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Subjects 1. Police Organization and Administration with Police Planning 2. Security Safety Management 3. Police Patrol 4. Police Intelligence 5. Police Personnel and Records Management 6. Comparative Police System

1. It is the scientific study of crime and the effort of the society to prevent and repressed them? a. Crime

b. Victimology c. Criminology

d. Criminal justice

1. It is the scientific study of crime and the effort of the society to prevent and repressed them? a. Crime

b. Victimology c. Criminology

d. Criminal justice

2. It is the study of human society, Its origin, structure, functions and direction

a. Sociology b. Criminology c. Psychology d. Anthropology

2. It is the study of human society, Its origin, structure, functions and direction

a. Sociology b. Criminology c. Psychology d. Anthropology

3. An act or omission in violation of the public law commanding or forbidding it.

a. Crime b. Felony (RPC) c. Offense (Spl. Penal law) d. Infraction of law (C/M. Ord.)

3. An act or omission in violation of the public law commanding or forbidding it.

a. Crime b. Felony (RPC) c. Offense (Spl. Penal law) d. Infraction of law (C/M. Ord.)

4. The following are the elements of Dolo or deceit, EXCEPT:

a. Intelligence b. Intent c. Freedom d. Negligence

4. The following are the elements of Dolo or deceit, EXCEPT:

a. Intelligence b. Intent c. Freedom d. Negligence

5. It is the scientific study of human behavior or man’s external manifestation in relation to criminality. a) Epidiomology b) Criminal psychology c) Criminal Psychiatry d) Physical anthropology

5. It is the scientific study of human behavior or man’s external manifestation in relation to criminality. a) Epidiomology b) Criminal psychology c) Criminal Psychiatry d) Physical anthropology

6. Crimes are classified under the revised penal code according to their gravity. What crime to which the law attaches the capital punishment or afflictive penalties.

a. grave felonies b. light felonies (arresto menor) c. less grave felonies (Correctional) d. complex felonies

6. Crimes are classified under the revised penal code according to their gravity. What crime to which the law attaches the capital punishment or afflictive penalties.

a. grave felonies b. light felonies (arresto menor) c. less grave felonies (Correctional) d. complex felonies

7. Refers to a person who has been found guilty by competent court by virtue of final verdict.

a. felon b. suspect c. criminal d. recidivist

7. Refers to a person who has been found guilty by competent court by virtue of final verdict.

a. felon b. suspect c. criminal d. recidivist

8. This is a branch of public law which defines crime, treats of their nature and provides for their punishment.

a. Civil law b) Political law c) Criminal law d) Commercial law

8. This is a branch of public law which defines crime, treats of their nature and provides for their punishment.

a. Civil law b) Political law c) Criminal law d) Commercial law

9. The Revised penal code is the primary source of our criminal law. It is otherwise known as:

a. Act 3815 b. Republic Act 3815 c. Batas Pambansa 3815 d. Commonwealth Act 3815

9. The Revised penal code is the primary source of our criminal law. It is otherwise known as:

a. Act 3815 b. Republic Act 3815 c. Batas Pambansa 3815 d. Commonwealth Act 3815

10. This school of though in criminology states that although individuals have free will, there are other factors that affect the exercise of their free will, which cause them commit crimes:

a. neo-classical b. classical c. utilitarianism d. positivist

10. This school of though in criminology states that although individuals have free will, there are other factors that affect the exercise of their free will, which cause them commit crimes:

a. neo-classical b. classical c. utilitarianism d. positivist

11. What is also known as the "AntiViolence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004"?

A. RA 7610 B. RA 9208 C. RA 9262

D. RA 9344

11. What is also known as the "AntiViolence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004"?

A. RA 7610 B. RA 9208 C. RA 9262

D. RA 9344

12. What type of a delinquent youth is characterized by being aggressive and recent the authority of anyone who makes an effort to control his behavior?

A. Accidental B. Asocial C. Neurotic D. Social

12. What type of a delinquent youth is characterized by being aggressive and recent the authority of anyone who makes an effort to control his behavior?

A. Accidental B. Asocial C. Neurotic D. Social

13. His delinquent act has a cold, brutal, vicious quality for which the youth feels no remorse

a. Accidental b. Asocial c. Neurotic d. Social

14. What approach towards delinquency views the lawbreaker as a person whose misconduct is the result of faulty biology?

A. Biogenic B. Phatogenic C. Psychogenic

D. Sociogenic

14. What approach towards delinquency views the lawbreaker as a person whose misconduct is the result of faulty biology?

A. Biogenic B. Phatogenic C. Psychogenic

D. Sociogenic

15. It accounts for individual offender by reference to learning process, which goes on in youth gangs, stigmatizing contacts with social control agencies and other variables of that time. A. Biogenic

B. Phatogenic C. Psychogenic

D. Sociogenic

15. It accounts for individual offender by reference to learning process, which goes on in youth gangs, stigmatizing contacts with social control agencies and other variables of that time. A. Biogenic

B. Phatogenic C. Psychogenic

D. Sociogenic

16. It tells us that the offender behaves as she or he does in response to pathological personality of some kind.

A. Biogenic B. Phatogenic C. Psychogenic

D. Sociogenic

16. It tells us that the offender behaves as she or he does in response to pathological personality of some kind.

A. Biogenic B. Phatogenic C. Psychogenic

D. Sociogenic

17. It is characterized by disrespect or disobedience for authority.

A. Anti Social Behavior B. Emotional Disorder C. Truancy

D. Vagrancy

17. It is characterized by disrespect or disobedience for authority.

A. Anti Social Behavior B. Emotional Disorder C. Truancy

D. Vagrancy

18. Emancipation age? a. 15 b. 16 c. 17 d. 18

18. Emancipation age? a. 15 b. 16 c. 17 d. 18

19. Under the “Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006”, which among the following refers to a child who is alleged as, accused of, or adjudged as, having committed an offense under Philippine laws? A. Child in Conflict with the Law

B. Juvenile Delinquent C. Minor Offender

D. Youth Criminal

19. Under the “Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006”, which among the following refers to a child who is alleged as, accused of, or adjudged as, having committed an offense under Philippine laws? A. Child in Conflict with the Law

