Swatio_ebook_social Media Marketing Strategie Kit-en

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Table of Contents Introduction


1. Define Your Status Quo


2. Identify Your Target Audience & Buyer Personas


Buyer Personas: Your Audience’s Common Denominator


Buyer Persona Demographics On Social Channels 


Sketch Your Buyer Persona 


3. Outperform The Competition With A Competitor Analysis


How To Conduct A Competitive Analysis On Social Media? 


Perform a SWOT analysis


The 5 Ws of Social Media Marketing 


4. Build Your Social Brand 


Benefits Of A Unified Brand Image On Social Media


Create A Unified Brand Image Across Social Media Channels


5. Brainstorm A Social Content Strategy


How To Select The Best Social Media Channels For Your Business


Type Of Content Suitable On Each Channel


6. Set SMART Goals To Prove Your Value On Social Media






SMART Goal Example: Improve Brand Awareness


7. Frame Your Social Media Marketing Planning


Brainstorm, Curate & Plan Your Content Accordingly


Tools To Help Organize Your Social Media Content Strategy


8. The Perks Of Social Media Seeding Facebook, Twitter And Instagram Posting Frequency Recommendations 

9. Look Beyond Fans & Followers With Social Media Monitoring

24 25


Defining KPIs On Social Media


Reach And Engagement Metrics 


Social Media ROI Indicators 


10. Choose The Best Social Media Analytics Tools 


Facebook Insights (Pages to Watch)


Instagram for Business 


Twitter Audience Insights (TweetDeck)


Pinterest Analytics 






ow do you go from 0 to hero on social media? Modern social media marketing is data-driven. The key to climbing up the social media ladder is to outline a strategy that molds your target audience and adapt when necessary to be able to outperform the competition. Our ebook covers 10 essential steps for developing an outstanding social media marketing strategy. While reading this ebook, you’ll learn to:


Define Your Status Quo

2 3

Identify Buyer Personas Brainstorm a competitor’s analysis

4 5

Build your social brand

Develop a content strategy

6 7

Set SMART goals

Frame a social media plan

8 9

Master social seeding and how to put it in practice

Define your KPIs per channel


Leverage the power of social media analytics

In our Social Media Marketers’ Strategy Kit for 2018, you’ll also find templates and visuals to help streamline the process of mastering social media marketing. Use them to develop an effective strategy, and go through all 10 stages to get from 0 to HERO on social media channels.

1. Define Your Status Quo


egin by defining your status quo, answering the following questions:

Do you have a target audience/buyer persona? (buyer personas/audience) What social media channels are you currently utilizing? Do you have dead channels and does it make sense to keep them? (social media channels) Do you have a community around your brand and business? How big is the community? (community size) How frequently do you post on social media? What type of content formats are you using? Which type works best? (content/frequency) Have you ever defined goals before? What did they entail? (goals/KPIs) Be honest when answering the above-mentioned questions. They will help you understand your status quo and where you’re standing right now. In the following lines we’ll talk about define your target audience and buyer personas.

2. Identify Your Target Audience & Buyer Personas


rands that are just getting started with their social media marketing efforts might have a hard time identifying their target audience. Knowing who your ideal customers are and where they are located can help you better market your products or services. A target audience introduces basic demographics about your customers. The data points are traits, and do not break down the psychological motives of the buying process. You can have one or more buyer personas that define your target audience. Make sure they’re focused on potential buyers to have a big picture, an overview of the people you’re targeting.

