Las Costumbres En La Mesa Española

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  • February 2021
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Las costumbres en la mesa española Comer en España es un ritual social de los más importantes que hay: no sólo se come y se comparte la comida, sino lo que se comparte es la vida. Es más: comer solo para un español puede ser una experiencia muy triste. Todo esto se observa especialmente en las costumbres en la mesa. Primera: "esperar a todos". No se empieza a comer hasta que se han sentado todos los invitados. Incluso si la comida era a las tres y los últimos en llegar aparecen a las tres y media. Saltarse esta norma es un atentado contra la etiqueta básica en la mesa. Al mismo tiempo es muy importante el horario de las comidas y las cenas: en España se come entre las dos y media y las tres, y está muy mal visto llegar tarde. Las cenas se sirven a partir de las ocho y media, siendo las nueve y media la hora normal para sentarse a la mesa. Segunda: en una mesa española nunca falta pan recién hecho. Es costumbre comprar pan todos los días, y el pan de ayer se tira. Tercera: antes de comer hay que poner la mesa: se despeja la mesa, se coloca un mantel, unos vasos, servilletas y cubiertos para cada persona. Esto lo suelen hacer los niños, o, si no los hay, se hace entre todos (incluidos los invitados). Cuarta: cuando se acaba la comida se sirve un postre (una fruta o un dulce) y un café. Mientras tanto los invitados a menudo ayudan a los anfitriones a recoger los platos. Quinta: la "sobremesa". Esta costumbre tan española consiste en que, cuando se han retirado los platos, todos los presentes inician unas largas conversaciones sobre cualquier tema. Se prefieren temas políticos y/o deportivos. Curiosamente, con todo, es poco habitual iniciar una conversación seria mientras se come: lo más normal es esperarse hasta el postre y el café. Esta sobremesa puede alargarse durante horas. En las reuniones más extensas la comida se enlaza directamente con la cena, ¡tanto llega a durar! En muchas ocasiones, sin embargo, la sobremesa puede acabar mal cuando quienes se reúnen no se llevan bien. Esto suele ocurrir en las muy "temidas" cenas de Nochebuena, donde es casi obligación reunirse en familia. Autor/a Jose Gordillo Peribáñez, Paula Salgado Reig 1. Según el texto: a. En España, en las comidas, sólo se comparte la comida b. A los españoles nos gusta comer solos

c. En España comer es un ritual en el que se comparte la comida y la vida 2. Según el texto: a. En España no se empieza a comer hasta que no llega el último comensal. b. Las comidas empiezan puntualmente c. Las horas de las comidas no son importantes 3. Según el texto:

2 a. Se come con pan de molde. b. Se guarda el pan de un día para otro. c. Siempre hay pan recién hecho. 4. Poner la mesa es.... a. ...traer una mesa y colocarla para comer

b. ...poner sobre la mesa lo necesario para comer c. ...lo que hace el cocinero-a antes de servir la comida 5. Después de la comida.... a. toma un postre y los niños recogen la mesa b. toma un postre, un café y recogen la mesa entre los anfitriones e invitados. c. toma un dulce y los invitados recogen la mesa 6. La sobremesa tiene lugar... a. ... durante la comida.

b. ... antes de la comida. c. ... después de la comida. 7. Durante la comida... a. ... se habla de política y deportes. b. ... se establecen conversaciones serias. c. ... no se habla de temas serios 8. La sobremesa... a. ... se termina después de tomar un café. b. ... puede durar hasta la cena. c. ... no es frecuente en España.


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Is spanking (a trage o palma) a good way to discipline children? Should people follow the religion of their parents, or should they have the liberty to choose another? What are some of your fondest memories of childhood? What are your parents like? What do you and your family like to do together? What do you think of married couples who decide not to have any child? What do your mother and father look like? How about your grandparents? What do your parents do in their free time? What are the occupations of your family members? What does your father do? What's his job? What does your mother do? What is the best memory you have of your family doing something together? What kind of things do you do with your family? What will you teach your children? (what values, beliefs, hobbies, skills, etc.) What would you change about your childhood? Where do your grandparents live? Where does your father's father live? Where does your mother's mother live? Who do you get along better with, your mother or your father? Who is the black sheep (odd ball) in your family? Would you get involved in your in-laws' family problems? Would you live with your parents after you get married? Should children help with the housework? How much or how often should they help? What kinds of housework is not appropriate for children to do? Do you live in a nuclear family or an extended family? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these types of family? What impact has divorce and/or modern day living had on the family? Is the nanny and/or the day-care centre the third parent? Where is the best place to raise a family? Where do you think the best place to raise a family is? Why? What can make you happy in the long term/ short term? Consider the following: job satisfaction, a loving family, good health, plenty of money, strong religious believes, ... What do you think of your mother and your father?