B. Juvenile Delinquent C. Minor Offender

D. Youth Criminal

20. It is the application of the criminal justice to minors and youthful offender through the cooperation of the criminal justice system. A. Child Justice System B. Juvenile Justice System C. Minor Justice System

D. Youth Justice System

20. It is the application of the criminal justice to minors and youthful offender through the cooperation of the criminal justice system. A. Child Justice System B. Juvenile Justice System C. Minor Justice System

D. Youth Justice System

21. It is otherwise known as Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act of 1992. A. RA 7610

B. RA 6809 C. RA 9262

D. RA 9344

21. It is otherwise known as Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act of 1992. A. RA 7610

B. RA 6809 C. RA 9262

D. RA 9344

22. Provide the basis for judgment about what is important for the organization to succeed in its core business.

a.Discretion b.Personality c.Protocol d Habits

22. Provide the basis for judgment about what is important for the organization to succeed in its core business.

a.Discretion b.Personality c.Protocol d Habits

23. Anti-graft and Corrupt Practice Act

a. RA 3019 b. RA 6379

c. RA 1379 d. RA 6975

23. Anti-graft and Corrupt Practice Act

a. RA 3019 b. RA 6379

c. RA 1379 d. RA 6975

24. It is that branch in the administration of criminal justice, which is charged with the responsibility for the custody, supervision, and rehabilitation of the convicted offenders. a. Bureau of Corrections

b. Penology c. Correction


24. It is that branch in the administration of criminal justice, which is charged with the responsibility for the custody, supervision, and rehabilitation of the convicted offenders. a. Bureau of Corrections

b. Penology c. Correction


25. This is the principal persecutory arm of the government in ordinary criminal cases:

a. National Bureau of Investigation b Dept. of Justice c. National Prosecution Service d. Court

25. This is the principal persecutory arm of the government in ordinary criminal cases:

a. National Bureau of Investigation b Dept. of Justice c. National Prosecution Service d. Court

26. Which of the following is not included in the components of Criminal justice System of the United States?

a. Law Enforcement b. Corrections c. Prosecution d. Courts

26. Which of the following is not included in the components of Criminal justice System of the United States?

a. Law Enforcement b. Corrections c. Prosecution d. Courts

27. This is an examination of a man’s house or other buildings or premises, of his person, with a view to the discovery of contraband or illicit or stolen property or some evidence of guilt to be used in the prosecution of a criminal action or some offense with which he is charged.

a. Ocular inspection

b. Seizure c. Security survey

d. Search

28. Taking, under real or assumed authority, custody of another for the purpose of holding or detaining him to answer a criminal charge or civil demand.

a. Accusation b. Custody c. Detention d. Arrest

28. Taking, under real or assumed authority, custody of another for the purpose of holding or detaining him to answer a criminal charge or civil demand.

a. Accusation b. Custody c. Detention d. Arrest

29. He is responsible in evaluating the traces of the police have gathered and deciding whether it is sufficient to warrant the filing of charge(s) against the alleged violator.

a. Investigator b. Judge c. Prosecutor d. Jury

29. He is responsible in evaluating the traces of the police have gathered and deciding whether it is sufficient to warrant the filing of charge(s) against the alleged violator.

a. Investigator b. Judge c. Prosecutor d. Jury

30. He is an arbitrator in court who ensues that the defense and the prosecution adhere to the legal requirements of introducing evidences. a. Clerk of Court b. Judge

c. Sheriff d. Jury

30. He is an arbitrator in court who ensues that the defense and the prosecution adhere to the legal requirements of introducing evidences. a. Clerk of Court b. Judge

c. Sheriff d. Jury

31. This is a governmental body, which is charged with the responsibility of administering justice.

a. Law Enforcement b. Correction c. Prosecution d. Court

31. This is a governmental body, which is charged with the responsibility of administering justice.

a. Law Enforcement b. Correction c. Prosecution d. Court

32. Basically, a police department is organized first and foremost from this purpose.

a. Crime prevention b. Intelligence c. Investigation d. Patrol

32. Basically, a police department is organized first and foremost from this purpose.

a. Crime prevention b. Intelligence c. Investigation d. Patrol

33. This document is required by the Prosecutor’s Office before it can entertain a complaint on a case covered by the Barangay Court a. Certificate of Non-Settlement b. Certificate to File Action c. Certificate of Non-Arbitration

d. Complaint Affidavit

33. This document is required by the Prosecutor’s Office before it can entertain a complaint on a case covered by the Barangay Court a. Certificate of Non-Settlement b. Certificate to File Action c. Certificate of Non-Arbitration

d. Complaint Affidavit

34. This part of the community, which is in strategic position to prevent crime and delinquency, receives the child when he is young, observes, supervises and teaches him for many hours each week during some of his most impressionable years: a. Government b. School c. Church

d. Family

34. This part of the community, which is in strategic position to prevent crime and delinquency, receives the child when he is young, observes, supervises and teaches him for many hours each week during some of his most impressionable years: a. Government b. School c. Church

d. Family

35. The first appearance of the defendant in court where he is informed of the charges against him where he pleads guilty or not guilty.

a. Preliminary investigation b. Arraignment c. Direct examination d. Trial

35. The first appearance of the defendant in court where he is informed of the charges against him where he pleads guilty or not guilty.

a. Preliminary investigation b. Arraignment c. Direct examination d. Trial

36. The precursor of the National Bureau of Investigation. a. Division of Investigation b. Bureau of Investigation c. Ministry of Investigation d. Bureau of Justice

36. The precursor of the National Bureau of Investigation. a. Division of Investigation b. Bureau of Investigation c. Ministry of Investigation d. Bureau of Justice

37. This is the process or method whereby accusations are brought before the court of justice to determine the innocence or guilt of the accused. a. Prosecutor b. Prosecution c. Trial d. Preliminary Investigation

37. This is the process or method whereby accusations are brought before the court of justice to determine the innocence or guilt of the accused. a. Prosecutor b. Prosecution c. Trial d. Preliminary Investigation

