with 40% Bar Weight + 30% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Plate Lateral Raises

3 x 10


3 x submaximal reps

Standing Band Rows

3 x 15

DAY 5 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5 Set 2: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5 Set 3: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5

Max Effort Deadlift

Deadlift from 6 Inch Blocks: 3RM, then -10% for 3

KB RDLs on Belt Squat or KB Swings with Bands around Hips

3 x 30 sec

Farmers Walk

4 x 30 yd

Plank with Lat Pull

3 x 40 sec each side

DAY 6 Bench Press

Set 1: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5 Set 2: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5 Set 3: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5

Tricep Superset

Nosebreakers x 8 superset with Overhead Extensions x 15: 6 sets (30 sec between sets)

DB Hammer Curls

3 x 10

Pulling Superset

Rows x 10 superset with DB Rear Delt Flies x 10: 3 sets

The Mash System


WEEK 8 DAY 1 Back Squat

Step 1: 2 x 5 with 50% bar weight + 25% band tension (60-90 sec between sets) Step 2: Still using bands from the previous sets, work up to a heavy single, keeping it around an 8-9 RPE Step 3: Take bands off and work up to a 1RM





BB Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats

4 x 5 each leg (8 RPE)

DAY 2 Front Squat with Belt

1RM paused 7 seconds (7 RPE)

Bench Press

75% x 3, 80% x 3, 85% x 1, 90% x 1

Max Effort Sling Shot Bench Press


Bench Press (No Sling Shot, Competition Grip)

93% x 1, 98% x 1, then 1RM

Closegrip Floor Presses with 50lb of Chains

5RM, then -15% x 5+

Rope Face Pulls (hand to ears)

3 x 12

BB Rows Paused 2 sec on sternum


DB Fat Grip Overhead Walks

3 x 20yd forwards and backwards

DAY 3 Velocity-Based Buffalo Bar Squats (Box Optional)

7 x 2 with 60% Bar Weight + 25% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Squat Bottoms


Dynamic Deadlift

85% for 7 x 2 (60-90 sec rest), work up with singles (stay under 93%)

Reverse Hypers

4 x 40-50 sec

DAY 4 Velocity-Based Bench (Alternating Grip)

6 x 2 with 55% Bar Weight + 30% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Plate Lateral Raises

3 x 10


3 x submaximal reps

Standing Band Rows

3 x 15

DAY 5 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

Max Effort Deadlift

Deadlift from 4 Inch Blocks: 1RM

KB RDLs on Belt Squat or KB Swings with Bands around Hips

3 x 50 sec

Farmers Walk

4 x 30 yd

Plank with Lat Pull

3 x 40 sec each side

90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1, minutes, then 75% x 5 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1, minutes, then 75% x 5

DAY 6 Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

Tricep Superset

Nosebreakers x 8 superset with Overhead Extensions x 15: 6 sets (30 sec between sets)

DB Hammer Curls

3 x 10

Pulling Superset

Rows x 10 superset with DB Rear Delt Flies x 10: 3 sets

The Mash System

90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1, minutes, then 75% x 5 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1, minutes, then 75% x 5


Most of the strength gains happen during the strength block hence the name. The average load will increase during this block to well over 80% with plenty of time spent above 90% for maximal gains. The goal is to put in the work during this block to maximize the one-repetition maxes of the final block. If you want to finish this program with some personal records, you will need to focus on this four-week block. The strength block was always my favorite. I come from a bluecollar family, so I naturally loved the hard work.

DAY 1 The back squat programming here is how I pushed my maxes higher and higher as a powerlifter. I’ve explained this and many other elements in previous sections. If you want to learn the reasoning behind my programming, I would encourage you to read all the program explanations. But if you just want to smash weight and get strong, go at it. The deadlift on this day is being performed using the max effort method with a simple three-rep maximum. You will also pause the first rep at the knee during the first three weeks ending with a pure three-rep max on week eight. Let me point this out right now: Here’s the strategy for taking a repetition maximum. If my three-rep max on deadlift is 500lb for 3, I would start with 93% of that for 3 (465lb x 3). Then I would attempt 100% + 5-10lb x 3 (510lb x 3). If that were entirely too easy, I might attempt one more set adding another 10-20lb (530lb x 3). The Mash System


GHDs or what some call GHRs (glute ham raises) are great for hamstring, glute, and low back development. This is the only exercise where the hamstrings are strengthened as they cross the hip and the knee. Obviously where the hamstrings cross the hips is more important for strength, but where they cross the knee is important for overall knee health. The rear leg elevated split squats are great for hypertrophy without loading the joints, and they are great for overall muscular balance. I love sneaking in unilateral work to prevent any major asymmetries. If you read Dr. Stu McGill, you will know asymmetries are responsible for more injuries than any particular weakness.

DAY 2 Day two starts out with my typical recovery squat. I like to throw in some front squats for powerlifters to maintain their anterior/ posterior balance. Recovery squats aren’t just for recovery. I use the higher frequency squats to get my athletes more efficient at the squat. The squat is one exercise that responds very well to higher frequency. The key is to not crush the joints with similar movements and high loads all the time. That’s another reason why I switch to front squats, and that’s why I use the long pause and the low RPE. You have probably noticed I don’t stick to the pure form of Westside Barbell’s max effort method. When I am performing a max effort day on bench press using boards, bands, or a sling shot like in this program, I always start out warming up to the chest with straight weight. The Mash System


Then I move onto Mark Bell’s Sling Shot. Personally I like the Sling Shot a little better than boards because it allows for a full range of motion and the specificity transfers better to raw bench press. After warming up without the Sling Shot, you will put on your Sling Shot and work up to the prescribed repetition maximum. If you don’t have a Sling Shot, I recommend getting one. If you can’t afford one, then you can use a two-board or three-board press instead. I end with prescribing a few sets to the chest. This is where I differ from Westside. If they are doing board presses or any other max effort exercise, they end with that movement. I like to bring things back to specificity with full range of motion movements. This is also a great way to use the PAP method. I set more than one personal record using this method. This will allow you to set absolute strength maximums, and it will elicit some major hypertrophy from repetitions with higher than normal weight. You can’t beat mechanical loading when it comes to hypertrophy. We are sticking with the closegrip floor presses as the number one accessory movement. You will work up to a five-rep maximum, and then you will perform drop sets ending with a 5+ set. You should notice a pump for days that will translate into a bigger bench due to the specificity of the movement. We’ve already talked about the benefits of the face pulls. You can perform these on a cable machine with the rope attachment, or you can use bands. Remember the elbows come straight back, the humerus externally rotates, and your hands end up by your ears. You will then perform barbell rows with a two-second pause on or near the sternum. I see too many people cheating the barbell row, and sometimes I wonder if the back muscles are engaging at all. Most of the time it turns into a bentover clean pull, which is good for the hips… not so much for the back. The Mash System


DAY 3 Now we are switching to the buffalo bar for squats. If you don’t have one, just stick to a straight bar. You can always rotate between high bar, low bar, and front squat. This uses the velocity-based method, so I want you to lift with the intent of creating speed throughout the entire movement. If you don’t have bands, you can use chains instead. I just like bands because they create even more velocity. If you don’t have either, you can add the percentages between straight weight and band tension and just use straight weight. We move right into the squat bottoms to continue developing that bottom position. Next is dynamic effort deadlifts where the name of the game is speed. We finish off with more reverse hypers. If you focus on reverse hypers, they will allow you to perform heavier squats and deadlifts than you ever have before. Reverse hypers increase the capacity of the hip region, which is everything in long term strength gains.

DAY 4 We are focusing on velocity-based bench press on this day. You will notice the overall percentages of the pendulum wave are 5% higher, but this time the band percentage is 10% higher creating an emphasis on speed strength. The increased band percentage will increase the eccentric speed, creating a more powerful stretch reflex and overall faster concentric contraction. Simply put, overall speed should be faster. You will also get the deload of the bands, creating a lighter load on the chest than you had in weeks one to four. This should The Mash System


also allow for more speed to be generated at an even faster rate. However, at the top you will finish with more weight than in week one. This method allows us to increase loads without decreasing velocity. On the contrary, we actually increase the velocity with higher loads. I love the velocity-based work because it also allows us to work on a component of strength that doesn’t leave the body destroyed like maximum effort work. We can maintain a higher frequency without overtraining. We are finishing the day with some accessory work to keep the joints strong and stable. The only movement that will create a lot of muscle damage is the pull-up. Plate lateral raises will keep the shoulders strong, which is very important for longevity in powerlifting. Standing band rows are great for hypertrophy and recovery because they deload during the eccentric contraction.

DAY 5 Day five starts with PAP method back squats. This is the Mash Method, baby – so it’s the method which bonds all of the programs in the Mash System. We then move into deadlifts from a six inch block. Some people choose not to deadlift after squatting, but my thought has always been you will have to deadlift after squatting in competition. Look, I understand these squats are high volume, so they leave you a little tired. But training like this will leave you feeling like superman during the competition. When everyone else wants to quit and go home during the deadlift, you will be ready for personal records. We are keeping the kettlebell RDLs on the belt squat as a staple exercise for improving hip extension and for strengthening the The Mash System


capacity of the hips and low back. Following that, farmers walks and plank lat pulls will continue strengthening the musculature surrounding the spine and pelvis. Dr. Stu McGill would consider the accessory work on this day as tremendous core stability work. You might notice there isn’t any sit-ups or crunches. Well, that’s a topic for another day, or you can read about it in our ebook, No Weaknesses.

DAY 6 Day six finishes out the week with PAP bench presses. We are going heavy and hard. A lot of people set personal records with these waves. One trait it will expose is the amount of strength endurance one has. Over time the PAP Method will build your strength endurance, allowing you to work longer in those higher percentages. That leads to more gains. The accessory work is more bodybuilding fun. We are continuing with the triceps volume, pairing nosebreakers with overhead band or cable triceps extensions. The nosebreakers are also referred to as skull crushers. You use a basic curl bar to perform a lying triceps extension, bringing the bar to somewhere between the nose and forehead. I recommend not breaking a nose or crushing a skull. You will finish the day with hammer curls, rows, and rear delts. If you have questions about these basic movements, you can google any of them. These are movements that have been around for about a century now. Once you complete week eight, your strength block is compete, and now it’s time to lift the biggest weights of the program. The The Mash System


strength block is where the work is done. The competition/absolute strength block is where the fun happens. It’s time to tighten up the belt, find some courage, and slap some weight on the bar.

The Mash System


WEEK 9 DAY 1 Back Squat with Belt (Use 50-100lb of Weight Releasers If Possible)

90% for 2 x 1, 93% for 2 x 1, work up if feeling good, then 75% for 2 x 3 (2 sec paused speed squats)

Deadlift Competition Stance

80% x 3, 85% x 3, 90% for 2 x 1, 93% for 2 x 1, work up if feeling good

Wide Goodmornings




BW Lunges


DAY 2 Front Squat with Belt

1RM paused 10 seconds (7 RPE)

Bench Press

75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1

Max Effort Sling Shot Bench Press


Bench Press (No Sling Shot, Competition Grip)

85% x 3, 90% for AMRAP

Closegrip Floor Presses with 75lb of Chains

3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)

Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec Pause at Top)

3 x 10

KB Staggered Carries

3 x 40yd each way

DAY 3 Velocity-Based High Bar Back Squats (Box Optional)

6 x 3 with 50% Bar Weight + 25% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Back Squat Bottoms


Sled Drags Forwards

2 x 60 seconds

Sled Drags Backwards

2 x 60 seconds

DAY 4 Velocity-Based Bench (Alternating Grip)

6 x 3 with 50% Bar Weight + 25% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Plate Front Raises

3 x 10

T-Bar Rows or Horizontal Bodyweight Rows with Feet Elevated

3 x 10

Lying DB External Rotation

3 x 10 each arm

DAY 5 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

93% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible)

93% x 1,

(add 5 kilos to each weight if possible)

93% x 1,

minutes, then 78% x 4

minutes, then 78% x 4+

Max Effort Deadlift

Reverse Band Deadlift (Green or Purple Bands): 3RM

Reverse Hypers

3 x 40-55 sec

BB Hip Thrusts with Band Around Knees

3 x 10

Side Planks with Rows

3 x 20 sec each side

DAY 6 Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

93% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible)

93% x 1,

(add 5 kilos to each weight if possible)

93% x 1,

minutes, then 78% x 4

minutes, then 78% x 4+

Band Pushdowns

3 x 20 reps

Preacher Curls

3 x 10

Seated Rows

3 x 10

The Mash System


WEEK 10 DAY 1 Back Squat with Belt (Use 50-100lb of Weight Releasers If Possible)

93% for 2 x 1, 95% for 2 x 1, work up if feeling good, then 78% for 2 x 3 (2 sec paused speed squats)

Deadlift Competition Stance

85% x 2, 90% x 2, 93% x2, 95% x 1, work up if feeling good

Wide Goodmornings




BW Lunges


DAY 2 Front Squat with Belt

1RM paused 7 seconds (7 RPE)

Bench Press

75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1, 88% x 1

Max Effort Sling Shot Bench Press


Bench Press (No Sling Shot, Competition Grip)

90% x 1, 93% for AMRAP

Closegrip Floor Presses with 75lb of Chains

3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)

Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 sec Pause at Top)

3 x 10

KB Staggered Carries

3 x 40yd each way

DAY 3 Velocity-Based High Bar Back Squats (Box Optional)

7 x 3 with 55% Bar Weight + 25% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Back Squat Bottoms


Sled Drags Forwards

2 x 60 seconds

Sled Drags Backwards

2 x 60 seconds

DAY 4 Velocity-Based Bench (Alternating Grip)

7 x 3 with 55% Bar Weight + 25% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Plate Front Raises

3 x 10

T-Bar Rows or Horizontal Bodyweight Rows with Feet Elevated

3 x 10

Lying DB External Rotation

3 x 10 each arm

DAY 5 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 80% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible)

95% x 1,

(add 5 kilos to each weight if possible)

95% x 1,

minutes, then 80% x 4

minutes, then 80% x 4+

Max Effort Deadlift

Reverse Band Deadlift (Green or Purple Bands): 1RM

Reverse Hypers

3 x 40-55 sec

BB Hip Thrusts with Band Around Knees

3 x 10

Side Planks with Rows

3 x 25 sec each side

DAY 6 Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 80% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible)

95% x 1,

(add 5 kilos to each weight if possible)

95% x 1,

minutes, then 80% x 4

minutes, then 80% x 4+

Band Pushdowns

3 x 10 reps

Preacher Curls


Seated Rows

3 x 10

The Mash System


WEEK 11 DAY 1 Back Squat with Belt (Use 50-100lb of Weight Releasers If Possible)

93% for 2 x 1, 95% x 1, work up if feeling good, then 78% x 3 (2 sec paused speed squats)

Deadlift Competition Stance

90% x 2, 93% x 1, work up if feeling good

Wide Goodmornings




BW Lunges


DAY 2 Front Squat with Belt

1RM paused 7 seconds (7 RPE)

Bench Press

75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1, 90% x 1

Max Effort Sling Shot Bench Press


Bench Press (No Sling Shot, Competition Grip)

93% x 2, 95% x 1, then 85% for AMRAP

Closegrip Floor Presses with 75lb of Chains

3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)

Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec Pause at Top)

3 x 10

KB Staggered Carries

3 x 40yd each way

DAY 3 Velocity-Based High Bar Back Squats (Box Optional)

6 x 2 with 60% Bar Weight + 25% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Back Squat Bottoms


Sled Drags Forwards

2 x 60 seconds

Sled Drags Backwards

2 x 60 seconds

DAY 4 Velocity-Based Bench (Alternating Grip)

6 x 2 with 60% Bar Weight + 25% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Plate Front Raises

3 x 10

T-Bar Rows or Horizontal Bodyweight Rows with Feet Elevated

3 x 10

Lying DB External Rotation

3 x 10 each arm

DAY 5 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 85% x 3 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible)

95% x 1,

(add 5 kilos to each weight if possible)

95% x 1,

minutes, then 85% x 3 minutes, then 85% x 3

Max Effort Deadlift

Deadlift from 2 Inch Deficits: 1RM

Reverse Hypers

3 x 30-45 sec

BB Hip Thrusts with Band Around Knees

3 x 10

Side Planks with Rows

3 x 25 sec each side

DAY 6 Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 85% x 3 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible)

95% x 1,

(add 5 kilos to each weight if possible)

95% x 1,

minutes, then 85% x 3 minutes, then 85% x 3

Band Pushdowns

3 x 10 reps

Preacher Curls


Seated Rows

3 x 10

The Mash System


WEEK 12 DAY 1 Back Squat with Belt

Work up to opener for 2 x 1

Deadlift (Competition Stance)

Work up to opener

Wide Goodmornings




BW Lunges


DAY 2 Front Squat with Belt


Bench to Chest


Max Effort Bench Press Sling Shot


Bench Press no Sling Shot Competition Grip

Work up to opener

Closegrip Floor Presses with 75lb of chains


Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 sec pause at top)


KB Staggered Carries


DAY 3 High Bar Squats Box Optional

5 x 3 with straight weight (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Back Squat Bottoms


Sled Drags Forwards

1 x 60 seconds

Sled Drags Backwards

1 x 60 seconds

DAY 4 Velocity Based Bench (alt. Grip)

5 x 3 with straight weight (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Plate Front Raises


T-Bar Rows or Horizontal Bodyweight Rows Feet Elevated

3 x 10

Lying DB External Rotation

3 x 10 each arm

DAY 5 Active Recovery: Bar Work Only, Mobility



Bench Press




The Mash System


These four weeks are designed to peak you for competition. If you don’t want to compete, that’s cool. Either way this block will prepare you to hit your maximum lifts. For true champions this block will be the one you’ve been waiting on. Most strength athletes compete because they want to show the world they are strong. This is your time to show everyone what you’ve been working for. During this block, I want you to focus on warm ups and attempts. You will perform each heavy day as if you were competing. If you are competing, you will want to find out the rules of the federation you plan on competing in. I recommend practicing those rules and commands in practice. For example, I used to pause each and every bench press I performed. I actually got better at pausing than touch and go benching. Even at national meets, I witness so many rookie mistakes - like not holding the pause on a bench, taking a step at the top of a squat, and not holding the deadlift at lockout. If you can’t get these basics right, it doesn’t matter how strong my program gets you because you will still receive red lights. “Practice like you play” is a saying I have lived by my entire life, and it’s a big reason I broke so many records. Whether you have great genetics or not, you can help your total by practicing like you play.