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Which do you think is more important: following the dreams your parents want for you or following your own dreams? What's the hardest thing you ever had to do? What was the most important thing your parents taught you? What's the best thing about your mom? If you could have a different number of siblings, what would it be? Who should take care of old people? What is the perfect number of children to have? What's the best thing about your grandparents? Should parents give their children an allowance? What customs do you practice? What are your favorite customs? What customs do you think should be revised? What customs do you think should no longer be practice? What customs (from elsewhere) do you think should be included in our culture? What are some things that define a culture? For example, music, language, ... What do you think is interesting about your culture? Do you know much about your own culture? When people from other countries think about your culture, what do they usually think of? In your culture is it polite to be straightforward and direct when you talk to someone? o To whom is it OK and to whom is it not OK? What has surprised you when you've met people from other countries? Have you looked at Internet pages from a different culture? If so, how were they different from those of your own culture? What do you like about your culture? What don't you like about your culture? How do young people in your culture behave differently from older people? How do young people in your culture behave differently from people in this culture? Are there many people of different cultures in your country? Are you friends with any? Have you ever felt confused by the actions of someone from another culture? o If so, tell me about it. How are your language teachers who are not from your country different from your other teachers? o How are they the same? Who in your culture do you admire most? What your culture are you most proud about? Why do you think culture is important? If you could change one thing about your culture, what would it be? Would you ever consider marrying or dating someone from another culture? Would you ever consider living permanently in a country other than your home country? Why or why not? What does it mean to be polite in your culture? What is considered rude in your culture?


Is there anything in this culture that is considered rude that may not be considered rude in your culture? If a group of people just came to your country from overseas, what advice would you give them? What other cultures have you met people from? What do you think is important when visiting another culture? Do you think "when in Rome, do as the Romans do" is always good advice? Why or why not? Have you ever been in a situation where you felt you had to "do as the Romans do"? What culture besides your own do you admire and why? If aliens visited your country, what might surprise them? Do you pray before each meal? How do you feel when you leave your home culture and enter into a completely new culture? What is the best/most important thing your culture has given to the world? What is the best/most important thing your culture/country has adopted from another culture? If you could choose three aspects of your culture to put in a "time box" for the future, what would you put in it? What is culture shock? Have you ever experienced culture shock? What is reverse, or re-entry, culture shock? Have you ever experienced reverse culture shock? On what occasions do you exchange flowers in your country? On what occasions do you exchange flowers in your country? What are some things that define a culture? For example, music, language, ... Do you know much about your own culture? What do you think is interesting about your own culture? What do you like most about your own culture? What do you like least about your culture? What does it mean to be polite in your culture? What is considered rude in your culture? Is there anything in Canadian culture that is considered rude in your culture? In your culture is it polite to be straightforward and direct when you talk to someone? To whom is it OK and to whom is it not OK? What has surprised you when you've met people from other countries? How do young people in your culture behave differently from older people? How do young people in your culture behave differently from people in Canada? Are there people of different cultures in your country? Are you friends with any of them? What other cultures have you met people from? Have you ever felt confused by the actions of someone from another culture? If so, tell me about it. How are your language teachers different from your teachers in your culture? How are they the same? What are the five most important values of your culture? (For example, Family) o

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What in your culture are you most proud about? If you could change one thing about your culture, what would it be? Would you ever consider marrying or dating someone from another culture? Would you ever consider living permanently in a country other than your home country? Why or why not? Do you think "when in Rome, do as the Romans do" is always good advice? Why or why not? Have you ever been in a situation where you felt you had to "do as the Romans do"? What do you think is important when visiting another culture? If a group of people just came to your country from overseas, what advice would you give them? What culture besides your own do you admire? Why? If aliens visited your country, what might surprise them? What is the best/most important thing your culture has given to the world? What is the best/most important thing your culture/country has adopted from another culture? What are some things that define a culture? For example, music, language, ...

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