38. One who prosecutes another for a crime in the name of the government?

a. Public Prosecutor b. Private prosecutor c. Prosecution d. Ombudsman

38. One who prosecutes another for a crime in the name of the government?

a. Public Prosecutor b. Private prosecutor c. Prosecution d. Ombudsman

39. This process intends to determine whether the accused could have committed the crime charged.

a. Preliminary investigation b. Investigation c. Preliminary inquiry d. Inquiry

39. This process intends to determine whether the accused could have committed the crime charged.

a. Preliminary investigation b. Investigation c. Preliminary inquiry d. Inquiry

40. Who has the general powers to make arrests, search and seizure in accordance with the Constitutions and pertinent law?

a. Prosecutor b. Police c. Barangay Tanod d. Military

40. Who has the general powers to make arrests, search and seizure in accordance with the Constitutions and pertinent law?

a. Prosecutor b. Police c. Barangay Tanod d. Military

41. Which of the following conducts preliminary investigation to determine if there is probable cause?

a. Public Prosecutor b. Clerk of Court c. Private Prosecutor d. Judge

41. Which of the following conducts preliminary investigation to determine if there is probable cause?

a. Public Prosecutor b. Clerk of Court c. Private Prosecutor d. Judge

42. National Prosecution Service was under the general supervision and control of the? a. Secretary of DOJ b. Secretary of SC c. Secretary of RTC d. Secretary of Defense

42. National Prosecution Service was under the general supervision and control of the? a. Secretary of DOJ b. Secretary of SC c. Secretary of RTC d. Secretary of Defense

43. An accusation in writing charging a person with an offense subscribed by the fiscal and filed with the court

a. Information b. Complaint c. Affidavit d. Subpoena

43. An accusation in writing charging a person with an offense subscribed by the fiscal and filed with the court

a. Information b. Complaint c. Affidavit d. Subpoena

44. It refers to is the security given for the release of a person in custody of the law, furnished by him or a bondsman, to guarantee his appearance before any court.

a. Bail b. Cash Bond c. Property Bond d. Surety Bond

44. It refers to is the security given for the release of a person in custody of the law, furnished by him or a bondsman, to guarantee his appearance before any court.

a. Bail b. Cash Bond c. Property Bond d. Surety Bond

45. It is a wise use of one’s judgment?

a. Arbitration b. Discretion c. Settlement d. Decision

45. It is a wise use of one’s judgment?

a. Arbitration b. Discretion c. Settlement d. Decision

46. by reading in the presence of the accused and any judge of the court in which it was rendered a. Decision

b. Promulgation of Judgment c. Attrition d. Build

46. by reading in the presence of the accused and any judge of the court in which it was rendered a. Decision

b. Promulgation of Judgment c. Attrition d. Build

47. This terrorist tactic is the oldest but still the most widely used terrorist tactic. Targets are often predictable and invariably, the terrorist will claim responsibility. a. Assassination or liquidation b. Kidnapping

c. Bombing d. Arson

47. This terrorist tactic is the oldest but still the most widely used terrorist tactic. Targets are often predictable and invariably, the terrorist will claim responsibility. a. Assassination or liquidation b. Kidnapping

c. Bombing d. Arson

48. This planned, properly executed

terrorist tactic is a wellgenerally well-thought-out, rehearsed and precisely operation.

a. Assassination or liquidation c. Bombing b. Kidnapping

d. Ambush

48. This planned, properly executed

terrorist tactic is a wellgenerally well-thought-out, rehearsed and precisely operation.

a. Assassination or liquidation c. Bombing b. Kidnapping

d. Ambush

49. What shall be the primary concern of the government during the resolution of a crisis? a. Prevention of property destruction b. Safety of the victims and civilians

c. Prosecution of the perpetrator d. Respect for human rights

49. What shall be the primary concern of the government during the resolution of a crisis? a. Prevention of property destruction b. Safety of the victims and civilians

c. Prosecution of the perpetrator d. Respect for human rights

50. A state of excitement accompanied by exaltation or a feeling of well-being which is out of harmony with the surrounding circumstances of the patient ?

a. Mania b. Melancholia c. Apathy d. None of these

50. A state of excitement accompanied by exaltation or a feeling of well-being which is out of harmony with the surrounding circumstances of the patient ?

a. Mania b. Melancholia c. Apathy d. None of these

51. To arrange or settle by conferring or discussion

a. Negotiator b. Negotiate c. Hostage Taker d. None of these

51. To arrange or settle by conferring or discussion

a. Negotiator b. Negotiate c. Hostage Taker d. None of these

52. CRISIS – from the Greek word “krises”, means “_____”.

a. to separate b. to execute c. to prepare d. none of these

52. CRISIS – from the Greek word “krises”, means “_____”.

a. to separate b. to execute c. to prepare d. none of these

53. Who advocated the “Hierarchy of Needs”?

a. Abraham Maslow b. Enrico Ferri c. Sigmund Freud d. William Bonger

53. Who advocated the “Hierarchy of Needs”?

a. Abraham Maslow b. Enrico Ferri c. Sigmund Freud d. William Bonger

54. What do you call the sexual act of inserting the penis into the anus of the other person?

a. Anillingus b. Coprolalia c. Frottage d. Sodomy

54. What do you call the sexual act of inserting the penis into the anus of the other person?

a. Anillingus b. Coprolalia c. Frottage d. Sodomy

55. Which of the following refers to the maltreatment of a minor, whether habitual or not?

a. Abuse b. Caress c. Discrimination d. Exploitation

55. Which of the following refers to the maltreatment of a minor, whether habitual or not?

a. Abuse b. Caress c. Discrimination d. Exploitation

56. It is a sexual behavior characterized by sucking and liking the male organ.

a. Don Juanism b. Ejaculation c. Fellatio d. Sodomy

56. It is a sexual behavior characterized by sucking and liking the male organ.

a. Don Juanism b. Ejaculation c. Fellatio d. Sodomy

57. The process of settlement between the hostage and the hostage taker

a. Negotiator b. Negotiation c. Ground Commander d. Arbitration

57. The process of settlement between the hostage and the hostage taker

a. Negotiator b. Negotiation c. Ground Commander d. Arbitration

58. Who is Psychoanalysis?



a. Abraham Maslow b. Enrico Ferri c. Sigmund Freud d. William Bonger


58. Who is Psychoanalysis?



a. Abraham Maslow b. Enrico Ferri c. Sigmund Freud d. William Bonger


59. the person being held by the hostage taker

a. Hostage b. Hostage Taker c. Suspect d. Victim

59. the person being held by the hostage taker

a. Hostage b. Hostage Taker c. Suspect d. Victim

60. The government considers all terrorist actions, regardless of motivation, as criminal acts and, therefore, shall be prosecuted and penalized under the Revised Penal Code. (New law Republic Act_____Human Security Act of 2007)