Buyer Personas: Your Audience’s Common Denominator Unlike your target audience, your buyer personas are zoomed-in portraits and archetypes of your customers and buyers. Use them to get insights into the buying process of your customers. Buyer personas pave the way for your social media marketing strategy. In layman’s terms, a buyer persona is: a detailed characterization of one of your target customers. It includes specific demographic information, starting from personal background and career history to hobbies, interests, and personal/professional challenges they might have. A buyer persona is written as if that person was a real human being. Check the example below to have a better view of how a buyer persona should look like:

Sample Sally BACKGROUND:

• Head of Human Resources • Worked at the same company for 10 years, worked her way up from HR Associate

• Married with 2 children (10 and 8) DEMOGRAPHICS:

• • • •

Skews female Age 30-45 Gual HH Income: $140,000 Suburban


• Calm demeanor • Probably has an assitant screening calls • Asks to receive collateral mailed/printed

When portraying your ideal customer or buyer persona, it’s important to sketch an image of your target groups. Answering some of the following questions can help you build your buyer persona profiles by setting more precise marketing goals and getting an estimate of your audience on social media. • Where do they live?

• Is your solution the first they’re trying?

• What position do they have and how much experience?

• Would they invest in your suggested solution?

• How does a typical day in their life look?

• What are their values and what goals are based on that?

• What pain points can your products or services address?

• What is their ideal experience when using your product?

• Are they aware of the problem to be solved?

• What are their objections on your solution?

For example, on Facebook you can use Ads Manager. Let’s assume that you want to market your social media management services to social media marketing managers aged between 22-45 and located in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Ads Manager Example

As you can see in the screenshot above, the size of the audience is smaller than 1,000 people. Pinpointing such a small audience using a single criterion might not yield the best results. Adding social media interests could help increase the reach in the target group. Take this approach while keeping in mind that not all people make their job title public, and that there are more. Too large audiences aren’t good, either, because then the market needs are too many and too diverse.

Buyer Persona Demographics On Social Channels Random posts, hoping that your audience would see them, is far from the right approach. In fact, you need to go the other way around. Find out what social network your buyer persona is most likely to use and build up from there. To know what platform to use, you first need to see which one your audience prefers. Buyer personas have a lot of ramifications, but using age as the main criterion is a good starting point. According to a 2016 study conducted in the US by Pew Research Center, 79% of internet users (68% of all US adults) are on Facebook. The same study reveals that 32% of internet users (28% of all US adults) are on Instagram.

79% 24%




Now that your buyer personas have been clearly outlined, in the following lines we will talk about the importance of having a competitor analysis, as well as how the 5W’s of social media marketing can help you strengthen your social media marketing strategy.

Sketch Your Buyer Persona After locating and sizing your buyer personas, move on to creating their profiles. You can use buyer persona templates from the web, although they don’t always cover all the details that are relevant to your brand and business. To organize the information, you can use tools like PowerPoint or Keynote to make your persona profiles visually appealing. Or, you can create a customized buyer persona using the template we’ve outlined for you at the end of our ebook. Organize related details in groups, so that you describe your buyer persona’s Background, Demographics, Behaviour, Pain points, Objections to your solution, Types of content they would react to. NAME:

BACKGROUND: (job title, experience, education, marital status) PICTURE

DEMOGRAPHICS: (gender, age range, income)

BEHAVIOUR: (preferred social networks, communication channels and use frequency)

Buyer Persona Template Use the Buyer Persona template from the kit and start crafting the profile of your audience.

3. Outperform The Competition With A Competitor Analysis


here are many things you can learn from your competitors - starting from what they’re doing right to what they’re doing wrong. To help you understand their actions on social media, we’ve done a short brief on how a competitor analysis lets you assess the brands you’re going up against on social media. A competitor analysis is an evaluation of your competition’s strengths and weaknesses on the main social media channels. Its purpose is to help you get a clearer picture of the social media scenario in your industry.

How To Conduct A Competitive Analysis On Social Media? To understand who you’re “fighting with” on social media, first you need to know who those competitors are. Then you have to gather information about them, and break down the data to be able to use it to your advantage. Here is what you need to do to get started: Leverage the power of Google Search keywords/key phrases you want to rank for. If you have an inbound marketing and sales business, you should look for terms like “inbound marketing platform [your location]” or “inbound marketing and sales company in [your location]”. These are geographically specific keywords; you need them to spot and understand your main competitors. Analyze who your audience is following on social media After building your audience on social media channels like Facebook, move on to analyzing what other similar companies your target audience is following. Make a list with potential competitors Choose between 5 and 7 competitors to “fight with” and leverage the power of analytics tools like Google Analytics and ahrefs.com to get more insights. Gather intelligence After identifying your competitors, check their social media channels. Are they more active than you on Facebook? Or do they have a particular interest in Twitter? When analyzing your competition on social channels, try to answer the following questions:

• How big is their following? How fast is it growing (check weekly frequency)? • How often do they post on social media? • How many likes, comments, retweets and shares do they get for their posts?

