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Why You Should Start Learning a Foreign Language



Prepared for: MISS ROSE GRAVES Date of Submission: 23 NOVEMBER 2018

Why You Should Start Learning a Foreign Language

According to Meriam-Webster Dictionary, Foreign is defined as born in, belonging to, or characteristic of some place or country other than the one under consideration. A foreign language is a language originally from another country. There are a lot of benefits from learning foreign languages. With the technology advancement nowadays, it can help us to know the meaning of a new word just by the tip of our fingers, but there are other advantages that we can gain from learning foreign languages. For instance, it helps to expand business abroad, eases travelling, and it is good for one’s personal development.

Firstly, the advantage of learning a foreign language helps business owners the most. Those who wish to expand their business abroad can gain a lot of benefits when they are dealing with potential investors, suppliers and customers where they can communicate directly without having to hire a translator. They can save a lot of cost and time as they could speak and understand foreign language. In return, the stakeholders will value and be fonder with those who can speak their language as compared to those who don’t. It is also a bonus to those who wish to look for jobs outside of their own country when they can communicate in foreign languages.

Secondly, learning foreign language can be a great assistance for travellers. Knowing more than one language can become a big help when you travel to foreign countries. For instance, if you are travelling to China and you can speak in Mandarin, it’s easier to approach the locals and ask for directions. You can even make new friends from doing so. The foreigne rs show a greater level of respect when you can speak their language and it is also an easy way to meet new people to build more networks. As a result, you will have an amazing travelling experience and can get more help than you required.

Lastly, learning foreign language is beneficial to boost your personal development. It opens new doors in life. When you are exposed to foreign cultures, you will understand better and change the way of thinking about their culture as well as mentality which will reduce the cultural misunderstanding between one another. Other than that, you can also approach the world with an open mind and a new outlook.

In a nutshell, I agree with the author’s opinion on why people should start learning a foreign language because it is good not only for your career, but also a great assistance for travellers. In addition to that, it can boost one’s personal development. Other researches have shown that those who learn more than 2 languages have higher IQs compared to other people. It is advisable to everyone to start learning foreign languages as it will bring more colours into one’s life and are able to explore the world better. (485 words)

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