a. 9372 b. 9384 c. 9169 d. 9375

60. The government considers all terrorist actions, regardless of motivation, as criminal acts and, therefore, shall be prosecuted and penalized under the Revised Penal Code. (New law Republic Act_____Human Security Act of 2007)

a. 9372 b. 9384 c. 9169 d. 9375

61. What explanation of crimes is based on the Freudian Theory, which traces behaviour as the deviation of the repression of the basic drives?

a. Physiological b. Psychiatrical c. Psychoanalytical d. Psychological

61. What explanation of crimes is based on the Freudian Theory, which traces behaviour as the deviation of the repression of the basic drives?

a. Physiological b. Psychiatrical c. Psychoanalytical d. Psychological

62. What theoretical approach to the existence of crime explains that mental disease of a person is a cause of the criminal behavior? a. Criminal Physiology b. Criminal Psychiatry

c. Criminal Psychoanalysis d. Criminal Psychology

62. What theoretical approach to the existence of crime explains that mental disease of a person is a cause of the criminal behavior? a. Criminal Physiology b. Criminal Psychiatry

c. Criminal Psychoanalysis d. Criminal Psychology

63. It is an authority conferred by law to act in certain conditions or situations in accordance with an official’s or an official agency’s own considered judgment and conscience.

a. Decision b. Discretion c. Judgment d. Power

63. It is an authority conferred by law to act in certain conditions or situations in accordance with an official’s or an official agency’s own considered judgment and conscience.

a. Decision b. Discretion c. Judgment d. Power

64. This is an excessive, irrational and uncontrollable fear of a perfectly natural situation or object: a. Melancholia b. Exaltation

c. Phobia d. Mania

64. This is an excessive, irrational and uncontrollable fear of a perfectly natural situation or object: a. Melancholia b. Exaltation

c. Phobia d. Mania

65. This is the impairment in desire for sexual gratification in the male or an inability to achieve it: a. Masturbation

c. Impotence

b. Voyeurism

d. Frigidity

65. This is the impairment in desire for sexual gratification in the male or an inability to achieve it: a. Masturbation

c. Impotence

b. Voyeurism

d. Frigidity

66. Animals are used for the achievement of sexual excitation and gratification: a. Voyeurism

c. Fetishism

b. Pedophilia

d. Bestiality

66. Animals are used for the achievement of sexual excitation and gratification: a. Voyeurism

c. Fetishism

b. Pedophilia

d. Bestiality

67. achievement of sexual pleasure through clandestine peeping: a. Voyeurism

c. Fetishism

b. Pedophilia

d. Bestiality

67. achievement of sexual pleasure through clandestine peeping: a. Voyeurism

c. Fetishism

b. Pedophilia

d. Bestiality

68. These are the following authorized to conduct Preliminary Investigation Except?

a. Tanodbayan b. Regional Prosecutor c. National Prosecutor d. Barangay Captain

68. These are the following authorized to conduct Preliminary Investigation Except?

a. Tanodbayan b. Regional Prosecutor c. National Prosecutor d. Barangay Captain

69. A law that creates Police Commission and it is also called Police Act of 1966?

a. PD 603 b. PD 765 c. RA 4864 d. RA 6975

69. A law that creates Police Commission and it is also called Police Act of 1966?

a. PD 603 b. PD 765 c. RA 4864 d. RA 6975

70. What agency of the Philippine government was founded last July 18, 1901, which was responsible for policing the entire archipelago? a. Integrated National Police b. PNP c. Philippine Constabulary d. Insular Police Force

70. What agency of the Philippine government was founded last July 18, 1901, which was responsible for policing the entire archipelago? a. Integrated National Police b. PNP c. Philippine Constabulary d. Insular Police Force

71. Known as the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for public officials and employees. A. R.A. No. 9344 B. R.A. No. 6713 C. R.A. No. 9262 D. P.D. No. 603

71. Known as the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for public officials and employees. A. R.A. No. 9344 B. R.A. No. 6713 C. R.A. No. 9262 D. P.D. No. 603

72. His key ideas are concentrated on the principle of “Survival of the Fittest” as a behavioral science. He advocated the “Somatotyping Theory”. A. B. C. D.

W Sheldon R Merton E Sutherland Ivan Nye

72. His key ideas are concentrated on the principle of “Survival of the Fittest” as a behavioral science. He advocated the “Somatotyping Theory”. A. B. C. D.

W Sheldon R Merton E Sutherland Ivan Nye

73. Known as the Child and Youth Welfare Code. A. R.A. No 9344 B. P.D. No. 603 C. R.A. No.7610 D. R.A. No. 8369

73. Known as the Child and Youth Welfare Code. A. R.A. No 9344 B. P.D. No. 603 C. R.A. No.7610 D. R.A. No. 8369

74. Known as The Special Protection of Children againsts Child abuse, Exploitation, and Discrimination Act of 1992.

A. R.A. No. 9344 B. R.A. No. 7610 C. R.A. No. 8369 D. P.D. No. 603

75. A Person who acts illegally and is not old enough to be treated as an adult under the laws of the community. A. Criminal B. Juvenile Delinquent C. Young Criminal D. Minor Criminal

75. A Person who acts illegally and is not old enough to be treated as an adult under the laws of the community. A. Criminal B. Juvenile Delinquent C. Young Criminal D. Minor Criminal