DAY 1 Day one begins with my favorite form of post-activation potentiation: You will be using weight releasers with the back squat. The percentages are referring only to the weight added to the bar. You will then add the 50-100lb on top of that. Most of this block will be spent at 90% or above to prepare you for those maximum The Mash System


attempts. If you don’t have weight releasers, you can either buy some at EliteFTS or simply use straight weight. Weight releasers are a great way of overloading the body and preparing the CNS for heavy loads. I hit my first 805lb raw back squat using 805lb straight weight plus 100lb of weight releasers. In my experience it’s the best way to take advantage of maximum post activation potentiation. PAP is the highest the second a movement is completed, but with most exercises fatigue has to be accounted for. With a one-repetition movement like this, there isn’t a lot of fatigue to account for. Therefore you get all the PAP without the fatigue. Some people argue that you can’t use weight releasers in competition, and I understand. But once I crossed a threshold using PAP, I was able to duplicate that effort without using PAP. Now I don’t know if there is enough research on this method to support my claim scientifically, but I have thirty years of training as my research. I am assuming that once the CNS has experienced a certain load throughout a particular range of motion it has the movement locked in. With the weight releasers, I recommend using 50lb added weight if you maximum is below 500lb and 100lb if it’s above 500lb. The deadlifts are using Prilepin’s Chart to perform optimal loads as we prepare for maximum lifts. 93% is the magic number I use for most openers. Once again, you should attack these lifts as if it were competition day. You will want to use the same warm up attempts as competition day, so you start to make it one big automatic response. You want to go into autopilot during a competition. The Mash System


We are continuing to attack the posterior chain during the first two weeks of the competition block, and then we’ll back off somewhat during week eleven as we drop the lunges and goodmornings. We never fully drop accessory movements. If accessory work has helped you to get strong, why would you drop it when you need to be the strongest? I learned that from Louie Simmons and the Chinese.

DAY 2 Day two Starts out with a recovery front squat. You will need the recovery work more than ever during this block. After the front squat, you move right into more max effort method benching. Remember the warm up benches to the chest are setting you up for later in the workout, so take them seriously. We are using the Sling Shot to overload the bench, and we are sticking with one-rep maximums. If you don’t have a Sling Shot, you can use a two-board instead. However, I love Mark Bell’s Sling Shot because it allows an overload with a full range of motion. I don’t want you to miss with the Sling Shot on. Work up to something heavy and stop before you think you might miss. The whole purpose is to elicit a PAP effect on the benches without the Sling Shot. You will notice we are again spending most of our time above 90% with a special emphasis at the magic 93% that will be around your opener. The closegrip floor presses stay the staple of the accessory movements for bench press. I love the specificity of this accessory movement, and I have always loved the transfer into a bigger bench press. We are using Dan John’s kettlebell bat wing rows to keep the scapula stable and strong to prevent shoulder injuries. Not every movement needs to lead directly to bigger lifts. But if they don’t lead The Mash System


to heavier lifts, they need to either keep the musculature balanced and healthy, or increase work capacity to allow for future increases to volume.

DAY 3 Here we have velocity-based method squats. This time we are using a competition bar with the same pendulum wave. This is an example of specificity. I love the specialty bar for developing special strengths, but during the competition block the entire focus becomes specificity for the meet. We are continuing the max effort method for the squat bottoms for the first couple of weeks, and then we are dropping them to allow for full recovery. We are continuing to drag sleds for the recovery element. The box for these is optional. I didn’t use the box, but some people use them well. I will leave that up to you. If your deadlift is struggling, I would recommend the box because it seems to transfer well to the squat and deadlift.

DAY 4 Day four is velocity-based bench press day. The percentages for the pendulum wave are the same as in the first four weeks except we are deloading on the final week as we taper for competition/ max out day. We are finishing this day with plate front raises for more shoulder health. I love t-bar rows for back strength. If you don’t have access to a t-bar, you can also do horizontal bodyweight rows - or really any row. The Mash System


As powerlifters protecting your shoulders is a must. One of the most common injuries is the rotator cuff tear. A lot of powerlifters become so internally rotated that the external rotators become lengthened and weak. I prescribe a lot of external rotation movements to counter this effect. Lying DB external rotations are a great way to keep your external rotators strong and healthy.

DAY 5 Day five begins the heavy PAP method for back squats. This time we are only trying to increase the heavy one-repetition sets leaving the four-rep sets the same with an AMRAP on weeks nine and ten for the final set of the four-rep sets. The goal is to maintain the hypertrophy gained in the prior weeks, and hopefully continue adding some hypertrophy during this phase. The max effort deadlift is moving to a full range of motion in week nine and ten with reverse band deadlifts. The goal is to set them up where the bands completely deload at the tip-top of extension. Week eleven moves to a regular straight weight deadlift from a slight two-inch deficit. I would like to see you work up to at least your opener from this position. For Reverse Band Deadlift I recommend using a Green Band for Deadlifts above 500lb and a Purple Band for Deadlifts below 500lb. However if you only have one or the other, you could use either. The accessory movements are joint sparing movements starting with the reverse hyper. Then we are using more of Bret Contreras’s hip thrusters but this time with a band around your knees to activate even more glute fibers. As you can see we are still using a good The Mash System


amount of accessory exercises to keep overall muscular balance. We finish with more Dr. McGill movements. I love performing side planks with a band row as cross-sectional musculature is recruited, which is a much more functional way of performing the plank variations.

DAY 6 We continue with PAP method bench press in the same way we did the back squat. The accessory movements are simply there to maintain hypertrophy gains and to keep the gym bros satisfied with a decent pump. I want you to focus on recovery more than ever during this phase. The goal is to roll into week 12 feeling the best of the entire training program. You will notice the accessory work is only limited on week twelve, but it’s still there. I am just cutting out any movement that might create excessive muscle damage. Week twelve is all about 100% full recovery and super-compensation. It’s time to build back what we have knocked down and destroyed. This is the beauty of a taper!

The Mash System


MASH SYSTEM SUPER TOTAL Now let’s have some fun with a Super Total Program. This one combines Olympic weightlifting with powerlifting. Personally the super total is my favorite. I wish it were more popular of a sport. I believe it to be the true test of a strength athlete. A super total demonstrates athleticism, absolute strength, mobility, balance, power production, kinesthetic awareness, and speed. The winner of this event is the strongest athlete in my opinion. One of my goals is to create more opportunities for super total competitions. You will see this program is a combination of the previous weightlifting and powerlifting programs. The key is how you combine the two.

The Mash System


WEEK 1 DAY 1 Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at Knee

70% for 2 x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1

Low Bar Back Squat with Belt

5RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -15% not paused for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Deadlift (Paused 2 Sec 2 Inches off Floor and 2 Sec at Knee)

70% for 6 x 2, then work up with singles (stay under 83%)

BB Lunges

3 x 10 each leg (8 RPE)

DAY 2 Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee

70% for 2 x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1

Bench Press

5RM (5 sec pause each rep), then -15% for 2 x 5 (no pauses)

Closegrip Floor Presses with 25lb of Chains

8RM, then -10% for 2 x 8

Seated DB Power Cleans

3 x 12

BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum

3 x 10

DAY 3 Velocity-Based Safety Squat Bar Squats (Box Optional)

6 x 3 with 50% Bar Weight + 25% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Push Presses

5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Reverse Hypers

4 x 30-45 sec

KB Bat Wing Rows

3 x 10 (2 sec pause)

KB High Pulls

3 x 10 (lower more slowly than you pull up)

DAY 4 Overhead Squat Variation Max Effort

Work up to 75% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Unilateral Farmers Walk

3 x 40 yd each hand

Plate Around the Worlds

3 x 8 each direction

Band Pull Throughs

3 x 15

Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension

3 x 10 (3 sec pauses)

DAY 5 Snatch from High Blocks (Power Position)

3RM starting with 63%

Clean from High Blocks (Power Position)

3RM starting with 63%

Jerk Recoveries

5RM, then -10% for 5

DAY 6 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3, minutes, then 60% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3, minutes, then 60% x 10

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3, minutes, then 60% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3, minutes, then 60% x 10

2 Inch Deficit RDLs with Mini or Light Bands

3 x 8 (progress and end with a 7-8 RPE)

BB Bentover Rows

3 x 10

The Mash System


WEEK 2 DAY 1 Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at Knee

75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% x 1

Low Bar Back Squat with Belt

5RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -15% not paused for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Deadlift (Paused 2 Sec 2 Inches off Floor and 2 Sec at Knee)

75% for 5 x 2, then work up with singles (stay under 83%)

BB Lunges

3 x 10 each leg (8 RPE)

DAY 2 Snatch from Blocks Bar at Knee

75% for 3 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% x 1

Bench Press

5RM (3 sec pause each rep), then -15% for 2 x 5 (no pauses, last set 5+)

Closegrip Floor Presses with 25lb of Chains

8RM, then -10% for 2 x 8

Seated DB Power Cleans

3 x 12

BB Rows Paused 2 sec on Sternum

3 x 10

DAY 3 Velocity-Based Safety Squat Bar Squats (Box Optional)

7 x 3 with 55% Bar Weight + 25% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Push Presses

5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Reverse Hypers

4 x 30-45 sec

KB Bat Wing Rows

3 x 10 (2 sec pause)

KB High Pulls

3 x 10 (lower more slowly than you pull up)

DAY 4 Overhead Squat Variation Max Effort

Work up to 78% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Unilateral Farmers Walk

3 x 40 yd each hand

Plate Around the Worlds

3 x 8 each direction

Band Pull Throughs

3 x 15

Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension

3 x 10 (3 sec pauses)

DAY 5 Snatch from High Blocks (Power Position)

3RM starting with 63%

Clean from High Blocks (Power Position)

3RM starting with 63%

Jerk Recoveries

5RM, then -10% for 5

DAY 6 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3, minutes, then 63% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3, minutes, then 63% x 10

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3, minutes, then 63% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3, minutes, then 63% x 10

2 Inch Deficit RDLs with Mini or Light Bands

3 x 8 (progress and end with an 8-9 RPE)

BB Bentover Rows

3 x 10

The Mash System


WEEK 3 DAY 1 Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at Knee Low Bar Back Squat with Belt

65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1 2 x 5 at 90% of 5RM (1st rep paused 1 sec)

Deadlift (Paused 2 Sec 2 Inches off Floor & 2 Sec at Knee)

65% for 6 x 2

BB Lunges

3 x 8 each leg

DAY 2 Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee

65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1

Bench Press

90% of 5RM (3 sec pause each rep), then -15% for 3 x 5

Closegrip Floor Presses with 25lb of Chains

8RM, then -10% for 2 x 8

Seated DB Power Cleans

3 x 12

BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum

3 x 10

DAY 3 Velocity-Based Safety Squat Bar Squats (Box Optional)

6 x 3 with 45% Bar Weight + 25% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Push Presses

90% of 5RM for 3 x 5

Reverse Hypers

4 x 30-45 sec

KB Bat Wing Rows

3 x 10 (2 sec pause)

KB High Pulls

3 x 10 (lower more slowly than you pull up)

DAY 4 Overhead Squat Variation Max Effort

Work up to 80% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Unilateral Farmers Walk

3 x 40 yd each hand

Plate Around the Worlds

3 x 8 each direction

Band Pull Throughs

3 x 15

Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension

3 x 10 (3 sec pauses)

DAY 5 Snatch from High Blocks (Power Position)

90% of 3RM for 2 x 3

Clean from High Blocks (Power Position)

90% of 3RM for 2 x 3

Jerk Recoveries

5RM, then -10% for 5

DAY 6 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: 85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10 Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10 Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10

Bench Press

Set 1: 85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10 Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10 Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10

2" Deficit RDLs with Mini or Light Band

3 x 8 (progress and end with an 8-9 RPE)

BB Bentover Rows

3 x 10

The Mash System


WEEK 4 DAY 1 Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at Knee

55% x 3, 65% x 3, 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1, then work up (allowed 1 miss)

Low Bar Back Squat with Belt

5RM, then -15% x 5+

Deadlift (Paused 2 Sec 2 Inches off Floor & 2 Sec at Knee)

80% for 5 x 2, then work up with singles (stay under 90%, no pauses)

BB Lunges

3 x 8 each leg (8 RPE)

DAY 2 Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee

55% x 3, 65% x 3, 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1, work up ( allowed 1 miss)

Bench Press

5RM (1 sec pause each rep), then -15% x 5+

Closegrip Floor Presses with 25lb of Chains

5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5

Seated DB Power Cleans

3 x 12

BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum

3 x 10

DAY 3 Velocity-Based Safety Squat Bar Squats (Box Optional)

7 x 2 with 60% Bar Weight + 25% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Push Presses

5RM, then -15% x 5+

Reverse Hypers

4 x 35-50sec

KB Bat Wing Rows

3 x 10 (2 sec pause)

KB High Pulls

3 x 10 (lower more slowly than you pull up)

DAY 4 Overhead Squat Variation Max Effort


Unilateral Farmers Walk

3 x 40 yd each hand

Plate Around the Worlds

3 x 8 each direction

Band Pull Throughs

3 x 15

Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension

3 x 10 (3 sec pauses)

DAY 5 Snatch from High Blocks (Power Position)

1RM (starting with 70%)

Clean from High Blocks (Power Position)

1RM (starting with 70%)

Jerk Recoveries


DAY 6 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

88% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 3, minutes, then 68% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 3, minutes, then 68% x 10

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

88% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 3, minutes, then 68% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 3, minutes, then 68% x 10

2" Deficit RDLs with Mini or Light Band

3 x 8 (progress and end with a 7-8 RPE)

BB Bentover Rows

3 x 10

The Mash System


Piecing these workouts together is definitely a form of art. Since there isn’t a lot research or a long history of super total competitions, there isn’t a lot to go off of. Here’s what I know. In weightlifting, we already prescribe our athletes snatch, clean and jerk, squats, pulls, presses, and accessory work. That means we are already performing the amount of volume needed to complete super total training regimens. The biggest difference is the bench press. Weightlifters are used to performing vertical presses because bench pressing can lead to mobility issues if prescribed incorrectly. In the first four weeks we are focusing on hypertrophy. We are only going to bench twice per week in the first block with another day reserved for vertical pressing. I would also recommend keeping the RPE at an 8 or 9 for the first four weeks. The goal is to ease into the program, and find the balance between the Olympic movements and mainly the bench press. Squats and pulls are already common to a weightlifting program, and should aid in progressing the lifts with increased strength for power output. There aren’t any clean or snatch pulls to allow for the deadlifts. The only obstacles that could keep this program from working are mobility issues caused from the bench press. For most people this isn’t a problem at all unless you are a world-class bencher switching to super total. However if you start to notice issues in the catch of the clean or overhead, back off of the bench press volume a bit until the issues are corrected. I was a world-class powerlifter and bench presser after switching from weightlifting. I made the switch back to a super total program in 2007. It took two or three months to get my mobility optimal to complete the lifts, but then it was easy to pair the lifts together. As long as I was performing snatches and clean and jerks, my mobility The Mash System


wasn’t affected by the bench press. It’s amazing how adaptive the body is to its imposed demands. As long as you use it, you won’t lose it. All the movements in the program have been explained already. If you have questions about them, or you want to know why I am prescribing them the way that I do, feel free to look back. This plan is the most exciting strength plan you will ever perform. There is always something getting better and something that needs improvement. Super total is a chess match performed with barbells. That’s the reason I love it the most. Every day is a different challenge, and something always has room for improvement.