The above-mentioned tips to perform a competitor analysis will help you benchmark your competition’s social presence against your own. You don’t have to analyze metrics manually as there are different online and in-house social media insights you can use. We’ll talk more about them in our ebook.

Perform a SWOT analysis One useful approach in a social media marketing audit is a SWOT analysis on your social media performance. The purpose is to assess internal strengths and weaknesses and, also external threats and market opportunities.

Internal analysis Use it to assess your business’s capabilities, addressing your company’s core strengths and weaknesses.

External analysis Use it to identify opportunities linked to your business, as well as obstacles and threats that might hinder performance.

This is how a SWOT analysis looks like:









Start your SWOT analysis assessing your social media marketing strengths. Picture them as assets that give you an advantage over your competition.

After identifying your strengths, assess weaknesses. These are the essentials skills/assets your business lacks.



• •

Strong number of followers on Twitter Dedicated Twitter channel that provides top-notch customer service on Twitter

Low number of fans on Facebook

Similar type of content with your main competitors

Assess opportunities in the For potential threats, look into market. First analyze your own external markets. In general, market research, and then look threats could come in the shape of for ways to identify growing target a new competitor. markets.

EXAMPLES: An untapped market your competition has ignored (if Twitter is your strength, and Facebook is your weakness, have you tried tapping into social media channels?

EXAMPLES: Your competitors might

respond faster than you to complaints on their Twitter channel

Use the information presented above to do your own SWOT analysis. Make sure to leverage the strengths and opportunities as much as possible. Find ways to keep threats and weaknesses under control. SWOT analysis is a great way to let you show, where you stand. Make use of your strengths and opportunities, eliminate threats and try to turn weaknesses into strengths.

SWOT Competitor Analysis Use the SWOT Competitor Analysis template to know how to position yourself among competitors.

Your SWOT analysis goes hand in hand with the 5 W’s of social media marketing. Do you want to know what they are, and how they contribute to defining your strategy? Read on to find out more.

The 5 Ws of Social Media Marketing In journalism, the 5 Ws are used to cover all aspects of a story and come up with all the relevant information to craft a killer piece of story. In digital marketing, the 5 Ws are meant to help you craft a comprehensive strategy that makes your social media efforts skyrocket. Without a comprehensive strategy in place, you won’t succeed. The 5 Ws stand for: Why



Define your goals, trying to understand why social media integration is vital for your marketing efforts. Answer yourself the following questions: what are you trying to achieve with social media? Is your goal to increase ROI, drive brand engagement, improve customer service? Your reasons to leverage social media in marketing vary depending on the individual needs of your company.



Who Have a clear outline of your target audience. Before reaching to people and attempt to get in their good graces, you need to know who those people are, what’s their age, what are their hobbies, etc.








Content planning is fundamental in social media marketing. The “what” stands for planning the type content you want to share on your social channels. To gain valuable insights and grow an engaged social media community, your content has to be interesting, relevant and valuable to your prospects.

Where Choose your channels properly, and go beyond Facebook and Twitter. They might be the most popular, but most of your target audience could be more active on other platforms too.

When Keep a schedule, and be present when your target audience is present on social media. The right piece of content posted on social at the right time is the key to an efficient strategy.

With your status quo defined, buyer personas identified and competitor analysis in check, let’s move on how to building your social brand. This way, you’ll be a little closer to building a killer social strategy for your business.