76. Any Unauthorized compulsory A. Truancy B. Deviancy C. Kickout D. Dropout

Intentional absence from

76. Any Unauthorized compulsory A. Truancy B. Deviancy C. Kickout D. Dropout

Intentional absence from

77. The strict code of conduct that governs the behavior of the Mafia members is called A. Omerta B. Triad C. Silencer D. Mafioso

77. The strict code of conduct that governs the behavior of the Mafia members is called A. Omerta B. Triad C. Silencer D. Mafioso

78. The field of criminology is a multidisciplinary science. One of its aspect is the study of crime focused on the group of people and society which is known today as: A. Criminal Psychology B. Criminal Sociology C. Criminal Psychiatry D. Criminal Etiology

78. The field of criminology is a multidisciplinary science. One of its aspect is the study of crime focused on the group of people and society which is known today as: A. Criminal Psychology B. Criminal Sociology C. Criminal Psychiatry D. Criminal Etiology

79. When the accused is found not guilty of the charges presented before the court, he is

A. B. C. D.

convicted suspended acquitted absuelto

79. When the accused is found not guilty of the charges presented before the court, he is

A. B. C. D.

convicted suspended acquitted absuelto

80. What kind of assault committed when it includes kicking, punching, deliberately throwing an object and drawing a lethal weapon against someone? A. B. C. D.

Mental Physical Sexual Verbal

80. What kind of assault committed when it includes kicking, punching, deliberately throwing an object and drawing a lethal weapon against someone? A. B. C. D.

Mental Physical Sexual Verbal

81. What do we call the psychological, emotional and behavioral reactions and deficits of women victims and their inability to respond effectively to repeated physical and psychological violence? A. B. C. D.

Woman Menopausal Syndrome Battered Woman Syndrome Violence against women M'Naghten Rule

81. What do we call the psychological, emotional and behavioral reactions and deficits of women victims and their inability to respond effectively to repeated physical and psychological violence? A. B. C. D.

Woman Menopausal Syndrome Battered Woman Syndrome Violence against women M'Naghten Rule

82. A legal relationship between two people not biologically related, usually terminating the rights of biological parents, and usually with a trial "live-in" period. Once it is finalized, the records are sealed and only the most compelling interests will enable disclosure of documents.

A. B. C. D.

Adoption Foster parenting Common law relationship Brotherhood

82. A legal relationship between two people not biologically related, usually terminating the rights of biological parents, and usually with a trial "live-in" period. Once it is finalized, the records are sealed and only the most compelling interests will enable disclosure of documents.

A. B. C. D.

Adoption Foster parenting Common law relationship Brotherhood

83. The independence of a minor from his or her parents before reaching age of majority is known as A. Enlightenment B. Recognizance C. Emancipation D. Freedom from parental obligation

83. The independence of a minor from his or her parents before reaching age of majority is known as A. Enlightenment B. Recognizance C. Emancipation D. Freedom from parental obligation

84. What is the legal doctrine establishing "parental" role of state over welfare of its citizens, especially its children? A. B. C. D.

Guardianship Order of Authority In Loco Parentis Parens Patriae

84. What is the legal doctrine establishing "parental" role of state over welfare of its citizens, especially its children? A. B. C. D.

Guardianship Order of Authority In Loco Parentis Parens Patriae

85. A parent who provided an egg, sperm, or uterus with an intent of giving the child up for adoption to specific parties. A. B. C. D.

None of these Stepparent Foster Parent Surrogate Parent

85. A parent who provided an egg, sperm, or uterus with an intent of giving the child up for adoption to specific parties. A. B. C. D.

None of these Stepparent Foster Parent Surrogate Parent

86. One of the following is an act constituting exploitation and sex abuse among children in exchange of any form of incentive. A. B. C. D.

Child trafficking Child abuse Child prostitution Child racketeering

86. One of the following is an act constituting exploitation and sex abuse among children in exchange of any form of incentive. A. B. C. D.

Child trafficking Child abuse Child prostitution Child racketeering

87. Among the following classical thoughts in Criminology is not correct: A.

The Classical school of Criminology is spearheaded by Bentham and Beccaria. B. The Classical School of Criminology is an advocate of punishment as a deterrent to crime. C. The Classical School of Criminology argues that criminals were primitive creatures, incapable of living normally in society. D. The Classical School of Criminology also argued that nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, “pain” and “pleasure”

87. Among the following classical thoughts in Criminology is not correct: A.

The Classical school of Criminology is spearheaded by Bentham and Beccaria. B. The Classical School of Criminology is an advocate of punishment as a deterrent to crime. C. The Classical School of Criminology argues that criminals were primitive creatures, incapable of living normally in society. D. The Classical School of Criminology also argued that nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, “pain” and “pleasure”

88. Parental discipline appears relation to delinquency. Harsh discipline in the home may result in more delinquencies than consistent and reasoning forms of discipline. Aside from this, screaming at the child, calling the child insulting names, excessive criticizing or generally ignoring the child is also contributory to delinquency. This action simply refers to:

A. B. C. D.

Physical Abuse Emotional abuse Unfair parent Parental neglect

88. Parental discipline appears relation to delinquency. Harsh discipline in the home may result in more delinquencies than consistent and reasoning forms of discipline. Aside from this, screaming at the child, calling the child insulting names, excessive criticizing or generally ignoring the child is also contributory to delinquency. This action simply refers to:

A. B. C. D.

Physical Abuse Emotional abuse Unfair parent Parental neglect

89. The best PCR a police officer can do to the community is A. B. C. D.

harass the people perform his job well dress well always present in the office

89. The best PCR a police officer can do to the community is A. B. C. D.

harass the people perform his job well dress well always present in the office

90. Which of the following is the basic political unit of the Filipino nation that implements the policies of the national and local government?