The Mash System


WEEK 5 DAY 1 Clean and Jerks

70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88% x1

Back Squat

Step 1: 3 x 5 with 50% bar weight + 25% band tension (60-90 sec between sets) Step 2: Still using bands from the previous sets, work up to a heavy double, keeping it around an 8-9 RPE Step 3: Take bands off and work up to a 2RM with an 8-9 RPE

Deadlift (Paused at Knee)

3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec)

BB Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats

3 x 8 each leg (8 RPE)



DAY 2 Snatch

70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88% x1

Bench Press

75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1

Max Effort Sling Shot Bench Press


Bench Press (No Sling Shot, Competition Grip)

88% x 3, 90% for AMRAP

Band Pushdowns

3 x 15

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

Plate Lateral Raises x 10 superset with Bentover Rows x 5 superset with Band Face Busters x 12: 3 sets

DAY 3 No Hook and No Feet Snatch

65% for 3 x 3, then 3RM

Jerk From Racks (Paused 3 Sec in Catch)

3RM, then -10% for 3 (no pauses)

Velocity-Based Buffalo Bar Squats (Box Optional)

6 x 3 with 50% Bar Weight + 25% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Dynamic Deadlift

75% for 6 x 3 (60-90 sec rest)

Reverse Hypers

4 x 35-50 sec

DAY 4 Heaving Snatch Balance

1RM (5 sec pause), then -20% for 3 reps (not paused)

Velocity-Based Bench (Alternating Grip)

5 x 3 with 45% Bar Weight + 30% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Plate Lateral Raises

3 x 10

Sled Rope Rows

4 x 30 yds

Sled Bear Crawls

4 x 30 yds

DAY 5 Snatch Max Effort

Snatch Pull to Snatch to Hang Snatch:1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean to Hang Clean to Front Squat to Jerk: 1RM

Front Squat


DAY 6 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 70% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 70% x 6

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 70% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 70% x 6

Deadift Max Effort

Deadlift from 6 Inch Blocks: 5RM, then -10% x 5

BB Bentover Rows


The Mash System


WEEK 6 DAY 1 Clean and Jerks

70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88% x1

Back Squat

Step 1: Å3 x 5 with 55% bar weight + 25% band tension (60-90 sec between sets) Step 2: Still using bands from the previous sets, work up to a heavy double, keeping it around an 8-9 RPE Step 3: Take bands off and work up to a 2RM

Deadlift (Paused at Knee)

3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec)

BB Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats

3 x 8 each leg (8 RPE)



DAY 2 Snatch

70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88% x 1, work up (allowed 1 miss)

Bench Press

75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1

Max Effort Sling Shot Bench Press


Bench Press (No Sling Shot, Competition Grip)

90% x 1, 93% for AMRAP

Band Pushdowns

3 x 15

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

Plate Lateral Raises x 10 superset with Bentover Rows x 5 superset with Band Facebusters x 12: 3 sets

DAY 3 No Hook and No Feet Snatch

68% for 3 x 3, then 3RM

Jerk From Racks (Paused 3 Sec in Catch)

3RM, then -10% for 3 (no pauses)

Velocity-Based Buffalo Bar Squats (Box Optional)

6 x 3 with 55% Bar Weight + 25% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Dynamic Deadlift

80% for 6 x 3 (60-90 sec rest)

Reverse Hypers

4 x 35-50 sec

DAY 4 Heaving Snatch Balance

1RM (5 sec pause), then -20% for 3 reps (not paused)

Velocity Based Bench (Alternating Grip)

5 x 3 with 50% Bar Weight + 30% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Plate Lateral Raises

3 x 10

Sled Rope Rows

4 x 30 yds

Sled Bear Crawls

4 x 30 yds

DAY 5 Snatch Max Effort

Snatch Pull to Snatch:1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean to Front Squat to Jerk: 1RM

Front Squat


DAY 6 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 73% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 73% x 6+

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 73% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 73% x 6+

Deadift Max Effort

Deadlift from 4 Inch Blocks: 5RM, then -10% x 5

BB Bentover Rows


The Mash System


WEEK 7 DAY 1 Clean and Jerks

70% for 2 x 2, 77% for 2 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1, 85% x 1

Back Squat

Step 1: 3 x 3 with 60% bar weight + 25% band tension (60 sec between sets) Step 2: Still using bands from the previous sets, work up to a heavy double, keeping it around an 8-9 RPE Step 3: Take bands off and work up to a 1RM with an 8-9 RPE

Deadlift (Paused at Knee)

90% of 3RM x 3

BB Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats

3 x 5 each leg (8 RPE)



DAY 2 Snatch

70% for 2 x 2, 77% for 2 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1, 85% x 1

Bench Press

75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1

Max Effort Sling Shot Bench Press

90% of 3RM x 3

Bench Press (No Sling Shot, Competition Grip)

85% for AMRAP

Band Pushdowns

3 x 15

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

Plate Lateral Raises x 10 superset with Bentover Rows x 5 superset with Band Face Busters x 12: 3 sets

DAY 3 No Hook and No Feet Snatch

70% for 3 x 3

Jerk From Racks (Paused 3 Sec in Catch)

3RM, then -10% for 3 (no pauses)

Velocity-Based Buffalo Bar Squats (Box Optional)

6 x 3 with 45% Bar Weight + 25% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Dynamic Deadlift

70% for 5 x 3 (60-90 sec rest)

Reverse Hypers

4 x 35-50 sec

DAY 4 Heaving Snatch Balance

1RM (3 sec pause), then -20% for 3 reps (not paused)

Velocity-Based Bench (Altering Grip)

5 x 3 with 40% Bar Weight + 30% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Plate Lateral Raises

3 x 10

Sled Rope Rows

4 x 30 yds

Sled Bear Crawls

4 x 30 yds

DAY 5 Snatch Max Effort


Clean and Jerk Max Effort


Front Squat


DAY 6 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1, minutes, then 75% x 5 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1, minutes, then 75% x 5+

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1, minutes, then 75% x 5 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1, minutes, then 75% x 5+

Deadift Max Effort

Deadlift from 6 Inch Blocks: 3RM, then -10% x 3

BB Bentover Rows


The Mash System


WEEK 8 DAY 1 Clean and Jerks

73% x 2, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work up (allowed 1 miss)

Back Squat

Step 1: 2 x 5 with 50% bar weight + 25% band tension (60 sec between sets) Step 2: Still using bands from the previous sets, work up to a heavy single, keeping it around an 8-9 RPE Step 3: Take bands off and work up to a 1RM



BB Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats

4 x 5 each leg (8 RPE)



DAY 2 Snatch

73% x 2, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work up (allowed 1 miss)

Bench Press

75% x 3, 80% x 3, 85% x 1, 90% x 1

Max Effort Sling Shot Bench Press


Bench Press (No Sling Shot, Competition Grip)

93% x 1, 98% x 1, then 1RM

Band Pushdowns

3 x 15

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

Plate Lateral Raises x 10 superset with Bentover Rows x 5 superset with Band Face Busters x 12: 3 sets

DAY 3 No Hook and No Feet Snatch

70% for 3 x 3

Jerk From Racks (Paused 3 Sec in Catch)

3RM, then -10% for 3 (no pauses)

Velocity-Based Buffalo Bar Squats (Box Optional)

6 x 3 with 45% Bar Weight + 25% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Dynamic Deadlift

70% for 5 x 3 (60-90 sec rest)

Reverse Hypers

4 x 35-50 sec

DAY 4 Heaving Snatch Balance

1RM (3 sec pause)

Velocity-Based Bench (Altering Grip)

6 x 2 with 55% Bar Weight + 30% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Plate Lateral Raises

3 x 10

Sled Rope Rows

4 x 30 yds

Sled Bear Crawls

4 x 30 yds

DAY 5 Snatch Max Effort


Clean and Jerk Max Effort


Front Squat


DAY 6 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

93% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% x 5 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 93% x 1, minutes, then 78% x 5 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 93% x 1, minutes, then 78% x 5

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

93% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% x 5 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 93% x 1, minutes, then 78% x 5 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 93% x 1, minutes, then 78% x 5

Deadift Max Effort

Deadlift from 4 Inch Blocks: 1RM

BB Bentover Rows


The Mash System


The strength block is once again where the major gains are earned. When you put the two sports together, you will need to listen to your body more than ever. As long as you are honest with yourself, your body will be able to handle the volume with no problem. I recommend either sticking with the recommended percentages, or on days that feel terrible you can even drop the prescribed volume down 10-20%. Once you feel your body easily recovering from the workouts, then you can push things a bit more. However with super total you will need to make wiser decisions than ever before.

DAY 1 You will notice the snatches and clean and jerks are prescribed with percentages straight from Prilepin’s Chart. We are using the PAP method for the back squats on day one. The way the squats are programmed is perfect for the super total plan. It starts with a velocity emphasis and then moves to a max effort method. That’s ideal for the speed necessary in weightlifting and the slow strength required in powerlifting.

DAY 2 For this day, we pair snatch work with some significant bench work.

DAY 3 We are using the conjugate method for the weightlifting movement prescribed on Wednesdays. We are using the max effort The Mash System


method and choosing versions of the lifts to maximize. The “no hook and no feet” snatches are a grip version of the snatch that will teach the athlete to keep the bar close, and it will teach them to waste no time at the top before initiating the movement under the bar. I love using jerks as a max effort movement because jerks deserve some individual focus. If you only clean and jerk, it’s hard to focus on the individual movements involved. If you are bad at the clean, I recommend spending some time on just cleans. If you are bad at jerks, they need individual time. Most people need extra time spent on the jerk, so that’s why they are added here.

DAY 4 On day four we have carefully paired heaving snatch balance with velocity-based bench press. The heaving snatch balance guarantees that the upper body is opened up and moving functionally well. The velocity-based bench presses are easier to recover from especially since they deload during the most extreme ranges of motion. Velocity-based benches create way less muscular damage compared to max effort or PAP method benches. We need the body moving well for Max Out Friday.

DAY 5 Max Out Friday is handled just like in the weightlifting program. The first two weeks are complexes, and the last two weeks are straight up maximum sessions for the snatch and clean and jerk. There will also be a max effort front squat to improve a more specific The Mash System


squat to the Olympic lifts. The front squat will also guarantee proper positions are maintained.

DAY 6 Day six is dedicated to the powerlifting movements. Friday belongs to weightlifting. Saturday belongs to powerlifting. I love dedicating the different days to the individual sports. I love both sports for very different reasons. I am a different person when I focus on the Olympic lifts versus when I focus on the powerlifts. When I am weightlifting, I try to remember the young athlete who was fast, powerful, and athletic. When I powerlift, I try to remember the animal I would become trying to squat 1,000lb. I was ruthless and determined. Nothing could stand in my way. They were two very different mindsets that I both enjoyed. Hopefully you will learn to relate.

The Mash System


WEEK 9 DAY 1 Snatch

70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 78% x 2, 83% x 1, 88% x 1, 90% x 1

Clean and Jerk

70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 78% x 2, 83% x 1, 88% x 1, 90% x 1

Back Squat with Belt (50-100lb of Weight Releasers If Possible)

90% for 2 x 1, 93% for 2 x 1, work up if feeling good, then 75% for 2 x 3 (2 sec paused speed squats)

Deadlift Competition Stance

80% x 3, 85% x 3, 90% for 2 x 1, 93% for 2 x 1, work up if feeling good

DAY 2 Jerk From Blocks


Bench Press

75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1

Max Effort Sling Shot Bench Press


Bench Press (No Sling Shot, Competition Grip)

85% for 3, 90% for AMRAP

Closegrip Floor Presses with 75lb of Chains

3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)

Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec Pause at Top)

3 x 10

Upper Body Superset

Tricep Extentions x 10 superset with BB Curls x10: 3 sets

DAY 3 Power Snatch

65% for 3 x 3, then 3RM

No Hook Hang Clean

60% for 3 x 3, then 3RM

Velocity-Based High Bar Squats (Box Optional)

6 x 3 with 50% Bar Weight + 25% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts

8 reps each side: 3 sets

DAY 4 Warm Up with Overhead Squat Variations

Work up to 80% for 1 rep (paused 5 sec)

Velocity-Based Bench (Alternating Grip)

6 x 3 with 50% Bar Weight + 25% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Plank Lat Pulls

3 x 20 sec each side

Sled Drags Forwards

70lbs for 25 yds: 4 sets

Sled Drags Backwards

70lbs for 25 yds: 4 sets

DAY 5 Snatch Max Effort

Snatch Competition Style (3 attempts)

Clean & Jerk Max Effort

Clean and Jerk Competition Style (3 attempts)

DAY 6 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

93% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 93% x 1, minutes, then 78% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 93% x 1, minutes, then 78% x 4+

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

93% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 93% x 1, minutes, then 78% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 93% x 1, minutes, then 78% x 4+

Max Effort Deadlift

Reverse Band Deadlift (Green or Purple Bands): 3RM



The Mash System


WEEK 10 DAY 1 Snatch

70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1, work up (allowed 1 miss)

Clean and Jerk

70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1, work up (allowed 1 miss)

Back Squat with Belt (50-100lb of Weight Releasers If Possible)

93% for 2 x 1, 95% for 2 x 1, work up if feeling good, then 78% for 2 x 3 (2 sec paused speed squats)

Deadlift Competition Stance

85% x 2, 90% x 2, 93% x 2, 95% x 1, work up if feeling good

DAY 2 Jerk From Blocks


Bench Press

75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1, 88% x 1

Max Effort Sling Shot Bench Press


Bench Press (No Sling Shot, Competition Grip)

90% for 1, 93% for AMRAP

Closegrip Floor Presses with 75lb of Chains

3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)

Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec Pause at Top)

3 x 10

Upper Body Superset

Tricep Extentions x 10 superset with BB Curls x 10: 3 sets

DAY 3 Power Snatch

68% for 3 x 3, then 1RM

No Hook Hang Clean

63% for 3 x 3, then 1RM

Velocity-Based High Bar Squats (Box Optional)

7 x 3 with 55% Bar Weight + 25% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts

8 reps each side: 3 sets

DAY 4 Warm Up with Overhead Squat Variations

Work up to 83% for 1 rep (paused 5 sec)

Velocity-Based Bench (Alternating Grip)

7 x 3 with 55% Bar Weight + 25% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Plank Lat Pulls

3 x 25 sec each side

Sled Drags Forwards

70lbs for 25 yds: 4 sets

Sled Drags Backwards

70lbs for 25 yds: 4 sets

DAY 5 Snatch Max Effort

Snatch Competition Style (3 attempts)

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean and Jerk Competition Style (3 attempts)

DAY 6 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 80% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 95% x 1, minutes, then 80% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 95% x 1, minutes, then 80% x 4+

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 80% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 95% x 1, minutes, then 80% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 95% x 1, minutes, then 80% x 4+

Deadift Max Effort

Reverse Band Deadlift (Green or Purple Bands): 1RM



The Mash System


WEEK 11 DAY 1 Snatch

Work up to predicted opener for a double

Clean and Jerk

Work up to predicted opener for 2 cleans and 1 jerk

Back Squat with Belt (50-100lb of Weight Releasers If Possible)

93% for 2 x 1, 95% x 1, work up if feeling good, then 78% x 3 (2 sec paused speed squats)

Deadlift Competition Stance

90% x 2, 93% x 1, work up if feeling good

DAY 2 Jerk From Blocks


Bench Press

75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1, 90% x 1

Max Effort Sling Shot Bench Press


Bench Press (No Sling Shot, Competition Grip)

93% for 2, 95% x 1, 1RM, then 85% for AMRAP

Closegrip Floor Presses with 75lb of Chains

3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)

Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec Pause at Top)

3 x 10

Upper Body Superset

Tricep Extentions x 10 superset with BB Curls x 10: 3 sets

DAY 3 Power Snatch

1RM (no misses)

No Hook Hang Clean

1RM (no misses)

Velocity-Based High Bar Squats (Box Optional)

6 x 2 with 60% Bar Weight + 25% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts


DAY 4 Warm Up with Overhead Squat Variations

Work up to 85% for 1 (paused 3 sec)

Velocity-Based Bench (Alternating Grip)

6 x 2 with 60% Bar Weight + 25% Bands (60-90 sec rest at 0.8m/sec)

Plank Lat Pulls

3 x 30 sec each side

Sled Drags Forwards

70lbs for 25 yds: 4 sets

Sled Drags Backwards

70lbs for 25 yds: 4 sets

DAY 5 Snatch Max Effort

Snatch Competition Style (3 attempts)

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean and Jerk Competition Style (3 attempts)

DAY 6 Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 85% x 3 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 95% x 1, minutes, then 85% x 3 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 95% x 1, minutes, then 85% x 3

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 85% x 3 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 95% x 1, minutes, then 85% x 3 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 95% x 1, minutes, then 85% x 3

Deadift Max Effort

Deadlift from 2 Inch Deficit: 1RM



The Mash System


WEEK 12 DAY 1 Snatch

Work up to opener

Clean and Jerk

Work up to last warm up

Back Squat with Belt (50-100lb of Weight Releasers If Possible)

Work up to opener for 2 x 1

Deadlift Competition Stance

Work up to opener

DAY 2 Jerk From Blocks


Bench Press


Max Effort Sling Shot Bench Press


Bench Press (No Sling Shot, Competition Grip)

Work up to opener

Closegrip Floor Presses with 75lb of Chains


Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec Pause at Top)


Upper Body Superset


DAY 3 Power Snatch

65% for 3 x 2

Power Clean and Jerk

70% for 3 x 1

High Bar Squats (Box Optional)

5 x 3 with 70% Bar Weight

Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts


DAY 4 Warm Up with Overhead Squat Variations


Velocity Based Bench (Alternating Grip)

5 x 3 with 70% Bar Weight

Front Squat with Belt

75% x 1

Sled Drags Forwards

70lbs for 25 yds: 4 sets

Sled Drags Backwards

70lbs for 25 yds: 4 sets

DAY 5 Snatch Max Effort


Clean and Jerk Max Effort




Clean & Jerk


Back Squat


Bench Press




The Mash System


This is where things get tricky. During the peak phase, there aren’t just two or three movements to focus on. There are five movements. Really, there are six movements if you count the clean and jerk as two movements. I love accessory work even during peak phases, but this becomes a volume nightmare during super total peaking. With six movements to peak, accessory movements are limited to only the necessary movements like rows, GHDs, and some recovery movements like sled pulls. We use versions of the contested movements as a majority of the accessory movements.