4. Build Your Social Brand


eaving aside amazing visuals and killer content, you can’t have an efficient social media strategy without a voice. Finding your voice on social media may seem challenging because you can’t rely on a statistical approach to track the voice of your brand. Rather than just track and analyze, focus more on creating a unified brand image across your social media channels and build the voice and tone your target audience uses.

Benefits Of A Unified Brand Image On Social Media In order to be perceived as a single brand across multiple platforms, your business should mind the branding elements collectively known as a corporate identity. This starts with the tone and voice you adopt in your messages when communicating with your audience. And is followed by the elements making your brand’s visual identity, the logo, corporate title and visuals you include on your website and share in your updates. All of these elements help your brand differentiate from the competition, make it more relevant, more esteemed and more coherent. According to Gather Content, the difference between voice and tone is:

Tone The personality of your brand described simply in an adjective (e.g. lively, positive, humorous, professional, critical)

A subdivision of your voice on social media. Tone ads flavour to your brand’s voice, depending on several factors like social channel, circumstance, audience, etc.

Your social media brand voice is integrated into one of more 4 categories mentioned in the template below:



Friendly Playful Warm Authoritative Inspiring Professional

Personal Honest Humble Direct Clinical Scientific

Social Media Brand Voice Language Complex Savvy Insider Serious

Simple Jargon-filled Fun Whimsical

Purpose Engage Educate Inform Enable

Entertain Delight Sell Amplify

Create A Unified Brand Image Across Social Media Channels Social media inconsistency can affect branding negatively in several ways, that’s why a unified image across all social media channels is essential for your brand. First of all, brands can create a lot of confusion by not being consistent on each channel they communicate. Posting messages irregularly and switching topics with each new update are actions that will lower the audience’s interest. Secondly, brands might lack consistency across the communication channels they use, leading people to believe that each account belongs to a different brand. That’s why you need to acknowledge the benefits of a unified image, along with what people expect on each platform, to reduce the fragmentation of your audience.

BONUS Netiquette Template Use the Netiquette template in our kit to provide rules of common behaviour for your community.

5. Brainstorm A Social Content Strategy


ocial media is competitive. It’s like a sport that demands consistent effort to become successful. Social media marketing performs the best when a whole team is involved in the process. And just like a sport, success can only be attained when a proper strategy is set in place. Before getting started, your social media content strategy needs to be aligned with your business goals. That way, you will make sure that every message that you send out there is perceived as being yours, regardless of the tone. Acknowledge that each social network serves a different purpose and, as such, is characterized by a different tone of voice. Here are some questions you should answer before getting started: •

What are you trying to achieve on social media?

Are your social media goals aligned with your core business objectives?

What stories would your audience like to see?

What type of content do they react best to?

How do your competitors perform socially?

What type of content works best for them?

Who should be involved in social media content production and publishing?

How will you measure the performance of your social media content?

How will you improve the outcome of your social media campaigns?

The answers will enable you to draw up a social media content plan based on your audience’s needs, as well as on the marketing context. Armed with this knowledge, proceed to organizing your social media content strategy by selecting the best social channels for your business.

How To Select The Best Social Media Channels For Your Business Understanding each channel’s strengths can help you understand whether or not they’re a good fit for you and your goals. Facebook


1. Sends more website referral traffic than any other social media network.

1. Highly visual network for static images and short videos.

2. Geared toward both news and entertainment. 3. Future outlook places strong emphasis on video content.

2. Not optimal for driving blog or website traffic. 3. Best suited for strong visual brands.



1. Views itself as a news platform as much as a social media network.

1. Highly visual platform that lends itself well to strong imagery.

2. Retweeting and curation are encouraged.

2. Often used to find inspiration for projects.

3. Well-suited to brands sharing blog post or promoting website content. LinkedIn


1. Professional network. The content you share should reflect this.

1. Essentially acts as a social layer across Google’s web proprieties (YouTube, etc.)

2. Used heavily for sharing articles and general professional content.

2. Hosts strong communities around all kinds of different interests.

3. Launched LinkedIn Pulse in 2015, a built-in content publishing and distribution platform.

3. 21% of Internet users are active on the network.