A. B. C. D.

family society community barangay

91. What is known to be the oldest but commonly used terrorist tactic where target are often police, military officials or political features? A. Hijacking B. Assassination C. Ambush D. Kidnap for Ransom

91. What is known to be the oldest but commonly used terrorist tactic where target are often police, military officials or political features? A. Hijacking B. Assassination C. Ambush D. Kidnap for Ransom

92. What model of insurgency does the New People’s Army in the Philippines is employing?

A. B. C. D.

Communist Model Socialist Model Democratic Model None of these

92. What model of insurgency does the New People’s Army in the Philippines is employing?

A. B. C. D.

Communist Model Socialist Model Democratic Model None of these

93. Who stated that crime is normal in a society? a. Cesare Beccaria

c. Emile Durkheim

b. Cesare Lombroso

d. Enrico Ferri

93. Who stated that crime is normal in a society? a. Cesare Beccaria

c. Emile Durkheim

b. Cesare Lombroso

d. Enrico Ferri

94. The Revised penal code is the primary source of our criminal law. It is otherwise known as: a. Act 3815

c. Batas Pambansa 3815

b. Republic Act 3815

d. Commonwealth Act 3815

94. The Revised penal code is the primary source of our criminal law. It is otherwise known as: a. Act 3815

c. Batas Pambansa 3815

b. Republic Act 3815

d. Commonwealth Act 3815

95. It is defined as the protection against any type of crime to safeguard life and assets by various method and device.

a. Safety b. Security c. Suppression d. Surveillance

95. It is defined as the protection against any type of crime to safeguard life and assets by various method and device.

a. Safety b. Security c. Suppression d. Surveillance

96. How many is the minimum number of guards prescribed by law that should be maintained by a security agency to operate?

a. 100 b. 200 c. 500 d. 1000

96. How many is the minimum number of guards prescribed by law that should be maintained by a security agency to operate?

a. 100 b. 200 c. 500 d. 1000

97. What type of protective bank alarm is usually placed in the teller’s top cash drawer and connected to the alarm system using a wire connector?

a. Auxiliary b. Bill Trap c. Propriety d. Ultrasonic

97. What type of protective bank alarm is usually placed in the teller’s top cash drawer and connected to the alarm system using a wire connector?

a. Auxiliary b. Bill Trap c. Propriety d. Ultrasonic

98. It is otherwise known as the Private Security Agency Law of 1969.

a. RA 4864 b. RA 5487 c. RA 6975 d. RA 8551

98. It is otherwise known as the Private Security Agency Law of 1969.

a. RA 4864 b. RA 5487 c. RA 6975 d. RA 8551

99. Which of the following special laws penalizes wiretapping the private conversation of other people? a. RA 4200

b. RA 6975 c. RA 7438 d. RA 9165

99. Which of the following special laws penalizes wiretapping the private conversation of other people? a. RA 4200

b. RA 6975 c. RA 7438 d. RA 9165

100. Law that was enacted last June 19, 1947 which lead to the creation of the National Bureau of Investigation.

a. R.A. 147 b. R.A. 157 c. R.A. 6975 d. R.A. 8551

100. Law that was enacted last June 19, 1947 which lead to the creation of the National Bureau of Investigation.

a. R.A. 147 b. R.A. 157 c. R.A. 6975 d. R.A. 8551

101. It is the disguised or secret observation of persons, places and vehicles for the purpose of obtaining information regarding the identity or activity of the subject. Counter

Intelligence Shadowing Special Investigation Surveillance

102. Who member of Bureau of organize a last 1936? Agustin

was the only Filipino the United States Federal Investigation tasked to Division of Investigation

Patricio Epimaco Velasco Flaviano Guerero Raphael Crame

103. It refers to the distinct, odd and unique way of criminal in committing a crime which helps the investigator in the solution of an offense. Habit

of Operation Mode of Operation Manner of Operation Routine of Operation

104. What is the simplest and most effective way of showing actual measurements and identifying significant items of evidence in their location at the crime scene? Graph Map

Photograph Sketch

105. It refers to the photographs of criminals available in the police station that are shown to a witness for possible identification.. Criminals’

Report Prisoners’ Record Rogue’s Gallery Suspects’ File

106. Which of the following is otherwise known as the “Land Transportation and Traffic Code of the Philippines? RA

4136 RA 5487 RA 7877 RA 9208

107. It is responsible regulation of transport routes, granting, denying, suspending or canceling land transport franchises.  Department

of Transportation and Communication  Land Traffic Franchising Regulatory Board  Land Transportation Office  Traffic Management Bureau

108. It is a signal - operating device either manually or electrically by which traffic is alternatively commanded to stop or to proceed.. Traffic

Device Traffic Hazard Traffic Light Traffic Symbol

109. It is an explanation offered by a person who is the suspect in the commission of crime purposely to demonstrate that he or she was in some other place other than where the crime  Alibi took place and at the time the crime happened. Defense Excuse Justification

110. It refers to the taking of personal property belonging to another, with the intent to gain, by means of violence against, or intimidation of any person or using force upon things. Brigandage Robbery

Snatching Theft

111. What is defined as the application of equipment and methods of physical science in the detection of the offense such as dactyloscopy, photography, polygraphy, etc? Forensic

Chemistry Instrumentation Laboratory Works Odontology

112. What is regarded as the oldest of all terorist tactics but still widely used? Assassination Bombing


Taking Kidnapping

113. What is the act of depriving a person of his or her liberty usually in relation to the investigation and prevention of crime? Apprehension Arrest

Kidnapping Seizure

114. What is a program organized by travel and tourism - related establishments and individuals, which consist of tourism packages or activities utilizing and offering escort and sexual services as enticement for tourists?


Tourism Fornication Tourism Intimate Tourism Sex Tourism

115. What is an act defining violence against women and their children, providing for protective measures for victims, prescribing penalties therefore, and for other purposes? RA

9165 RA 9208 RA 9262 RA 9344

116. What is the most influential organized crime group in Japan?


K Bamboo Gang Cali Cartel Boryokudan

117. It refers to any substance whether natural or synthetic that brings about physical, psychological and behavioral changes in a person taking it. Drug


Supplement Vitamin

118. What is a branch of study, which deals with poisons, their effects and antidotes? Chemistry Pathology

Physiology Toxicology

119. It is a civic program initiated by NGO’s and local government offices to help eradicate drug syndicates involving street children as drug conduits. Oplan

Banat Oplan Bantay Bata Oplan Sagip Yagit Oplan Juvenile Delinquency

120. What operational plan against drug problem is conducted to neutralize the 14k, the bamboo gang and other local organized crimes groups involved in illegal drug Oplan Athena trafficking? Oplan

Greengold Oplan Mercurio Oplan Tornado

121. Which of the following drug is derived from a poppy plant – Papaver Somniferum popularly known as “gum”, “gamut”, “kalamay” or “panocha”? It is a plant that can grow from 3 to 6 feet in height originally in Mesopotamia. Its active ingredient is the  Ecstacy “meconic” acid – the analgesic property.