DAY 1 Day one is reserved for some high volume snatches and clean and jerks. I recommend staying with the percentages. I don’t want you to try going up after the 90% no matter how good it might feel. We finish the day with some Prilepin’s Chart recommended volume for peaking phases. All of these movements and volume prescriptions have been discussed already in the prior programs. The weight releasers should really help to hit some big lifts.

DAY 2 Day 2 we are starting out with a focus on the jerk for the first two weeks, and then we drop it to allow the body more opportunity to recover. After the jerks, we are following the same max effort bench protocol as in the powerlifting program. The Mash System


DAY 3 We keep day three simple with max effort versions of the Olympic lifts. Both versions are designed to keep the total load down due to their very nature. Power snatches are designed to improve the rate of force production along with the speed required to pull underneath and meet the bar in time to decelerate the bar above parallel. The “no hook hang cleans” are great for grip strength and timing underneath the bar. We are keeping suitcase deadlifts in the equation for a couple of weeks to keep your hips and back healthy.

DAY 4 Day 4 is once again pairing an overhead movement with velocitybased bench press. The only accessory movements are recovery sled drags and core work. We want the body recovered come Max Out Friday.

DAY 5 Treat this like a competition day for weightlifting. The goal is to keep warm ups the same and attempts the same.

DAY 6 Day six is a powerlifting focused day. We are using the PAP method for the squats and benches. We are using the max effort method for the performance of deadlifts. You will end up going heavy The Mash System


in all three lifts with way more volume than you will experience on competition day. This is a great way to get in shape for competition. On competition day or max out day I recommend paying attention to detail with attempt selection. I suggest opening with something more conservative than normal. A five-lift meet is a long day. The last thing that you want to do is bomb out. I recommend opening with something 5 or 10 kilos less than normal and making a big jump between the opener and second attempt. Here’s the way I planned my attempts for a recent super total meet:

Snatch (Max 135kg) Opener- 120kg Second 130kg Third- 136kg Clean and Jerk (Max 165kg) Opener- 150kg Second- 160kg Third- 166kg Squat (Max 295kg/650kg) Opener- 270kg/595lb Second- 280kg/616lb Third- 297.5kg/655lb Bench Press (Max 182kg/400lb) Opener- 160kg/352lb Second- 175kg/385lb Third- 185kg/407lb The Mash System


Deadlift (Max 317.5/700lb) Opener 275kg/606lb Second 302.5kg/667lb Third 320kg/705lb I wasn’t trying for a big personal record on any one exercise, as I was not willing to sacrifice all the other lifts for one big personal record. The strategy is to put together a massive total, so the last thing you want is one movement affecting all the other movements. This is what makes this sport so fun. Strategy is more important than ever for this sport.

The Mash System


MASH SYSTEM ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE It’s funny how life takes such unexpected turns. Right now most of you know me as a weightlifting coach, but up until 2013 I was a strength and conditioning coach. I worked with high school, Division I, and Pro athletes from several different sports including football, basketball, wrestling, soccer, volleyball, swimming, MMA, rugby, lacrosse, and many more. I’ve worked with some of the most incredible athletes in the world. Most recently I’ve work with Tommy Bohanon, starting fullback for the Jacksonville Jaguars, and Cade Carney, starting running back for Wake Forest University. When I took the job coaching for MuscleDriver USA, I stopped coaching this variety of athletes and focused more on weightlifters. But now I am thrilled to once again be working with athletes as a strength and conditioning coach. Personally I love the excitement of working with multiple sports. It keeps my brain constantly searching for information. Plus it’s exciting to watch the games of my strength and conditioning athletes. It’s fun to see the difference your coaching makes on the field. I work with a solid group of young athletes now. A couple of them play for a local middle school, Ellis Middle School in Advance, NC. I went to one of their football games a few weeks ago with Sarah Johnson, one of my awesome weightlifters and our main strength and conditioning coach. One of our athletes, Tate Carney, rushed the ball five times. Three of those runs went for 60+ yard The Mash System


touchdowns, and the other two were 15+ yard runs. The other young athlete is a defensive lineman, and he hit the quarterback so hard he was taken away in an ambulance. I am not glorifying a young man getting hurt. I am simply stating what happened. We prepare our athletes to be unstoppable.

WHAT TRANSLATES TO THE FIELD We focus on the things that matter. We want our athletes fast, explosive, mobile, strong, and bulletproof. Every movement we use is chosen based on those five principles. We don’t have a lot of fat in our program. Every single lift has a purpose. There is a focus on high velocity movements like cleans, power snatches, and push presses. An athlete’s rate of force development can impact their abilities on the field more than anything. Movements like the clean or power snatch can impact their ability to develop force much more than a simple squat. However basic squats paired with solid Olympic lifting movements work together to develop the most force at the highest rate. Back squats are an important part of our program. We program a type of squat at a rather high frequency. At least four of the days are a type of squat. That doesn’t mean we are having our athletes load up a heavy barbell and bang out back squats every day. One of those days might be an overhead squat, while another day is a velocity-based squat. The movement pattern itself is important, as it’s the most functional movement pattern on earth. Athletes who can sit down into a full squat while maintaining a vertical spine and proper hip alignment are going to move well on the field every time. Movement is more important than absolute strength on the field of play. Amazing movement with amazing strength equals an The Mash System


amazing athlete. Tommy Bohanon and Cade Carney demonstrated both of those traits, and their performance on the field was nothing short of amazing.

SPEED We’ve also included the speed, jumping, and agility work we use to get our athletes ready for the field. When it comes to speed, there are six elements that are crucial: • Relative strength • Absolute strength • Rate of force development and absorption • Technique • Acceleration • Optimal mobility Relative strength has everything to do with lean muscle mass. I tell my guys and gals all the time that weight gain for the sake of weight gain is a terrible idea. If you put on twenty pounds of fat, you just got slower and less powerful. It’s all about gaining lean muscle mass. You can gain all the lean muscle mass you want. Of course it’s not that easy. If you are an athlete who’s serious about your performance, nutrition has to be a major component of your training protocol. Our Eat What You Want guide is a great place to start if you are clueless regarding nutrition. To show you the importance of relative strength, one of the biggest indicators of speed is the pull-up. Pull-ups demonstrate relative strength better than just about anything else. If you can’t do ten strict pull-ups, you need to focus on bodyweight movements The Mash System


and nutrition. Squatting 600 pounds is awesome, but the ability to move your own bodyweight is more important on the field. Absolute strength definitely has its place - especially when it comes to acceleration. The ability to overcome inertia is directly correlated with strength. That’s why a lot of linebackers and defensive linemen can stay with a running back for about ten yards. Acceleration in sports is more important than maximal speed. Rarely in sports are you ever at maximal top end speed, but maximal acceleration is used quite often. The rate an athlete can develop force and absorb force is the biggest indicator of athletic ability. This ability can be improved both in the weight room and during the speed work. In our programming we designate one entire day per week for this one concept, and other days will also display aspects of this concept. Technique is a very important aspect of speed development. We practice our starts at least three times per week, and we set aside one day per week to focus on maximal speed or top end speed. The acceleration phase is easier to affect and is used more on the field. So we spend a lot of our time on that aspect of speed. You get more bang for your buck, so to say. A great way to work on maximal speed is with a self-propelled treadmill. I love the Woodway Treadmills. I didn’t prescribe any work on treadmills simply because not many of you have one. They are pretty darn expensive, so choices have to be made. They are definitely worth the money if you can swing it simply because you can cue your athletes the entire time. When they are running 60 yards down the field, they can only hear you clearly for the first 10 or so yards. To counter this problem, I choose The Mash System


one element of technique to work each maximal speed day like arm action or posture. Optimal mobility is very important. Notice that I said optimal. Stretching just to be stretching is never a great idea. For example, a certain degree of hamstring tightness is crucial for producing top end sprints. The tightness produces a lot more force against the ground, propelling the athlete at a much higher rate than a hypermobile hamstring. The key is focusing on proper movement more so than some random stretching. Our athletic performance strength work uses all the Mash System methods that are present in the weightlifting and powerlifting programs. You will surely notice some similarities. Our speed, jumping, and agility work uses the same Mash System principles along with a few more. Take a look at the first four weeks of this block, and I will explain more about our speed exercises and how they work together.

The Mash System


WEEK 1 DAY 1 Clean from Blocks with Bar at Knee

3RM, then -10% for 3

Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

Deadlift (Paused 2 Sec 2 Inches off Floor and 2 Sec at Knee)

70% for 6 x 2, then work up with singles (stay under 83%)

BB Lunges

3 x 10 each leg (RPE 8)

80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3, minutes, then 60% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3, minutes, then 60% x 10

Max Effort Acceleration Speed Work Get Ups

5 each

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Quadruped Thoracic Extension and Rotation

10 each side

Hip Flexor Stretch 4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Practice Starts with 10m Sprints


Half Kneeling 15 Yard Sprint

2 at 80%, 2 at 90%, 2 at max effort

DAY 2 Power Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee

3RM, then -10% for 3

Bench Press

5RM (5 sec pause each rep), then -15% for 2 x 5 (no pauses)

Closegrip Floor Presses with 25lb of Chains

8RM, then -10% for 2 x 8


4 x submaximal reps

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

KB Bat Wing Rows for 10 reps (with 2 sec pause) superset with KB High Pulls for 10 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up) superset with Seated DB Power Cleans for 12 reps: 3 sets

Force Development and Absorption; Agility Mountain Climbers

30 sec x 3

Neck Series Lying Leg Circles Cobra Pose Frog Pose Scorpion

10 each leg


10 yards


10 yards





Single Leg Jumps

2 x 10 each leg

Forward Roll and Sprint 10 Yards


Triple Broad Jump for Distance

4 sets

One Leg Triple Broad Jump (1 Sec Pause when Sticking Each Landing)

2 sets each leg

The Mash System


DAY 3 Push Presses

5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Front Squat with Belt

5RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -15% for 2 x 5 (not paused, last set is 5+)


3 x 8, progress and end with a 7-8 RPE

Reverse Hypers

4 x 30-45 sec

DAY 4 Overhead Squat Variation Max Effort

Work up to 75% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Unilateral Farmers Walk

3 x 40 yd each hand

Band Pull Throughs

3 x 15

Landmine One Arm Punches

3 x 8 each arm PAP Acceleration

Get Ups

5 each

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Streamline Cat and Camel


4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


PAP Superset

Heavy Sled Drags (4 sec for 10 yards), rest 30 sec, then Sprint 15 yards: 6 sets (focus on step count, rest 3-4 min between sets)

DAY 5 Clean from High Blocks (Power Position)

3RM, starting with 63%

Velocity-Based Safety Squat Bar Squats (Box Optional)

6 x 3 with 50% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2


4 x submaximal reps

Barbell Bentover Rows

80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3, minutes, then 60% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3, minutes, then 60% x 10

3 x 10 Maximal Speed and Efficiency

Jump Rope

2 minutes

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Squat and Reach

5 each side

Overhead Lunge

10 each

Fire Hydrant

10 each

4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Seated Arm Action

3 x 4 seconds

Practice Starts with 10 Yard Sprints


Build Up Sprints

2 x 40 yards (focus on angles, arm action, and posture)

Flying 20 Yard Sprints (20 Yard Build Up, 20 Yard Max Effort, 20 Yard Decelerate)

4 sets

The Mash System


WEEK 2 DAY 1 Clean from Blocks with Bar at Knee

3RM, then -10% for 3

Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

Deadlift (Paused 2 Sec 2 Inches off Floor and 2 Sec at Knee)

75% for 5 x 2, then work up with singles (stay under 85%)

BB Lunges

3 x 10 each leg (RPE 8)

83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3, minutes, then 63% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3, minutes, then 63% x 10

Max Effort Acceleration Speed Work Get Ups

5 each

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Quadruped Thoracic Extension and Rotation

10 each side

Hip Flexor Stretch 4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Practice Starts with 10m Sprints


Half Kneeling 15 Yard Sprint

2 at 80%, 2 at 90%, 2 at max effort

DAY 2 Power Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee

3RM, then -10% for 3

Bench Press

5RM (3 sec pause each rep), then -15% for 2 x 5 (no pauses, last set is 5+)

Closegrip Floor Presses with 25lb of Chains

8RM, then -10% for 2 x 8


4 x submaximal reps

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

KB Bat Wing Rows for 10 reps (with 2 sec pause) superset with KB High Pulls for 10 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up) superset with Seated DB Power Cleans for 12 reps: 3 sets

Force Development and Absorption; Agility Mountain Climbers

30 sec x 3

Neck Series Lying Leg Circles Cobra Pose Frog Pose Scorpion

10 each leg


10 yards


10 yards





Single Leg Jumps

2 x 10 each leg

Overhead Med Ball Throws for Distance

4 (rest 45 seconds in between reps)

One Leg Triple Broad Jump (1 Sec Pause when Sticking Each Landing)

2 sets each leg

One Leg Triple Broad Jump for Distance

2 sets each leg

Side Roll and Sprint 10 Yards

6 sets (sprint alternate direction each set)

The Mash System


DAY 3 Push Presses

5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Front Squat with Belt

5RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -15% for 2 x 5 (not paused, last set is 5+)


3 x 8, progress and end with a 8-9 RPE

Reverse Hypers

4 x 30-45 sec

DAY 4 Overhead Squat Variation Max Effort

Work up to 78% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Unilateral Farmers Walk

3 x 40 yd each hand

Band Pull Throughs

3 x 15

Landmine One Arm Punches

3 x 8 each arm PAP Acceleration

Get Ups

5 each

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Streamline Cat and Camel


4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


PAP Superset

Heavy Sled Drags (4 sec for 10 yards), rest 30 sec, then Sprint 15 yards: 6 sets (focus on step count, rest 3-4 min between sets, time each sprint)

DAY 5 Clean from High Blocks (Power Position)

3RM, starting with 63%

Velocity-Based Safety Squat Bar Squats (Box Optional)

7 x 3 with 55% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2


4 x submaximal reps

Barbell Bentover Rows

83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3, minutes, then 63% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3, minutes, then 63% x 10

3 x 10 Maximal Speed and Efficiency

Jump Rope

2 minutes

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Squat and Reach

5 each side

Overhead Lunge

10 each

Fire Hydrant

10 each

4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Seated Arm Action

3 x 4 seconds

Practice Starts with 10 Yard Sprints


Build Up Sprints

2 x 40 yards (focus on angles, arm action, and posture)

Flying 20 Yard Sprints (20 Yard Build Up, 20 Yard Max Effort, 20 Yard Decelerate)

4 sets

The Mash System


WEEK 3 DAY 1 Clean from Blocks with Bar at Knee

90% of 3RM for 2 x 3

Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

Deadlift (Paused 2 Sec 2 Inches off Floor and 2 Sec at Knee)

65% for 6 x 2

BB Lunges

3 x 8 each leg (RPE 8)

85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3, minutes, then 65% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3, minutes, then 65% x 10

Max Effort Acceleration Speed Work Get Ups

5 each

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Quadruped Thoracic Extension and Rotation

10 each side

Hip Flexor Stretch 4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Practice Starts with 10m Sprints


Half Kneeling 15 Yard Sprint

2 at 80%, 2 at 90%, 2 at max effort

DAY 2 Power Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee

90% of 3RM for 2 x 3

Bench Press

90% of 5RM (3 sec pause each rep) for 3 x 5

Closegrip Floor Presses with 25lb of Chains

8RM, then -10% for 2 x 8


3 x submaximal reps

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

KB Bat Wing Rows for 10 reps (with 2 sec pause) superset with KB High Pulls for 10 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up) superset with Seated DB Power Cleans for 12 reps: 3 sets

Force Development and Absorption; Agility Mountain Climbers

30 sec x 3

Neck Series Lying Leg Circles Cobra Pose Frog Pose Scorpion

10 each leg


10 yards


10 yards

4 Position March






Work on Starts Single Leg Jumps

2 x 10 each leg

On Knee Med Ball Chest Passes


One Leg Triple Broad Jump (1 Sec Pause when Sticking Each Landing)

2 sets each leg

Single Broad Jumps

4 x max distance

Shuttle Run

60 yards (5 yards down and back, 10 yards down and back, 15 yards down and back)

The Mash System


DAY 3 Push Presses

90% of 5RM for 3 x 5

Front Squat with Belt

90% of 5RM (1st rep paused 1 sec) for 2 x 5


3 x 8, progress and end with a 9-10 RPE

Reverse Hypers

3 x 30-45 sec

DAY 4 Overhead Squat Variation Max Effort

Work up to 80% for 3 x 5

Unilateral Farmers Walk

3 x 40 yd each hand

Band Pull Throughs

3 x 15

Landmine One Arm Punches

3 x 8 each arm PAP Acceleration

Get Ups

5 each

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Streamline Cat and Camel


4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Triple Broad Jump for Distance

3 sets

Build Up Sprints

4 x 40 yards (30 sec rest between sets)

PAP Superset

Heavy Sled Drags (4 sec for 10 yards), rest 30 sec, then Sprint 15 yards: 6 sets (focus on step count, rest 3-4 min between sets, time each sprint)

DAY 5 Clean from High Blocks (Power Position)

90% of 3RM for 2 x 3

Velocity-Based Safety Squat Bar Squats (Box Optional)