Mescaline Opium

122. What is the newest operational plan against drug abuse focused in the barangay level in cooperation with the barangay officials? Oplan

Athena Oplan Banat Oplan Sagip Yagit Oplan Thunderbolt II

123. What is credited as the world’s oldest cultivated plant, which started by Incas? Cannabis

Sativa Lima Erythroxylon Coca Methamphetamine Hydrochloride Papaver Somniferum

124. What is an active chemical reaction that takes place among fuel, heat and oxygen in the form of light and noticeable heat? Combustion Fire

Pyrolisis Smoulder

125. This is also known as Metal fires…


A Class B Class C Class D

126. What type of fire occurs in the vapor – air – mixture over the surface of flammable liquids such as gasoline, oil, grease, paints and thinner? Class

A Fire Class B Fire Class C Fire Class D Fire

127. This is a type of fire, which occurs in ordinary combustible materials such as rags, paper, wood, plastic, and vinyl. Class

A Class B Class C Class D

128. Who is the highest authority in a typical plant fire brigade?


Brigadier General Fire Director Fire Marshal Fire Superintendent

129. He is a person who disguises or observes secretly the persons, places and vehicles with the intention of gathering information about the identity or activity of the subject. Convoy


Investigator Surveillant

130. Are prints whose markings are caused by the sweat that left on the surface whenever our fingers touch an object. a.

invisible prints b. visible prints  c. semi – visible prints d .latent prints

131. It is the science of identification by means of pores.


podoscopy b. poroscopy  c. dactyloscopy d. personal identification

132. Accidental, hidden or concealed fingerprints, which cannot be seen by bare naked eyes, found at the crime scene. a.

furrows b. fingerprinting  c. latent prints friction ridges


133. He mentioned that “No two individuals in the world are exactly the same size and that human skeleton does not change after twenty years.” a.

Darwin Mendel  c. Galton Bertillon

b. d.

134. Aside from fingerprint, it is also an absolute means of personal identification. a.

photograph b. height, weight and facial feature  c. writing habit d. DNA

135. This is known as The Probation Law of 1976, which was approved on July 24, 1976 and took effect on January 3, 1978.? 

PD 603

PD 968

PD 1257

PD 1990

136. He is a person convicted of a criminal offense who having served the minimum of his indeterminate sentence is released from prison by the Board of Pardon and Parole, subject to conditions that it may impose.

Pardonee Parolee

Perpetrator Probationer

137. What is an executive clemency that changes a heavier sentence to a less serious one, or a longer prison term to a shorter one? Amnesty Commutation

Parole Conditional


138. What is an act of grace proceeding from the power entrusted with the execution of the laws, which exempts the individual on whom it is bestowed from the punishment that the law inflicts for a crime he has committed?

Amnesty Parole

Pardon Reprieve

139. Parole in the country is governed by Act No. 4103, otherwise known as

Indeterminate Sentence Law

Law of Talions

Parole Administration Law

Probation and Parole Law

140. The maximum penalty of imprisonment for violation of confidentiality of probation record is 3

years 6 years 9 years 12 years

141. Which of the following cases is disqualified to apply for probation?

Infanticide Malicious

Mischief Simple Theft Unjust Vexation

142. A prisoner shall be eligible for parole after serving at least what period of the imposed sentence? Macromum Maximum

Medium Minimum

143. It refers to the extinction of the criminal liability of an individual, within certain limits or conditions, from the punishment which the law inflicts for the offense he has committed. Conditional Amnesty Conditional

Commutation Conditional Pardon Conditional Reprieve

144. What is the extinction of the criminal liability of the individual to whom it is granted without any condition and restores to the individual his civil rights? Absolute Amnesty Absolute

Commutation Absolute Pardon Absolute Reprieve

145. The City or Municipal offices of the PNP is headed by:


Chief Inspector  b. Senior Inspector  c. Chief of Police  d. Commander or Chief

146. A concept of police service which the yardstick of its efficiency is the absence of crime. a.

Modern Concept c. Home Rule Theory b. Old Concept d. Continental Theory

147. What is the best patrol done in beat?


Canine b. Mobile

c. Bicycle d. Foot

148. Most frequently used and high scoring dog for police work


Bouviers c. Labrador b. German Shepherdd. Chuaa

149. It is based on the premise that the “aura of police omnipresence” in the community can reduce certain types of crimes. a.

High visibility patrol c. proactive patrol b. Low visibility patrold. Reactive patrol

150. Who is authorized to issue a Warrant of Arrest?


Prosecutor C. Peace officer  B. Judge D. Barangay Chairman

151. When the accused refuses to plead or makes a conditional plea, a plea of ____________ shall be entered for him. A.

innocent guilty  B. guilty of them

C. not D. none

152. The search warrant is valid for _______ days from its issue.


5  B. 10

C. 15 D. 20

153. Which law prohibited imposition of the death penalty?


RA 9262 9346 c. RA 9211

b. RA d. RA 9344


154. Acts and omissions punishable by law (RPC) are known as


Felonies b. Fault c. Culpa d. Crimes

155. The Witness Protection, Security and Benefit Program of the Department of Justice is: a.

RA 9165 b. RA 8294 c. PD 968 d. 6981

156. Who is a person who provides information for reward, price or compensation?




Whistle blower

157. Who was known as the Father of Organized Military Espionage?


the Great Frederick the Great Genghis Khan the Great Jericho the Great

158. Who was a philistine agent that used her charm to obtain information from her subject?





159. What agency was created under the US National Security Act of 1947? It was the central intelligence group established during the time of President Harry Truman in January 1946. 