6 x 3 with 45% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2


3 x submaximal reps

Barbell Bentover Rows

85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3, minutes, then 65% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3, minutes, then 65% x 10

3 x 10 Maximal Speed and Efficiency

Jump Rope

2 minutes

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Squat and Reach

5 each side

Overhead Lunge

10 each

Fire Hydrant

10 each

4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Seated Arm Action

3 x 4 seconds

Practice Starts with 10 Yard Sprints


Build Up Sprints

2 x 40 yards (focus on angles, arm action, and posture)

Flying 20 Yard Sprints (20 Yard Build Up, 20 Yard Max Effort, 20 Yard Decelerate)

2 sets

40 Yard Dash

2 sets at 90% (practice technique with a focus on start and mechanics)

The Mash System


WEEK 4 DAY 1 Clean from Blocks with Bar at Knee


Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: 88% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 10 Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 10 Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 10

Deadlift (Paused 2 Sec 2 Inches off Floor and 2 Sec at Knee)

80% for 5 x 2, then work up with unpaused singles (stay under 90%)

BB Lunges

3 x 8 each leg (RPE 8) Max Effort Acceleration Speed Work

Get Ups

5 each

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Quadruped Thoracic Extension and Rotation

10 each side

Hip Flexor Stretch 4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Practice Starts with 20 Yard Sprints


DAY 2 Power Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee


Bench Press

5RM (1 sec pause each rep), then -15% for 5+

Closegrip Floor Presses with 25lb of Chains

5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5


4 x submaximal reps

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

KB Bat Wing Rows for 10 reps (with 2 sec pause) superset with KB High Pulls for 10 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up) superset with Seated DB Power Cleans for 12 reps: 3 sets

Force Development and Absorption; Agility Mountain Climbers

30 sec x 3

Neck Series Lying Leg Circles Cobra Pose Frog Pose Scorpion

10 each leg


10 yards


10 yards

4 Position March






One Leg Triple Broad Jump (1 Sec Pause when Sticking Each Landing)

2 sets each leg

One Leg Triple Broad Jumps for Distance

2 sets each leg

Overhead Med Ball Throws for Distance


Backwards Roll, Turn, then Sprint 15 Yards

4 sets

The Mash System


DAY 3 Push Presses

5RM, then -15% for 5+

Front Squat with Belt

5RM, then -15% for 5+


3 x 8, progress and end with a 7-8 RPE

Reverse Hypers

3 x 35-50 sec

DAY 4 Overhead Squat Variation Max Effort


Unilateral Farmers Walk

3 x 40 yd each hand

Band Pull Throughs

3 x 15

Landmine One Arm Punches

3 x 8 each arm PAP Acceleration

Get Ups

5 each

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Streamline Cat and Camel


4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


PAP Superset

Prowler Push for 10 yards (super heavy), rest 30 sec, then Sprint 15 yards: 6 sets (focus on step count, rest 3-4 min between sets)

DAY 5 Clean from High Blocks (Power Position)

Work up to max single, starting with 70%

Velocity-Based Safety Squat Bar Squats (Box Optional)

7 x 2 with 60% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2


4 x submaximal reps

Barbell Bentover Rows

88% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 3, minutes, then 68% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 3, minutes, then 68% x 10

3 x 10 Maximal Speed and Efficiency

Jump Rope

2 minutes

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Squat and Reach

5 each side

Overhead Lunge

10 each

Fire Hydrant

10 each

4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Practice Starts with 10 Yard Sprints


Build Up Sprints

2 x 40 yards (focus on angles, arm action, and posture)

Max Effort Dash for Time

2 sets of 30 yards

Max Effort Dash for Time

2 sets of 60 yards

The Mash System


The strength work uses the exact same methods as the weightlifting and powerlifting programs. We simply choose the movements that are most important to athletes, and we choose the movements that make the most sense to teach. Most strength and conditioning athletes only have small windows of time throughout the year to focus on strength and conditioning. In that case, I don’t recommend taking four weeks to teach a perfect snatch. Our job is to get these athletes stronger, faster, more mobile, and more powerful. No one movement can dominate their training regimen. There are four movements that I think are completely necessary: clean, squat, press, and a pull. If you are doing versions (with good technique and optimal ranges of motion) of these four movements, then you have a solid program. So unlike my other programs, we aren’t performing jerks this first block - and we are sticking with a power snatch as opposed to a full snatch. If you want to teach a full snatch, I am totally fine with that. I teach some of my athletes the full snatch. It all depends on their background, movement patterns, and athleticism. I just thought I would stick with power snatches for this workout for the sake of simplicity. You will still get the power output from the power snatches. I also have overhead squat work later in the week, so the mobility benefits are still being reached. One thing I want to point out is the push press. I think most good strength coaches would agree that push presses are more important to sports than bench press. The reason is it’s groundbased by nature. The power originates from the hips and radiates up through the arms just like a punch or a throw. The Mash System


For the speed work, I kept the warm up drills the same throughout the entire twelve weeks in order to simplify things. If you're unfamiliar with any of these movements, we've got a video on our YouTube channel detailing them (You can find it here: EpmUHWqtZ04). Here's how I've organized the speed work:

DAY 1 On day one, our speed work is focusing on acceleration. The drills are designed to either promote optimal mobility or to teach optimal technique for sprinting. The 4-position march begins the dynamic speed warm ups. I have to give 100% credit to my friend, Coach William Bradley, for this drill. The 4-position is a much faster way of recovering the leg after extension. Instead of pulling with the hip flexor, William teaches his athletes to squeeze at the knee joint to initiate recovery. You will see how we teach this movement in the video. It takes several months of practice, but this one simple drill can equal a faster 40 yard dash. The A-skips and B-skips are fairly common drills. However we perform these drills into full sprints to learn how to rapidly apply the drills. Drills are worthless if never applied. It’s also important your athletes understand why you are doing each drill. If they understand the why, they are much more likely to focus on the drill. We practice starts each and every Monday. The start can be the difference in receiving a scholarship or not - just one-tenth of a second can be the difference in receiving a scholarship or not. You must teach your athletes to become masters of the mundane. Everyone does the big things. Champions do the little things. That is one of the few absolutes in strength and conditioning. The Mash System


We use the max effort method by choosing a drill emphasizing acceleration to max out on each four-week block. We stick with an exercise for three weeks straight with the goal of improving the time each and every week. Studies show the body starts to adapt to a new stimulus in about three weeks, so in week four we practice a short sprint for time and pick a new exercise to max out on the following week.

DAY 2 Day one might be the most important for impressing college scouts, but day two is the most important for performance on the field. The athletes who can produce force rapidly and absorb force quickly are the ones who dominate the field. Guys like Barry Sanders come to mind when I think about force production and absorption. This man could start, stop on a dime, and accelerate to full speed before most defenders could blink. Yeah he had good maximal speed, but there were people faster than him. However, no one could stop and start on a dime like him. He made a lot of people tackle air. On day two, we perform a lot of horizontal, lateral, and vertical jumps. Some of the jumps are all about force production, some of the jumps are all about absorption, and some are about absorption and production. There are also some upper body throws and plyometrics added in for upper body force production generated from the hips.

DAY 4 The third session of speed and agility work is being performed on day four of the workout. We are using the PAP method to recruit more fibers for faster acceleration times. I took this method from Coach The Mash System


Joe DeFranco, and I promise it works amazingly well. I recommend stopping the session if the sprint times start to slow. The entire point of using the contrast work is maximal acceleration times.

DAY 5 Day five is the one day we spend entirely on maximal speed. The dynamic warm ups are meant to prepare the athletes for optimal sprint technique. I use a lot of flying sprints to work on maximal speeds. Some of the keys are proper posture, eyes straight ahead, proper arm action, slight forward lean, and 4-position squeeze. Just like in weightlifting, I recommend using one cue at a time. If you want to be a good strength and conditioning coach, there are two areas that can really set you apart: expertise in speed work and nutrition.

The Mash System


WEEK 5 DAY 1 Clean

3RM, then -10% for 3

Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 70% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 70% x 6


3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec at knee)

BB Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats

3 x 8 each leg (RPE 8)


3x8 Max Effort Acceleration Speed Work

Get Ups

5 each

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Quadruped Thoracic Extension and Rotation

10 each side

Hip Flexor Stretch 4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Practice Starts with 10m Sprints


On Belly, Get Up, Sprint 15 Yards

2 at 80%, 2 at 90%, 2 at max effort

DAY 2 Power Snatch

3RM, then -10% for 3

Bench Press

75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1

Max Effort Sling Shot Bench Press


Bench Press (No Sling Shot, Competition Grip)

88% x 3, 90% for AMRAP


4 x submaximal reps

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

Plate Lateral Raises for 10 reps superset with Band Pushdowns for 15 reps superset with Band Face Busters for 12 reps: 3 sets

DAY 3 Force Development and Absorption; Agility Mountain Climbers

30 sec x 3

Neck Series Lying Leg Circles Cobra Pose Frog Pose Scorpion

10 each leg


10 yards


10 yards

4 Position March






On Knee Med Ball Chest Pass for Distance

2 x 5 (use hips)

24 Inch Box Depth Jump and Touch for Height

3 x 5 (focus on ground contact time, goal is 0.2 to 0.4 sec)

Drop, Roll, Sprint 10 Yards, Back Pedal 5 Yards, Sprint 10 Yards

4 sets (roll a different direction each time) Strength Work

Power Jerks from Rack

3RM, then -10% for 3

Front Squat with Belt Superset with Seated Box Jumps with 20lb Vest for 3 x 5 at 80% of Max Height

3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -15% for 2 x 3 (no pauses, last set is 3+)

Dynamic Deadlift (Opposite Stance)

75% for 6 x 3 (60-90 sec rest between sets)

Reverse Hypers

4 x 35-50 sec

The Mash System


DAY 4 Heaving Snatch Balance

1RM (5 sec pause), then -20% for 3 (not paused)

Plate Lateral Raises

3 x 10

One Arm Overhead Carris with a Fat Grip DB

3 x 45 sec (increase weight when all sets are completed unbroken)

Sled Rope Rows

4 x 30 yd

Sled Bear Crawls

4 x 30 yd PAP Acceleration

Get Ups

5 each

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Streamline Cat and Camel


4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


PAP Superset

Heavy Sled/Prowler Pushes (4 sec for 10 yards), rest 30 sec, then Sprint 20 yards: 6 sets (focus on step count, rest 3-4 min between sets)

DAY 5 Clean Max Effort

Clean to Hang Clean to Front Squat: 1RM

Velocity-Based Buffalo Bar Squats (Box Optional)

6 x 3 with 50% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Bench Press

Set 1: 88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6 Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6 Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6


4 x submaximal reps

Barbell Bentover Rows

4x5 Maximal Speed and Efficiency

Jump Rope

2 minutes

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Squat and Reach

5 each side

Overhead Lunge

10 each

Fire Hydrant

10 each

4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Seated Arm Action

3 x 4 seconds

Practice Starts with 10 Yard Sprints


Build Up Sprints

2 x 40 yards (focus on angles, arm action, and posture)

Flying 30 Yard Sprints (20 Yard Build Up, 30 Yard Max Effort, 20 Yard Decelerate)

4 sets (time the 30 yards)

The Mash System


WEEK 6 DAY 1 Clean

3RM, then -10% for 3

Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 73% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 73% x 6+


3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec at knee)

BB Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats

3 x 8 each leg (RPE 8)


3x8 Max Effort Acceleration Speed Work

Get Ups

5 each

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Quadruped Thoracic Extension and Rotation

10 each side

Hip Flexor Stretch 4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Practice Starts with 10m Sprints


On Belly, Get Up, Sprint 15 Yards

2 at 80%, 2 at 90%, 2 at max effort

DAY 2 Power Snatch

3RM, then -10% for 3

Bench Press

75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1

Max Effort Sling Shot Bench Press


Bench Press (No Sling Shot, Competition Grip)

90% x 1, 93% for AMRAP


5 x submaximal reps

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

Plate Lateral Raises for 10 reps superset with Band Pushdowns for 15 reps superset with Band Face Busters for 12 reps: 3 sets

DAY 3 Force Development and Absorption; Agility Mountain Climbers

30 sec x 3

Neck Series Lying Leg Circles Cobra Pose Frog Pose Scorpion

10 each leg


10 yards


10 yards

4 Position March






On Knee Med Ball Chest Pass for Distance

2 x 5 (use hips)

24 Inch Box Depth Jump and Touch for Height

3 x 5 (focus on ground contact time, goal is 0.2 to 0.4 sec)

Triple Broad Jump for Distance

4 sets Strength Work

Power Jerks from Rack

3RM, then -10% for 3

Front Squat with Belt Superset with Seated Box Jumps with 20lb Vest for 3 x 6 at 80% of Max Height

3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -15% for 2 x 3 (no pauses, last set is 3+)

Dynamic Deadlift (Opposite Stance)

80% for 6 x 3 (60-90 sec rest between sets), then work up with singles (stay under 90%)

Reverse Hypers

4 x 35-50 sec

The Mash System


DAY 4 Heaving Snatch Balance

1RM (5 sec pause), then -20% for 3 (not paused)

Plate Lateral Raises

3 x 10

One Arm Overhead Carris with a Fat Grip DB

3 x 45 sec (increase weight when all sets are completed unbroken)

Sled Rope Rows

4 x 30 yd

Sled Bear Crawls

4 x 30 yd PAP Acceleration

Get Ups

5 each

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Streamline Cat and Camel


4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Build Up Sprints

4 x 40 yards (30 sec between sets)

PAP Superset

Heavy Sled/Prowler Pushes (4 sec for 10 yards), rest 30 sec, then Sprint 20 yards: 6 sets (focus on step count, rest 3-4 min between sets)

DAY 5 Clean Max Effort

Clean Pull to Clean to Front Squat: 1RM

Velocity-Based Buffalo Bar Squats (Box Optional)

7 x 3 with 55% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Bench Press

Set 1: 88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6 Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6 Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6+


5 x submaximal reps

Barbell Bentover Rows

4x5 Maximal Speed and Efficiency

Jump Rope

2 minutes

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Squat and Reach

5 each side

Overhead Lunge

10 each

Fire Hydrant

10 each

4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Seated Arm Action

3 x 4 seconds

Practice Starts with 10 Yard Sprints


Build Up Sprints

2 x 40 yards (focus on angles, arm action, and posture)

Flying 30 Yard Sprints (20 Yard Build Up, 30 Yard Max Effort, 20 Yard Decelerate)

4 sets (time the 30 yards)

The Mash System


WEEK 7 DAY 1 Clean

90% of 3RM for 2 x 3

Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2


90% of 3RM for 3

BB Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats

4 x 5 each leg (RPE 8)



90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1, minutes, then 75% x 5 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1, minutes, then 75% x 5+

Max Effort Acceleration Speed Work Get Ups

5 each

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Quadruped Thoracic Extension and Rotation

10 each side

Hip Flexor Stretch 4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Med Ball Chest Pass and Sprint 10 Yards


Practice Starts with 10m Sprints


On Belly, Get Up, Sprint 15 Yards

2 at 80%, 2 at 90%, 2 at max effort

DAY 2 Power Snatch

90% of 3RM for 2 x 3

Bench Press

75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1

Max Effort Sling Shot Bench Press

90% of 3RM for 3 reps

Bench Press (No Sling Shot, Competition Grip)

85% for AMRAP


3 x submaximal reps

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

Plate Lateral Raises for 10 reps superset with Band Pushdowns for 15 reps superset with Band Face Busters for 12 reps: 3 sets

DAY 3 Force Development and Absorption; Agility Mountain Climbers

30 sec x 3

Neck Series Lying Leg Circles Cobra Pose Frog Pose Scorpion

10 each leg


10 yards


10 yards

4 Position March






On Knee Med Ball Chest Pass for Distance

2 x 5 (use hips)

24 Inch Box Depth Jump and Touch for Height

3 x 5 (focus on ground contact time, goal is 0.2 to 0.4 sec)

Forward Roll, Sprint 10 Yards, Shuffle 10 Yards, Shuffle 10 Yards

5 sets Strength Work

Power Jerks from Rack

3RM, then -10% for 3

Front Squat with Belt Superset with Seated Box Jumps with 20lb Vest for 3 x 4 at 80% of Max Height

90% of 3RM (1st rep paused 1 sec) for 2 x 3

Dynamic Deadlift (Opposite Stance)

70% for 5 x 3 (60-90 sec rest between sets)

Reverse Hypers

3 x 35-50 sec

The Mash System


DAY 4 Heaving Snatch Balance

1RM (3 sec pause), then -20% for 3 (not paused)

Plate Lateral Raises

3 x 10

One Arm Overhead Carris with a Fat Grip DB

3 x 45 sec (increase weight when all sets are completed unbroken)

Sled Rope Rows

4 x 30 yd

Sled Bear Crawls

4 x 30 yd PAP Acceleration

Get Ups

5 each

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Streamline Cat and Camel


4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


PAP Superset

Heavy Sled/Prowler Pushes (4 sec for 10 yards), rest 30 sec, then Sprint 20 yards: 6 sets (focus on step count, rest 3-4 min between sets)

DAY 5 Clean Max Effort

Clean to Front Squat: 1RM

Velocity-Based Buffalo Bar Squats (Box Optional)

6 x 3 with 45% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Bench Press

Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5 Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5 Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5+


3 x submaximal reps

Barbell Bentover Rows

4x5 Maximal Speed and Efficiency

Jump Rope

2 minutes

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Squat and Reach

5 each side

Overhead Lunge

10 each

Fire Hydrant

10 each

4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Build Up Sprints

2 x 40 yards (focus on angles, arm action, and posture)

Flying 30 Yard Sprints (20 Yard Build Up, 30 Yard Max Effort, 20 Yard Decelerate)

2 sets

40 Yard Dash

2 sets at 90% (practice technique, focus on start and mechanics)

The Mash System


WEEK 8 DAY 1 Clean


Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2



BB Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats

4 x 5 each leg (RPE 8)



93% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% x 5 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 93% x 1, minutes, then 78% x 5 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 93% x 1, minutes, then 78% x 5

Max Effort Acceleration Speed Work Get Ups

5 each

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Quadruped Thoracic Extension and Rotation

10 each side

Hip Flexor Stretch 4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Med Ball Chest Pass and Sprint 10 Yards


Practice Starts with 20 Yard Sprints


DAY 2 Power Snatch


Bench Press

75% x 3, 80% x 3, 85% x 1, 90% x 1

Max Effort Sling Shot Bench Press


Bench Press (No Sling Shot, Competition Grip)

93% x 1, 98% x 1, Max


5 x submaximal reps

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

Plate Lateral Raises for 10 reps superset with Band Pushdowns for 15 reps superset with Band Face Busters for 12 reps: 3 sets

DAY 3 Force Development and Absorption; Agility Mountain Climbers

30 sec x 3

Neck Series Lying Leg Circles Cobra Pose Frog Pose Scorpion

10 each leg


10 yards


10 yards

4 Position March






On Knee Med Ball Chest Pass for Distance

2 x 5 (use hips)

24 Inch Box Depth Jump and Touch for Height

3 x 5 (focus on ground contact time, goal is 0.2 to 0.4 sec)

T-Drill (Set up Cones in "T" Shape. Sprint 10 Yards, Sprint Left 5 Yards, Back Right 10 Yards, Left 5 Yards, Back to Beginning for Total of 40 Yards)

6 Sets (rest 2:1 between sets)

Strength Work Power Jerks from Rack


Front Squat with Belt Superset with Seated Box Jumps with 20lb Vest for 3 x 5 at 85% of Max Height

3RM, then -15% for 3+

Dynamic Deadlift (Opposite Stance)

85% for 7 x 2 (60-90 sec rest between sets), then work up with singles (stay under 93%)

Reverse Hypers

3 x 40-55 sec

The Mash System


DAY 4 Heaving Snatch Balance

1RM (3 sec pause)

Plate Lateral Raises

3 x 10

One Arm Overhead Carris with a Fat Grip DB

3 x 45 sec (increase weight when all sets are completed unbroken)

Sled Rope Rows

3 x 30 yd

Sled Bear Crawls

3 x 30 yd PAP Acceleration

Get Ups

5 each

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Streamline Cat and Camel


4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


PAP Superset

Prowler Pushes (very heavy) for 10 yards, Side Roll, then Sprint 10 yards: 5 sets (3 minutes between sets)

DAY 5 Clean


Velocity-Based Buffalo Bar Squats (Box Optional)

7 x 2 with 60% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Bench Press

Set 1: 93% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% x 5 Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 93% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% x 5 Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 93% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% x 5


5 x submaximal reps

Barbell Bentover Rows

4x5 Maximal Speed and Efficiency

Jump Rope

2 minutes

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Squat and Reach

5 each side

Overhead Lunge

10 each

Fire Hydrant

10 each

4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Practice Starts with 10 Yard Sprints


Build Up Sprints

2 x 40 yards (focus on angles, arm action, and posture)

Max Effort Dash for Time

2 sets of 30 yards

Max Effort Dash for Time

2 sets of 60 yards

The Mash System


Just like the other programs, this is the block that creates the gains that are manifested in the final block. It’s time to put your hood up and head down. One of the movements we are adding is the push jerk. I love this movement for teaching maximal power output into directional reversal and force absorption. The athleticism created by performing the Olympic movements is priceless. If you visit our gym, you would get to see it first hand. All of my athletes can perform massive vertical leaps, walk on their hands, perform muscle-ups, and nail standing back flips. Nathan Damron will amaze you on a daily basis with the random athletic feats that he tries. My favorite day of the week during this block is day three. This day is focused on force absorption and development. We are working on depth jumps, seated box jumps, and push jerks in the same day. You should leave this day feeling like you can jump out of the gym. If you want to be a great athlete, you will want to come to this session fully engaged and ready to work.

The Mash System


WEEK 9 DAY 1 Clean with 2 Sec Pause at Knee

3RM, then -10% for 3

Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

Reverse Band Deadlift (Green or Purple Bands)




93% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 93% x 1, minutes, then 78% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 93% x 1, minutes, then 78% x 4+

Max Effort Acceleration Speed Work Get Ups

5 each

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Quadruped Thoracic Extension and Rotation

10 each side

Hip Flexor Stretch 4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Practice Starts with 10m Sprints


Resisted 10 Yard Sprints (Use Vertimax, Bungee, or Sled)

4 sets (rest 3-4 minutes between sets for full recovery)

Pushup and Sprint 10 Yards


DAY 2 Power Snatch with 2 Sec Pause at Knee

3RM, then -10% for 3

Bench Press

75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1

Max Effort Sling Shot Bench Press


Bench Press (No Sling Shot, Competition Grip)

85% x 3, 90% for AMRAP

Closegrip Floor Presses with 75lb of Chains

3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)

Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec Pause at Top)

3 x 10

Arm Superset

Triceps Extensions for 10 reps superset with BB Curls for 10 reps: 3 sets Force Development and Absorption; Agility

Mountain Climbers

30 sec x 3

Neck Series Lying Leg Circles Cobra Pose Frog Pose Scorpion

10 each leg


10 yards


10 yards

4 Position March






One Leg Triple Broad Jump (1 Sec Pause when Sticking Each Landing)

3 sets each leg

Ice Skaters with a 35lb KB

3 x 10 each leg

30 Inch Box Depth Jump and Touch for Height

3 x 5 (focus on ground contact time, goal is 0.2 to 0.4 sec)

Pro Shuttle Drill (Set up 3 Cones in a Straight Line, Spaced 5 Yards Apart. Start in Middle Cone, Sprint to Right Cone, Turn Around, Sprint to Far Cone, then through the Start Point)

5 sets

The Mash System


DAY 3 Jerk from Blocks


Front Squat with Belt

2RM, then -15% for 2 x 2 (last set is 2+)

Dynamic Deadlift (Use Strongest Stance)

75% for 6 x 3 (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts

3 x 8 each side

DAY 4 Warmup with Overhead Squat Variations

Work up to 80% for 1 (paused 5 sec)

Plank Lat Pulls

3 x 20 sec each side

Sled Drags Forwards

70lb for 4 x 25 yd

Sled Drags Backwards

70lb for 4 x 25 yd PAP Acceleration

Get Ups

5 each

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Streamline Cat and Camel


4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Underhand Overhead Med Ball Toss for Height

3 x 5 maximum efforts

PAP Superset

Heavy Prowler Push (use low handles, minumum 150lb for 10 yards), rest 30 sec, then Sprint 15 yards: 6 sets (focus on step count, rest 3-4 min between sets)

DAY 5 Clean Max Effort

Clean Competition Style (3 attempts)

Velocity-Based High Bar Squats (Box Optional)

6 x 3 with 50% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

Rows (Seated, Band, T Bar, or Bentover)

3 x 10

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

Lateral Raises for 10 reps superset with Plate Raises for 10 reps: 3 sets

93% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 93% x 1, minutes, then 78% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 93% x 1, minutes, then 78% x 4+

Maximal Speed and Efficiency Jump Rope

2 minutes

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Squat and Reach

5 each side

Overhead Lunge

10 each

Fire Hydrant

10 each

4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Seated Arm Action

3 x 4 seconds

Practice Starts with 10 Yard Sprints


Build Up Sprints

2 x 40 yards (focus on angles, arm action, and posture)

Flying 40 Yard Sprints (20 Yard Build Up, 40 Yard Max Effort, 20 Yard Decelerate)

4 sets (time the 40 yards)

40 Yard Dash

2 sets at 90% (practice technique with a focus on start and mechanics)

The Mash System


WEEK 10 DAY 1 Clean with 2 Sec Pause at Knee

2RM, then -10% for 2

Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

Reverse Band Deadlift (Green or Purple Bands)




95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 80% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 95% x 1, minutes, then 80% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 95% x 1, minutes, then 80% x 4+

Max Effort Acceleration Speed Work Get Ups

5 each

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Quadruped Thoracic Extension and Rotation

10 each side

Hip Flexor Stretch 4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Practice Starts with 10m Sprints


Resisted 10 Yard Sprints (Use Vertimax, Bungee, or Sled)

4 sets (time each sprint, rest 3-4 minutes between sets for full recovery)

Pushup and Sprint 15 Yards


DAY 2 Power Snatch with 2 Sec Pause at Knee

2RM, then -10% for 2

Bench Press

75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1, 88% x 1

Max Effort Sling Shot Bench Press


Bench Press (No Sling Shot, Competition Grip)

90% x 1, 93% for AMRAP

Closegrip Floor Presses with 75lb of Chains

3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)

Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec Pause at Top)

3 x 10

Arm Superset

Triceps Extensions for 10 reps superset with BB Curls for 10 reps: 3 sets Force Development and Absorption; Agility

Mountain Climbers

30 sec x 3

Neck Series Lying Leg Circles Cobra Pose Frog Pose Scorpion

10 each leg


10 yards


10 yards

4 Position March






One Leg Triple Broad Jump (1 Sec Pause when Sticking Each Landing)

3 sets each leg

Ice Skaters with a 35lb KB

3 x 10 each leg

30 Inch Box Depth Jump and Touch for Height

3 x 4 (focus on ground contact time, goal is 0.2 to 0.4 sec)

Cone Zig-Zag Drill (Set up 7 Cones in a ZigZag Pattern, Spaced 5 Yards Apart)

All Sprints x 2, Sprint to Back Pedal x 2, Shuffle to Sprint x 2, Karaoke to Sprint x 2

The Mash System


DAY 3 Jerk from Blocks


Front Squat with Belt

1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3

Dynamic Deadlift (Use Strongest Stance)

80% for 6 x 3 (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec), then work up with singles (stay under 90%)

Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts

3 x 8 each side

DAY 4 Warmup with Overhead Squat Variations

Work up to 83% for 1 (paused 5 sec)

Plank Lat Pulls

3 x 25 sec each side

Sled Drags Forwards

70lb for 4 x 25 yd

Sled Drags Backwards

70lb for 4 x 25 yd PAP Acceleration

Get Ups

5 each

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Streamline Cat and Camel


4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Underhand Overhead Med Ball Toss for Height

3 x 5 maximum efforts

PAP Superset

Heavy Prowler Push (use low handles, minumum 150lb for 10 yards), rest 30 sec, then Sprint 15 yards: 6 sets (focus on step count, rest 3-4 min between sets)

DAY 5 Clean Max Effort

Clean Competition Style (3 attempts)

Velocity-Based High Bar Squats (Box Optional)

7 x 3 with 55% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

Rows (Seated, Band, T Bar, or Bentover)

3 x 10

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

Lateral Raises for 10 reps superset with Plate Raises for 10 reps: 3 sets

95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 80% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 95% x 1, minutes, then 80% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 95% x 1, minutes, then 80% x 4+

Maximal Speed and Efficiency Jump Rope

2 minutes

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Squat and Reach

5 each side

Overhead Lunge

10 each

Fire Hydrant

10 each

4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Seated Arm Action

3 x 4 seconds

Practice Starts with 10 Yard Sprints


Build Up Sprints

2 x 40 yards (focus on angles, arm action, and posture)

Flying 40 Yard Sprints (20 Yard Build Up, 40 Yard Max Effort, 20 Yard Decelerate)

4 sets (time the 40 yards)

The Mash System


WEEK 11 DAY 1 Clean with 2 Sec Pause at Knee


Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

Deadlift from 2 Inch Deficit



95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 85% x 3 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 95% x 1, minutes, then 85% x 3 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 95% x 1, minutes, then 85% x 3

3x5 Max Effort Acceleration Speed Work

Get Ups

5 each

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Quadruped Thoracic Extension and Rotation

10 each side

Hip Flexor Stretch 4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Practice Starts with 10m Sprints


Resisted 10 Yard Sprints (Use Vertimax, Bungee, or Sled)

4 sets (time each sprint, rest 3-4 minutes between sets for full recovery)

Pushup and Sprint 15 Yards


DAY 2 Power Snatch with 2 Sec Pause at Knee


Bench Press

75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1, 90% x 1

Max Effort Sling Shot Bench Press


Bench Press (No Sling Shot, Competition Grip)

93% x 2, 95% x 1, max, then 85% for AMRAP

Closegrip Floor Presses with 75lb of Chains

3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)

Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec Pause at Top)

3 x 10

Arm Superset

Triceps Extensions for 10 reps superset with BB Curls for 10 reps: 3 sets Force Development and Absorption; Agility

Mountain Climbers

30 sec x 3

Neck Series Lying Leg Circles Cobra Pose Frog Pose Scorpion

10 each leg


10 yards


10 yards

4 Position March






Ice Skaters with a 35lb KB

3 x 10 each leg

30 Inch Box Depth Jump and Touch for Height

3 x 4 (focus on ground contact time, goal is 0.2 to 0.4 sec)

Cone Zig-Zag Drill (Set up 7 Cones in a ZigZag Pattern, Spaced 5 Yards Apart)

All Sprints x 2, Sprint to Back Pedal x 2, Shuffle to Sprint x 2, Karaoke to Sprint x 2

The Mash System


DAY 3 Jerk from Blocks


Front Squat with Belt

80% of 1RM for 2 x 3

Dynamic Deadlift (Use Strongest Stance)

70% for 5 x 3 (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

DAY 4 Warmup with Overhead Squat Variations

Work up to 85% for 1 (paused 3 sec)

Plank Lat Pulls

3 x 30 sec each side

Sled Drags Forwards

70lb for 4 x 25 yd

Sled Drags Backwards

70lb for 4 x 25 yd PAP Acceleration

Get Ups

5 each

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Streamline Cat and Camel


4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Underhand Overhead Med Ball Toss for Height

3 x 5 maximum efforts

Build Up Sprints

4 x 40 yards (rest 30 sec between sets)

PAP Superset

Heavy Prowler Push (use low handles, minumum 150lb for 10 yards), rest 30 sec, then Sprint 15 yards: 6 sets (focus on step count, rest 3-4 min between sets)

DAY 5 Clean Max Effort

Clean Competition Style (3 attempts)

Velocity-Based High Bar Squats (Box Optional)

6 x 2 with 60% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

Rows (Seated, Band, T Bar, or Bentover)

3 x 10

Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset

Lateral Raises for 10 reps superset with Plate Raises for 10 reps: 2 sets

95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 85% x 3 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 95% x 1, minutes, then 85% x 3 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 95% x 1, minutes, then 85% x 3

Maximal Speed and Efficiency Jump Rope

2 minutes

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Squat and Reach

5 each side

Overhead Lunge

10 each

Fire Hydrant

10 each

4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Build Up Sprints

2 x 40 yards (focus on angles, arm action, and posture)

40 Yard Dash

2 sets at 90% for time

70 Yard Dash

2 sets at max effort for time

The Mash System




Work up to 85% of 1RM for 2 x 1

Back Squat with Belt

Work up to 85% for 2 x 2


Work up to 85% of 1RM


3x5 Max Effort Acceleration Speed Work

Get Ups

5 each

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Quadruped Thoracic Extension and Rotation

10 each side

Hip Flexor Stretch 4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards


Practice Starts with 10m Sprints


Broad Jump

Max Effort Test

DAY 2 Power Snatch

Work up to 85% of 1RM for 2 x 1

Bench Press (Competition Grip)

Work up to 85% for 2 x 2

Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec Pause at Top)


Force Development and Absorption; Agility Mountain Climbers

30 sec x 3

Neck Series Lying Leg Circles Cobra Pose Frog Pose Scorpion

10 each leg


10 yards


10 yards

4 Position March






Pro Shuttle Drill (Set up 3 Cones in a Straight Line, Spaced 5 Yards Apart. Start in Middle Cone, Sprint to to Right Cone, Turn Around, Sprint to Far Cone, then through the Start Point)

3 sets

Triple Broad Jump for Distance

4 sets

30 Inch Box Depth Jump and Touch for Height

3 x 4 (focus on ground contact time, goal is 0.2 to 0.4 sec)

The Mash System


DAY 3 Front Squat with Belt

80% for 2 x 1

Sled Drags Forwards

70lb for 4 x 25 yd

Sled Drags Backwards

70lb for 4 x 25 yd Maximal Speed and Efficiency

Jump Rope

2 minutes

Runner Holds

6 each


6 each

Standing Oblique

6 each

Squat and Reach

5 each side

Overhead Lunge

10 each

Fire Hydrant

10 each

4 Position March




A-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards




B-Skip to Sprint 10 Yards



Test 40 yard Dash or any other times that are important to you

DAY 4: OFF DAY 5 Clean


High Bar Back Squats (Box Optional)


Bench Press




The Mash System


Just like the other workouts, this block is designed to peak you strength-wise and athletically. I want you cleaning more, squatting more, jumping higher, and running faster. The biggest difference is I added a split jerk on day three using the max effort method with a 3RM. Split jerks are great for athletes because they teach force absorption recovering from the dip and accelerating into the drive. They teach force development with the drive portion, and they help to increase the speed of an athlete’s first step. This block is designed to peak you in the following movements: • Pro shuttle agility time • 40-yard dash • Triple broad jump • Max clean • Max back squat • Max bench • Max deadlift If your sport requires different tests, you could easily alter the program to match your sport. For example, if you are a baseball player being timed in the 60yd dash, you could simply increase the distance of all the linear sprints by 20 yards on maximal speed day. Also if you can’t perform certain movements like power snatches or split jerks, simply take them out or replace them with something that you can do. I also know that a lot of you have limited time. The strength portions are written in order of importance. If you don’t have the time to complete the entire program, cut out the last one or two accessory movements. You could also cut out the portions of the speed and agility work that you are best at, so you are left to focus on your weaknesses. The Mash System


In day one with the acceleration work, for example, you could cut out the 10m practice starts and the pushup and sprint 15 yard work. The 10 yard resisted sprints would allow you to practice your start and work on your acceleration phases, so you could just narrow the work down to that. This workout was written for athletes with endless time. It’s ultimately up to you to pick the movements and exercises that pertain to your strengths and weaknesses.