160. It is the term used when an agent, freelance operative, or an operation is exposed to the subject.





161. It is the greatest tongue loosener and should be avoided by intelligence agents during missions. Drugs Women

Alcohol Gambling

161. It is the greatest tongue loosener and should be avoided by intelligence agents during missions. Drugs Women

Alcohol Gambling

162. This type of intelligence is primarily long range in nature.


intelligence Line intelligence Departmental intelligence Strategic intelligence

163. Finest intelligence agency in the world.

Mossad KGB

CIA Interpol

164. Company guard force shall have a minimum of _____ licensed private security personnel under its employ before a regular license shall be granted. a.

30  b. 150 1000

c. 200 d.

165. Concertina wire fence is considered as

temporary fencing

semi-permanent fencing

permanent fencing

none of these

166. An English term used to denote a lock picker.


Peter Pan Peterman  b. Picker man

c. d. Key

167. DNA stands for

Dental Nuclear Application

Deoxyribonucleic acid

Descriptive nominal application

Dental nomenclature arrangement

168. It refers to the action of digestive enzymes or fermentation that break down the complex proteins and carbohydrate molecules in the body to simpler compounds after death Digestion Autolysis


cooling Putrefaction

169. It is a manner of death where a person inadvertently killed himself or by someone else without really the intent to harm/kill Suicide Homicide

Accident Undetermined

in origin

170. It is a manner of death where a person deliberately and intentionally harm/kill oneself Suicide Homicide

Accident Undetermined

in origin

171. The desire for and use of a dead body for sexual purposes

Bestiality Voyeurism

Exhibitionism Necrophilia

172. Who is the Chinese Philosopher who said that, “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know neither yourself but not the enemy, for every victory, you will suffer a defeat. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you are a fool who will meet defeat in every battle?”

Shakeshi Shi

Hong Shing Ha Sun Tsu

173. What is defined as the disguised or secret observation of places, persons or events for the purpose of obtaining information concerning the identities or activities of the target or Intelligence the subjects? Investigation

Surveillance Undercover

174. It refers to the placing of a hidden microphone to the target to collect information. Bugging Eavesdropping

Espionaging Wiretapping

175. What is a method of collecting information through interception of telephone conversation? Bugging Eavesdropping

Espionaging Wiretapping

176. It is the gathering of information or documents openly without regard whether the subject or target becomes knowledgeable of the purpose. Covert Overt

Hovert Kovert

177. It is a check made on an individual usually seeking employment through subject records in the police files, educational institutions, places, or residence or former employer. Background

Investigation Counter Investigation Employment Investigation Strategic Investigation

178. Considered as the “Father of Modern policing System”. He stated that prevention of crime is the basic mission of the police, the police represent the law, the absence of crime and disorder is  a.test Sir of Robert Peel c.etc. the police efficiency,

Orlando Wilson  b. August Vollmer d. Paul Kirk

179. These crimes are committed involving several states or countries, which exceeds boarders. American

Crime Foreign Crime National Crime Transnational Crime

180. What color - coded notice is based on national arrest warrants, which is used to seek the arrest and extradition of suspects? Blue Green

Red Yellow

181. What is an act defining violence against women and their children, providing for protective measures for victims, prescribing penalties therefore, and for other purposes? RA

9165 RA 9208 RA 9262 RA 9344

182. It is used to provide warnings and criminal intelligence about persons who have committed criminal offenses and who are likely to repeat these crimes in other countries. Black

Notice Green Notice Red Notice Yellow Notice

183. It is used to determine the identity of deceased person.


Notice Gray Notice White Notice Yellow Notice

184. This is the country which believed to the origin of Mafia and Cosa Nostra: United

Stated of America b. Japan c. China d. Italy

185. An organized crime which literally means protection against the arrogance of the powerful, remedy to any damage, sturdiness of body, strength and serenity of spirit, and the best most exquisite of life. They are the stall operators?


b. Bakuto c. Yakuza d. Tekiya

186. An Asian organized crime that represent mystical symbol, an equilateral triangle representing the heaven, earth and man. a.

Yakuza c. Triad b. Tongs d. Born to Kill of Vietnam

187. Is the most frequent accounting for as much 80% of related violence:


Bombings c. Kidnapping b. Assassination d. prostitution

188. The leader of the triad is known as what?


Dragon head head c. Buddha head Triad head

b. Lion d.

189. A component of the polygraph instrument which records the blood pressure and the pulse rate of the subject. 





190. What is that art which deals with the identity and location of the offender and provides evidence of his guilt through the criminal proceeding? police

interview criminal interrogation instrumentation criminal investigation

191. One – way of extending the power of police observation is to get information from persons within the vicinity. In police work, this is called . a.

data gathering the power b. field inquiry c. interrogation d. interview

192. It is known as the body cooling of the cadaver.


mortis c. Algor mortis Livor mortis d. Post mortem lividity

193. It is a cause of death either by strangulation, immersion or blocking the air passage in the body of a person which will cause his death ? Suicide

c. Murder Homicide d. Asphyxia

194. What is the law which primarily governs cybercrime in the Philippines?


RA 10715 10157 b. RA 11075 10175

c. RA d. RA

195. A law known as the Anti rape Law of 1997.


8553 RA 8353

c. PD 8353 d. PD 8553

196. What is the law which penalizes acts of photo and video voyeurism?


RA 9995 9599 b. RA 9959 5999

c. RA d. RA

197. What is the scientific name of Marijuana?


Sativa Lima Erythroxylon Coca Methamphetamine Hydrochloride Papaver Somniferum

198. What is the highest policy - making and coordinating arm as well as the national clearing house of all matters pertaining to law enforcement and control of dangerous drugs, treatment and rehabilitation of drug dependents, drug abuse prevention and community information, research and statistics on the drug problem, and the training of Department of Justice personnel engaged in the aforementioned activities?


Drug Board Narcotics Command Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency

199. SOCO stands for?


Scene of the Crime Operatives b. Scene of the Crime Operation c. Seen of the Crime Operatives d. Seen of the Crime Operation

200. PDEA stands for?


Philippines Drugs Enforcement Agencies b. Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency c. Presidential Drug Enforcement Agency d. Provincial Drug Enforcement Agency

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