The Mash System


MASH SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL FITNESS: MASHFIT This year I have moved deeper into the arena of functional fitness. I work with several CrossFitters online now, and I have really enjoyed the process of adapting the Mash System to the world of functional fitness. We now have two teenagers who are rocking the CrossFit world. Nathan Clifton is our 16-year-old phenom who has already been to the CrossFit Games. We also have 15-year-old Ryan Grimsland who missed the Games this year by one spot. He ended up 21st in the world, which left him a frustrating one spot away. We are working together to make sure that never happens again. I also started working with Christmas Abbott’s CrossFit Invoke. We’ve put together a solid group of men and women who are looking to make a real run on the Games next year. Programming for an entire team has been a fun challenge, and I can’t wait to see how they do. I can’t take full credit for my MashFit Programming. Coach Crystal McCullough has been assisting me - especially in the Met Con and Gymnastic sections. Crystal has her Master’s Degree in Nursing and her CSCS. She’s competed in CrossFit for the last seven years and holds just about all of their certifications. However, the thing that makes her so good at it is the fact that she loves it. If you love The Mash System


something, you will immerse yourself in it until you understand it completely, much like Coach Don McCauley with weightlifting. The strength portion of the plan utilizes all of the methods I have discussed earlier in the book. You could say this is a non-fat version of the super rotal program. Functional fitness programming can be a complicated matter. These athletes must be strong, conditioned, athletic, gymnasty, and a little crazy all at the same time. Most strength programs demonstrate the 80:20 rule. 80% of the gains are produced by 20% of the exercises. For this MashFit workout, I focus on the 20%. I still fit in the important accessory work designed to encourage muscular balance and core stability. I fit these elements into their conditioning. I also try to focus on joint sparing movements with as little eccentric work as possible. If you’re not looking to compete and/or you don’t have the time to complete the entire program, you can skip the skills practice portions. You can just focus on the strength and the met cons.

The Mash System


WEEK 1 DAY 1 Clean and Jerks from Blocks with Bar at Knee

70% for 2 x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x1

Velocity-Based Safety Squat Bar Squats (Box Optional)

6 x 3 with 50% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

BB Bentover Rows

3 x 10 Conditioning: 3 sets: 40 sec on / 20 sec off (score is total reps) Jumping Lunges, Ball Slams, Burpees

DAY 2 Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee

70% for 2 x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x1

Bench Press

5RM (5 sec pause each rep), then -15% for 2 x 5 (no pauses) Skill Work: Take 5-10 minutes to practice handstand drills Skill Work: EMOM10: Odd: 30-45 sec Handstand Walking (scale based on skill level) Even: 10 unbroken Wall Balls (20lb/14lb) to 10' target Conditioning: EMOM30: Rotate through for 6 sets: Row for Calories x 15/12, Air Squats x 30, Double Unders x 30, Pull-Ups x 10, Bar Hops x 40

DAY 3 Deadlift (Paused 2 Sec 2 Inches off Floor and 2 Sec at Knee)

70% for 6 x 2, then work up with singles (stay under 83%)

Push Presses

5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+) Conditioning: 10-8-6-4-2: Push Press (135lb/95lb), Ab Rollouts with Barbell Run 100m between each set

DAY 4: OFF OR ACTIVE RECOVERY DAY 5 Clean from High Blocks (Power Position)

3RM (starting with 63%)

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3, minutes, then 60% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3, minutes, then 60% x 10

Gymnastics Strength Work: 7 x 1 Weighted Muscle Up (build to max) 7 x 1 WTD Ring Pushup (build to max) Muscular Imbalance Work: 3 sets: Single Arm Bentover DB Row x 10 each side, Overhead Single Arm DB Carry x 50m each arm, Static Handstand Hold x 20-30 sec (plank hold), Side Plank Reach Through x 10 each side

DAY 6 Snatch from High Blocks (Power Position)

3RM (starting with 63%)

Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3, minutes, then 60% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3, minutes, then 60% x 10

Conditioning: 3 Rounds with 90 sec between rounds: Sled Drags Backwards for 20 yards (start with 75lb/100lb and progress), Sled Drags Forwards for 20 yards (start with 75lb/100lb and progress), DB Double Overhead Lunges x 10 each leg (start with 25lb/35lb each hand and progress), KB Staggered Carry for 40 yards (switch arms halfway, start with 25lb/35lb above and 50lb/70lb below and progress)

The Mash System


WEEK 2 DAY 1 Clean and Jerks from Blocks with Bar at Knee

75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% x1

Velocity-Based Safety Squat Bar Squats (Box Optional)

7 x 3 with 55% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

BB Bentover Rows

3 x 10

Conditioning: AMRAP10: 5 Heavy Clusters (165lb/115lb), 10 Burpees over Bar, 15 Abmat Situps

DAY 2 Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee

75% for 3 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% x1

Bench Press

5RM (3 sec pause each rep), then -15% for 2 x 5 (no pauses, last set is 5+) Skill Work: Take 5-10 minutes to practice handstand drills Skill Work: EMOM12: Odd: 30-45 sec Handstand Walking (scale based on skill level) Even: 10 Toes to Bar Conditioning: 3 Rounds: Row 1000m, Run 800m, 100 Double Unders

DAY 3 Deadlift (Paused 2 Sec 2 Inches off Floor and 2 Sec at Knee)

75% for 5 x 2, then work up with singles (stay under 85%)

Push Presses

5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)

Chipper: 100 Walking Lunge Steps (unweighted), 60 Push-ups, 40 Pull-ups, 20 Push Jerks (115lb/75lb)

DAY 4: OFF OR ACTIVE RECOVERY DAY 5 Clean from High Blocks (Power Position)

3RM (starting with 63%)

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3, minutes, then 63% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3, minutes, then 63% x 10

Gymnastics Strength Work Superset: Weighted Muscle Up at 80% of max superset with WTD Ring Pushup at 80% of max: 4 sets Muscular Imbalance Work: 3 sets: Single Arm Bentover DB Row x 10 each side, Overhead Single Arm DB Carry x 50m each arm, Static Handstand Hold x 20-30 sec (plank hold), Side Plank Reach Through x 10 each side

DAY 6 Snatch from High Blocks (Power Position)

3RM (starting with 63%)

Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3, minutes, then 63% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3, minutes, then 63% x 10

Conditioning: 3 Rounds with 90 sec between rounds: Sled Drags Backwards for 20 yards (start with ending weight from last week), Sled Drags Forwards for 20 yards (start with ending weight from last week), DB Double Overhead Lunges x 10 each leg (start with ending weight from last week), KB Staggered Carry for 40 yards (switch arms halfway, start with ending weight from last week) Simple Cardio: Bike, Rower, or Treadmill for 35 minutes with heartrate at 75% of max

The Mash System


WEEK 3 DAY 1 Clean and Jerks from Blocks with Bar at Knee

65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1

Velocity-Based Safety Squat Bar Squats (Box Optional)

6 x 3 with 45% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

BB Bentover Rows

3 x 10

Conditioning: EMOM10: Odd: 20 Jump Squats Even: 15 Toes to Bar (If needed, scale to knees lifted to 90 degrees)

DAY 2 Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee

65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1

Bench Press

90% of 5RM (3 sec pause each rep) for 3 x 5 Skill Work: Take 5-10 minutes to practice handstand drills Skill Work: EMOM14: Odd: 30-45 sec Handstand Walking (scale based on skill level) Even: 8 Burpees Conditioning: Buy in: Row 2000m 50-40-30-20-10: Double Unders, Abmat Sit-ups Cash out: Run 1 mile

DAY 3 Deadlift (Paused 2 Sec 2 Inches off Floor and 2 Sec at Knee)

65% for 6 x 2

Push Presses

90% of 5RM for 3 x 5 Conditioning: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1: Deadlift (245lb/175b), Lateral Barbell Burpees

DAY 4: OFF OR ACTIVE RECOVERY DAY 5 Clean from High Blocks (Power Position)

90% of 3RM for 2 x 3

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3, minutes, then 65% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3, minutes, then 65% x 10

Gymnastics Strength Work: 5 x 2 Strict Muscle Up 5 x 2 Kipping Muscle Up Muscular Imbalance Work: 4 sets: Single Arm Bentover DB Row x 10 each side, Overhead Single Arm DB Carry x 50m each arm, Static Handstand Hold x 20-30 sec (plank hold), Side Plank Reach Through x 10 each side

DAY 6 Snatch from High Blocks (Power Position)

90% of 3RM for 2 x 3

Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3, minutes, then 65% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3, minutes, then 65% x 10

Conditioning: 5 Rounds for Max Distance in 60 sec with 60 sec rest between rounds: Prowler Rope Drag to Low-Handle Prowler Push (180lb/140lb added to prowler) Simple Cardio: Bike, Rower, or Treadmill for 40 minutes with heartrate at 75% of max

The Mash System


WEEK 4 DAY 1 Clean and Jerks from Blocks with Bar at Knee

55% x 3, 65% x 3, 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1, work up (allowed 1 miss)

Velocity-Based Safety Squat Bar Squats (Box Optional)

7 x 2 with 60% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Conditioning: 21-15-9: Power Cleans (50-55% of 1RM), Front Track Lunges with Barbell (using same weight)

DAY 2 Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee

55% x 3, 65% x 3, 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1, work up (allowed 1 miss)

Bench Press

5RM (1 sec pause each rep), then -15% for 5+ Skill Work: Take 5-10 minutes to practice handstand drills Skill Work: EMOM10: Odd: 30-45 sec Handstand Walking (scale based on skill level) Even: 15 unbroken Wall Balls (20lb/14lb) to 10' target

Conditioning: AMRAP30: 400m Run, 20 Power Snatch (95lb/65lb), 30 Ring Dips, 40 Jumping Lunges, 30 HR Push-ups, 20 Power Cleans (same weight as Power Snatch), 100m Sandbag Front Carry

DAY 3 Deadlift (Paused 2 Sec 2 Inches off Floor and 2 Sec at Knee)

80% for 5 x 2, then work up with singles (no pauses, stay under 90%)

Push Presses

5RM, then -15% for 5+ Conditioning: 3 Rounds for Time: 25 Air Squats, 10 Push Jerks (155lb/105lb)

DAY 4: OFF OR ACTIVE RECOVERY DAY 5 Clean from High Blocks (Power Position)

1RM (starting with 70%)

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

88% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 3, minutes, then 68% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 3, minutes, then 68% x 10

Gymnastics Strength Work: 5 x 3 Strict Muscle Up 5 x 3 Kipping Muscle Up Muscular Imbalance Work: 4 sets: Single Arm Bentover DB Row x 10 each side, Overhead Single Arm DB Carry x 50m each arm, Static Handstand Hold x 20-30 sec (plank hold), Side Plank Reach Through x 10 each side

DAY 6 Snatch from High Blocks (Power Position)

1RM (starting with 70%)

Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

88% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 3, minutes, then 68% x 10 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 3, minutes, then 68% x 10

Conditioning: 5 Rounds for Max Distance in 60 sec with 60 sec rest between rounds: Prowler Rope Drag to Low-Handle Prowler Push (230lb/180lb added to prowler) Simple Cardio: Bike, Rower, or Treadmill for 40 minutes with heartrate at 75% of max

The Mash System


WEEK 5 DAY 1 Clean and Jerks

70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88% x1

Velocity-Based Buffalo Bar Squats (Box Optional)

6 x 3 with 50% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Conditioning: For Time: 100 Air Squats, 80 Double Unders, 60 Abmat Sit-ups, 400m Run, 30 Wall Balls (20lb/14lb) to 10' target, 20 Thrusters (125lb/85lb)

DAY 2 Snatch

70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88% x1

Velocity-Based Bench Press (Alternate Grip)

5 x 3 with 50% bar weight + 30% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Gymnastics Skill Work: EMOM6: 5-7 Ring Dips (strict if possible) Strength Skill Work: 3 sets: Turkish Get-ups x 3 each side (building in weight if possible) Conditioning: 10 Rounds for Time: 10 Burpees, 10 Calorie Row, 200m Run

DAY 3 Deadlift

75% for 6 x 3 (60-90 sec rest between sets)

Reverse Hypers

4 x 35-50 sec

Conditioning: 4 Rounds for Time: 10 Deadlifts (225lb/155lb), 20 Box Jumps, 10 Handstand Push-up (to floor)


3RM, then -10% for 3

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 70% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 70% x 6

Gymnastics Strength Work: EMOM9: Rotate through 3 sets: 3-5 Strict Toes to Bar, 3-5 Strict Pull-ups, 3-5 Strict Handstand Pushups Muscular Imbalance Work: 3 sets: 4-Inch Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts with Kettlebell x 10 each side, Plank Hold for 1 min, Kettlebell Bottom-up One Arm Carry x 50ft each arm

DAY 6 No Hook and No Feet Snatch

65% for 3 x 3, then 3RM

Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

Deadlift from 6 Inch Blocks

88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 70% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 70% x 6

5RM, then -10% for 5

Conditioning: 4 Rounds with 2 min between rounds: Prowler Pushes for 20 yards at moderate weight

The Mash System


WEEK 6 DAY 1 Clean and Jerks

70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88% x 1, work up (allowed 1 miss)

Velocity-Based Buffalo Bar Squats (Box Optional)

7 x 3 with 55% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Conditioning: For Time: 400m Run, 30 Kettlebell Swings (70lb/55lb), 20 Chest to Bar Pull-ups, 10 Burpee to Plates

DAY 2 Snatch

70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88% x 1, work up (allowed 1 miss)

Velocity-Based Bench Press (Alternate Grip)

5 x 3 with 55% bar weight + 30% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Gymnastics Skill Work: EMOM8: Odd: 30 sec Handstand Hold 5-7 Ring Dips Strength Skill Work: 4 sets: Turkish Get-ups x 3 each side (building in weight if possible, try to end heavier than last week) Conditioning: "Abs Gone Bad": 3 Rounds for Total Reps: 1 min Row for Calories, 1 min Sit-ups, 1 min Air Squats, 1 min Russian Twists, 1 min Sit to Stands, 1 min Rest

DAY 3 Deadlift

80% for 6 x 3 (60-90 sec rest between sets), then work up with singles (stay under 90%)

Reverse Hypers

4 x 35-50 sec

Conditioning: AMRAP20: 50m Bilateral Farmers Carry (55lb/35lb), 10 Wall Balls (20lb/14lb) to 10' target, 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (65lb/45lb), 10 Box Jumps (24"/20")


3RM, then -10% for 3

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 73% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 73% x 6

Gymnastics Strength Work: EMOM12 Rotate through 4 sets: 3-5 Strict Toes to Bar, 3-5 Strict Pull-ups, 3-5 Strict Handstand Pushups Conditioning: 4 Rounds: 2 min AMRAP with 2 min rest between rounds: 30 Double Unders, 20 HR Push-ups

DAY 6 No Hook and No Feet Snatch

68% for 3 x 3, then 3RM

Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

Deadlift from 4 Inch Blocks

5RM, then -10% for 5

88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 73% x 6 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, minutes, then 73% x 6

Conditioning: 4 Rounds with 2 min between rounds: Prowler Pushes for 20 yards at moderate weight (heavier than last week) 200m Walking Lunge Steps

The Mash System



Clean and Jerks

70% for 2 x 2, 77% for 2 x 2, 83% for 2 x1, 85% x 1

Velocity-Based Buffalo Bar Squats (Box Optional)

6 x 3 with 45% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Conditioning: 5 Rounds for Time: 5 Hang Power Cleans at 85-90% of heaviest clean from earlier, 10 Handstand Push-up

DAY 2 Snatch

70% for 2 x 2, 77% for 2 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1, 85% x 1

Velocity-Based Bench Press (Alternate Grip)

5 x 3 with 45% bar weight + 30% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Gymnastics Skill Work: EMOM9: Rotate through 3 sets: 25 Double Unders, 30 sec Handstand Hold, 5-7 Ring Dips Strength Skill Work: 3 sets: Turkish Get-ups x 5 each side (building in weight if possible) Conditioning: For Time (Capped at 35 min): Run 1200 m, 50 Push-ups, 50 Sit-ups, Run 800m, 40 Push-ups, 40 Sit-ups, Run 400m, 30 Push-ups, 30 Sit-ups, Run 200m, 20 Push-ups, 20 Sit-ups, Run 100m, 10 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups

DAY 3 Deadlift

70% for 5 x 3 (60-90 sec rest between sets)

Reverse Hypers

3 x 35-50 sec Conditioning: AMRAP5: 10 Toes to Bar, 10 Single Arm Alternating DB/KB Snatch (55lb/35lb)

Rest 5 minutes, then repeat the above AMRAP5. Total score is combined reps but compare first AMRAP to second AMRAP.



Bench Press

Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5 Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5 Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5+ Conditioning: For Time: 1500m Row, 50 Wall Balls (20lb/14lb) to 10' target, 40 Chest to Bar Pull-ups, 30 Box Jumps (24"/20"), 20 Burpees

DAY 6 No Hook and No Feet Snatch

70% for 3 x 3

Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5 Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5 Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5+

Deadlift from 6 Inch Blocks

3RM, then -10% for 3

Conditioning: 4 Rounds with 2 min between rounds: Prowler Pushes for 30 yards at moderate weight (heavier than last week) 200m Walking Lunge Steps

The Mash System


WEEK 8 DAY 1 Clean and Jerks

73% x 2, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work up (allowed 1 miss)

Velocity-Based Buffalo Bar Squats (Box Optional)

7 x 2 with 60% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Conditioning: AMRAP9: 10 Calorie Row, 10 Power Snatches (95lb/65lb), 10 Box Jumps

DAY 2 Snatch

73% x 2, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work up (allowed 1 miss)

Velocity-Based Bench Press (Alternate Grip)

6 x 2 with 60% bar weight + 30% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Conditioning: Buy in: 5 Muscle Ups 10-8-6-4-2: One Arm Dumbbell Snatch (70lb/55lb, alternating hands) superset with 2-4-6-8-10: Burpees to 45lb Plate Cash out: 5 Muscle Ups

DAY 3 Deadlift

85% for 7 x 2 (60-90 sec rest between sets), then workup with singles (stay under 93%)

Reverse Hypers

3 x 40-55 sec

Gymnastics Skill Work: EMOM 12: Rotate through 3 sets: Pistols x 5 each leg, 25 Double Unders, 30 sec Handstand Hold, 5-7 Ring Dips Conditioning: Complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes 2-4-6-8-10-(keep adding 2 reps each round) and perform 100m Kettbell Carry in between rounds: Kettlebell Swing, Kettlbell Cleans (alternating hands), Kettlebell Goblet Squats Use 55lb/35lb kettlebell for all movements



Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

93% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% x 5 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 93% x 1, minutes, then 78% x 5 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 93% x 1, minutes, then 78% x 5

Gymnastics Strength Work: EMOM9: Rotate through 3 sets: Strict Toes to Bar, Strict Pull-ups, Strict Handstand Push-ups Muscular Imbalance Work: 4 sets: Side Plank Reach Through x 12 each side, KB Bottom-up Z Press x 10 each side, KB High Pull x 10 (lower slowly and pull explosively to clavicle)

DAY 6 No Hook and No Feet Snatch


Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

Deadlift from 4 Inch Blocks


93% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% x 5 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 93% x 1, minutes, then 78% x 5 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 93% x 1, minutes, then 78% x 5

Conditioning: 4 Rounds with 2 min between rounds: Prowler Pushes for 30 yards at moderate weight (heavier than last week) 200m Walking Lunge Steps

The Mash System


WEEK 9 DAY 1 Clean and Jerks

70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 78% x 2, 83% x 1, 88% x 1, 90% x1

Velocity-Based High Bar Squats (Box Optional)

6 x 3 with 50% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Conditioning: For Time: 60 Air Squats, 50 Abmat Sit-ups, 40 Box Jumps (24"/20"), 30 HR Push-ups, 20 Burpees, 500m Row

DAY 2 Snatch

70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 78% x 2, 83% x 1, 88% x 1, 90% x 1

Velocity-Based Bench Press (Alternate Grip)

6 x 3 with 50% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Arm Superset

Triceps Extensions for 10 reps superset with BB Curls for 10 reps: 3 sets Skill Work: Take 10 minutes to work on Handstand Holds Strength Skill Work: 3 Rounds: Max Effort Handstand Holds (rest 1:1 in between) Endurance Conditioning: AMRAP15: 10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups, 10 Wall Balls (20lb/14lb) to 10' target

DAY 3 Deadlift (Competition Stance)

80% x 3, 85% x 3, 90% for 2 x 1, 93% for 2 x 1, work up if feeling good

Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts

3 x 6 each side Conditioning: For Time: 10 KB Swings (70lb/53lb), 100m Run

DAY 4: OFF OR ACTIVE RECOVERY DAY 5 Max Effort Clean and Jerk

Competition Style Clean and Jerk (3 Attempts): Max

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

93% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 93% x 1, minutes, then 78% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 93% x 1, minutes, then 78% x 4+

Gymnastics Strength Work: 10 Rope Climbs (base on skill level of with or without legs) Muscular Imbalance Work: 2 sets: Single Arm Farmer Carry x 50m each arm, Side Plank Reach Through x 10 each side, 20 Face Pulls, 20 Band Pull Aparts, 10 Bentover Barbell Rows Plank Hold: 2 sets of 60 sec

DAY 6 Max Effort Snatch

Competition Style Snatch (3 Attempts): Max

Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

Reverse Band Deadlift (Green or Purple Bands)


93% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 93% x 1, minutes, then 78% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 93% x 1, minutes, then 78% x 4+

Conditioning: 3 Rounds: Zercher Carry for 100ft, Overhead KB Waiter Carry for 100 ft each arm 300m Walking Lunge Steps

The Mash System


WEEK 10 DAY 1 Clean and Jerks

70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1, work up (allowed 1 miss)

Velocity-Based High Bar Squats (Box Optional)

7 x 3 with 55% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Conditioning: For Time: AMRAP5: 10 Power Cleans (115lb/75lb), 10 Handstand Push-ups Rest 5 minutes Conditioning: For Time: AMRAP5: 10 Front Squats (155lb/115lb), 10 Feet Elevated Ring Rows

DAY 2 Snatch

70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1, work up (allowed 1 miss)

Velocity-Based Bench Press (Alternate Grip)

7 x 3 with 55% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Arm Superset

Triceps Extensions for 10 reps superset with BB Curls for 10 reps: 3 sets Skill Work: EMOM8: Odd: 5-10 Toes to Bar Even: Handstand Hold x 30 sec Endurance Conditioning: 5 Rounds for Time: 15 Pull-ups, 30 Walking Lunge Steps, 45 Double Unders

DAY 3 Deadlift (Competition Stance)

85% x 2, 90% x 2, 93% x 2, 95% x 1, work up if feeling good

Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts

3 x 6 each side

Conditioning: AMRAP25: 500m Row, 20 HR Push-ups, 15 Deadlifts (225lb/155lb), Single Arm Farmer Carry 50m each side (55lb/44lb)

DAY 4: OFF OR ACTIVE RECOVERY DAY 5 Max Effort Clean and Jerk

Competition Style Clean and Jerk (3 Attempts): Max

Bench Press

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 80% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 95% x 1, minutes, then 80% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 95% x 1, minutes, then 80% x 4+

Gymnastics Strength Work: 2 sets: Max unbroken Push-ups (chest must touch floor but no resting on floor, full lockout at top must be achieved) Muscular Imbalance Work: 3 sets: 10 Strict Leg Raises on Bar, Single Arm Farmer Carry x 50m each arm, Side Plank Reach Through x 10 each side, 20 Face Pulls, 20 Band Pull Aparts, 10 Bentover Barbell Rows Plank Hold: 2 sets of 60 sec

DAY 6 Max Effort Snatch

Competition Style Snatch (3 Attempts): Max

Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: Set 2: rest 2 Set 3: rest 2

Reverse Band Deadlift (Green or Purple Bands)


95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 80% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 95% x 1, minutes, then 80% x 4 (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 95% x 1, minutes, then 80% x 4+

Conditioning: 4 Rounds: 2 Rope Climbs (legless if possible), Sled Push for 20 yard with moderate weight 300m Walking Lunge Steps

The Mash System



Clean and Jerks

Work up to opener for 2 Cleans and 1 Jerk

Velocity-Based High Bar Squats (Box Optional)

6 x 2 with 60% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Conditioning: For Time: AMRAP12: 1 Wall Climb, 8 Heavy Kettlebell Swings (70lb/53lb), 12 Box Jumps (20"/18")

DAY 2 Snatch

Work up to opener for a double

Velocity-Based Bench Press (Alternate Grip)

6 x 2 with 60% bar weight + 25% bands (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Arm Superset

Triceps Extensions for 10 reps superset with BB Curls for 10 reps: 3 sets

Skill Work: EMOM12: Rotate through 4 sets: 30 Double Unders, 5-10 Toes to Bar, 30 sec Handstand Hold Endurance Conditioning: For Time: 500m Row, 25 unbroken Wall Balls (20lb/14lb) to 10' target, 100 Sit-ups, 50 HR Push-ups, 25 Wall Balls, 400m Run

DAY 3 Deadlift (Competition Stance)

90% x 2, 93% x 1, work up if feeling good

Conditioning: 8 Rounds as fast as possible, Rest 2 min between rounds: 250m Row, 5 Tire Flips

DAY 4: OFF OR ACTIVE RECOVERY DAY 5 Max Effort Clean and Jerk

Competition Style Clean and Jerk (3 Attempts): Max

Bench Press

Set 1: 95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 85% x 3 Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 85% x 3 Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 85% x 3 Gymnastics Strength Work: 2 sets: 1 min strict Pull-ups, 1 minute Wall Walks, rest 2 min

Push Jerks


Muscular Imbalance Work: 2 sets: Seated DB Rows x 10 (DB in each hand), Weighted Box Step-ups x 10 each leg, Single Arm DB Strict Press x 10 each arm, Unilateral Suitcase Deadlifts x 10 each side

DAY 6 Max Effort Snatch

Competition Style Snatch (3 Attempts): Max

Back Squat with Belt

Set 1: 95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 85% x 3 Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 85% x 3 Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 95% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 85% x 3

Deadlift from 2 Inch Deficit


Conditioning: 3 Rounds: Alternating DB Snatch (55lb/40lb) for 5 each arm, Sled Drags Forwards for 50m (moderate to heavy weight), Sled Drags Backwards for 50m 400m Walking Lunge Steps

The Mash System



Clean and Jerks

Work up to last Clean and Jerk warm up

Velocity-Based High Bar Squats (Box Optional)

5 x 3 with 70% bar weight (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Conditioning: For Time: 4 Rounds: Single Arm Overhead KB Squat (55lb/35lb) x 5 each arm, 40 Double Unders, Single Arm Kettlebell Swing (swing up to eye level, use same KB weight) x 15 each arm

DAY 2 Snatch

Work up to Snatch opener

Velocity-Based Bench Press (Alternate Grip)

5 x 3 with 70% bar weight (60-90 sec rest between sets, bar speed goal of 0.8 m/sec)

Endurance Conditioning: Jerry: 1 mile Run, 2k Row, 1 mile Run

DAY 3 Deadlift (Competition Stance)

Work up to opener for 1

Conditioning: AMRAP20: 3 Deadlifts (255lb/165lb), 5 Burpees, 15 Abmat Sit-ups, 100m Sprint



Clean and Jerk


DAY 6 Back Squat


Bench Press



Max Conditioning: 4 Rounds: 10 Goblet Squats (55lb/35lb), 25 Calorie Row

The Mash System


CONDITIONING THAT WON'T CRUSH YOUR GAINS A lot of our followers love the barbell. They love to lift heavy and often. One of the most common questions is, How do I condition without killing my gains? There are a few keys: • Limit the eccentric contractions • Use joint sparing movements • Limit muscle damage If you can do these three things, then you can condition all you want without loss of gains. Here are a few ways that my athletes stay conditioned:

WORK CAPACITY: PROWLER WORK Start with a 45lb plate and a 25lb plate on each handle. Push the prowler on the high handles for 25 yards. Then, take off the 25lb plates and push it on the low handles for 25 yards. The Mash System


Perform 4 sets. Work on increasing the difficulty each week. You could do this by adding another 25lb plate, pushing the prowler farther, adding a set, or performing everything faster.

WORK CAPACITY: SLED DRAGS 70lb - pulling forwards - 4 sets x 25 yards 70lb - pulling backwards - 4 sets x 25 yards 70lb - forwards walk and press - 2 sets x 10 reps 70lb - forwards walk and row - 2 sets x 10 reps To increase the difficulty of this exercise each week: add 10lb to 25lb, increase the distance by 5 yards, go faster, increase the reps, or add a set.

WORK CAPACITY: HIIT Choose a treadmill, rower, or bike. Push hard for 30 to 90 seconds, then rest for 15 to 60 seconds. Perform this for a total of 5 to 8 sets. I recommend starting with 45 seconds on and 45 seconds off for 5 sets. The goal is to progress each week in one way or another. You could increase resistance, treadmill incline, or RPMs. You could also add 5 seconds of exercise to each set, decrease the rest time by 5 seconds, or add a set. The Mash System


WORK CAPACITY: SIMPLE CARDIO Choose a treadmill, rower, or bike. Exercise for 25 to 35 minutes with a heart rate of 75% to 85% of your max.

NO WEAKNESSES CONDITIONING: FIRST BLOCK - MET CON 1 30 sec Bike or Rower Sprint Unilateral Farmers Walk for 20yd each hand Unilateral KB Overhead Squats x 5 per hand 3 Rounds is one set, 2 minutes rest between sets, 3 sets

NO WEAKNESSES CONDITIONING: FIRST BLOCK - MET CON 2 Seated DB Power Cleans x 10 Pull-ups for submaximal reps Sled Hand over Hand Drags for 40yd 5 Rounds with 60 sec rest between sets The Mash System


NO WEAKNESSES CONDITIONING: FIRST BLOCK - MET CON 3 Double Fat Grip Overhead Dumbbell Walk Leap Frogs Zercher Carries Russian Baby Makers Prowler Push Side Lunges 3-4 sets of 30 sec each exercise with 2-3 minutes between sets

NO WEAKNESSES CONDITIONING: FIRST BLOCK - MET CON 4 Backwards Sled Drags for 20yd Forwards Sled Drags for 20yd DB Double Overhead Lunges x 10 each leg KB Staggered Carry 40 yd (switch arms half way) 5 Rounds with 90 seconds rest

NO WEAKNESSES CONDITIONING: SECOND BLOCK - MET CON 1 Double Unders or Single Unders for 45 seconds Bilateral Farmers Walk for 40yd Sumo Deadlift High Pulls x 10 2 Rounds is one set, 2 minutes rest between sets, 3 sets The Mash System


NO WEAKNESSES CONDITIONING: SECOND BLOCK - MET CON 2 Hang Muscle Snatch x 10 10lb Weighted Pull-ups for submaximal reps Prowler Hand over Hand Drags for 20yd Prowler Push (Using Low Handles) for 20yd 5 Rounds with 90 sec rest between sets

NO WEAKNESSES CONDITIONING: SECOND BLOCK - MET CON 3 Axle Bar Overhead Walks Hip Flexor Kneeling Lunges Heavy Med Ball or Object Bear Hug Carry 50/100lb to start Potato Sack Kettlebell Squat with 5-second pauses in bottom Bear Crawls Wide Stance Kettlebell Swings 3-4 sets of 30 sec each exercise with 2-3 minutes between sets

NO WEAKNESSES CONDITIONING: SECOND BLOCK - MET CON 4 Backwards Sled Drags for 30yd Forwards Sled Drags for 30yd DB One Arm OH Lunges x 10 ea leg (alt. arms ea set) Prowler Push with Sled Drag for 40yd 5 Rounds with 90 seconds rest The Mash System


CONCLUSION I am so excited about this book. It has taken me a lifetime to settle on a system. I have been training since I was eleven years old, so that's thirty-three years in the trenches with the barbell. In that time I have researched and read thousands of pages of literature. I have personally tried hundreds of methods, techniques, and cues. I have coached thousands of athletes, and their results have gotten better each and every year. Now we have arguably produced more international athletes than any other gym in America. Not to mention I don’t live in San Francisco or Miami. I live in Advance, NC - so it’s not like I’m swimming in athletes. We build athletes. There is nothing more exciting than developing a product that helps other coaches and athletes become successful. I know this book will help athletes progress. I know it will help the coaches and athletes understand why I program the way that I do. Hopefully it will spark ideas in other coaches to try movements and methods that are even better than I have prescribed. Giving someone a program that will help him or her succeed is a great honor for any coach. However, teaching a coach methods and concepts that might help them develop something even better is a bigger honor. I want to do for all of you what Louie Simmons has done for me. I want to motivate all of you to develop something so good that I will buy it from you.

The Mash System


APPENDIX A: BAND TENSIONS For some reason, information on the different band tensions are always hard to find. Remember, these are just averages. If you are tall, it’s going to add a little more at the top. If you are short, the bands will add a little less at the top. Here’s the thing: I recommend just coming close and rounding down. You can always start just a little lighter and add some weight after the first two sets. Squatting: Blue per side - 200 lb total extra at the top Green per side - 150 lb total extra at the top Purple per side -120 lb total extra at the top Deadlift/Pulling: Doubled Mini - 220 lb total extra at the top Doubled Monster - 320 lb total extra at the top Benching: Doubled Mini - 120 lb total extra at the top Doubled Monster - 200 lb total extra at the top The Mash System



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