Social Media Content Calendar Keep relevant channels up-to-date by using the Social Media Content Calendar template from the marketer’s kit.

Type Of Content Suitable On Each Channel Here’s a simple overview of the types of content that works across the social media spectrum:









































After carefully assessing the types of content that works best for each platform, you should: • Assess the type of content you’re already creating. • Assess the type of content that’s missing from your strategy. • Gather additional resources to improve your current social media content strategy. To win, you need a skilled team to help you streamline the process. Build a social media content strategy by settling on the following: • Who will be in charge of writing the content. • Who will be in charge of designing graphics. • Who will be in charge of shooting your videos. Now that’s you’ve assigned people to handle your social media content, move on settling on SMART goals to streamline the process.

6. Set SMART Goals To Prove Your Value On Social Media


efore you are planning your actions and tasks, start defining target parameters and goals. Set quarterly goals to determine priorities, workload, and evaluate performance. The key to implementing a revenue-driven social media strategy is to set SMART goals in order to help you improve performance and demonstrate your value. The goals you settle on should be:


S Specific


Short, concise and Trackable and easy to the point. to measure.





Attainable Be realistic and don’t aim too high from the first try.



Have a timeline Settle on goals set in place for that matter to you, meeting your goals your brand, and & stick to it business.


• Set expectations for your team to have a reason to work on them.

• Be focused on tasks that can’t be linked to the outcomes of your business.

• Measure success to be able to optimize your campaigns.

• Be driven by gut feeling, instead of driven by data and social strategy.

• Be in alignment with your social strategy, business and marketing activities.

• Get in the way of your other marketing functions.

• Prove they bring value to your social media strategy.

• Use vanity metrics with the sole purpose proving ROI.

To create efficient social media goals, make sure to define personal and team goals, as well as goals about metrics your business cares the most about. Determine which parts of social media serve your goals, and set up KPIs (key performance indicators) to help you anticipate, guide, and address on your social media ROI (return on investment).

SMART Goal Example: Improve Brand Awareness When defining SMART social media goals, be realistic about what you want to achieve, but also set goals that are challenging. Allot a time frame between 6 and 12 months to meet your SMART goal.

To help you better understand how to implement SMART goals on a social media channel like Facebook, we’ve chosen a leading inbound marketing and sales platform to better illustrate our example (Hubspot). To get started, first you need to identify your goal metrics. Our SMART goal example, “increase brand awareness”, sets the pace for the following goal metrics: • Fan count • Post Reach • Page & Post impressions • Link clicks (if you’re linking to your business’s official website)

To create efficient social media goals, make sure to define personal and team goals, as well as goals about metrics your business cares the most about. Determine which parts of social media serve your goals, and set up KPIs (key performance indicators) to help you anticipate, guide, and address on your social media ROI (return on investment). SMART Goal breakdown: Increase Hubspot brand awareness within the UK by 20% in the following 6 to 12 months.

Specific Increase Hubspot brand awareness within the UK by 20% ( on Facebook).


increase fan count (20%), link clicks on social media posts about the company (20%). Get an average reach per post of 10.000 people/post.

Attainable Yes

Relevant Boost Facebook posts with ads at $100/post. Target audience - the UK.

Time-efficient 6-12 months to achieve the goal.

Set baselines by auditing your company’s social media profiles: after determining goal metrics, audit your social media profile to know where you started when you first began tracking your goal. Take the time to review the numbers by creating a feedback loop. Based on your goals, check your analytics two times per month to see what’s working and what’s not. Is $20/post enough to reach your target audience? Or do you need to focus on other strategies to increase the brand awareness of your company? With your SMART goal clearly defined, let’s move on to framing a social media marketing plan.

7. Frame Your Social Media Marketing Planning


fter settling on a social media content strategy, move on to framing your social media marketing planning. To be able to determine whether your content performs well, you first need to figure out what the current business objectives are. For your brand to evolve, you will have to assess the situation continuously. You will soon discover that business goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) may require adjustments after a quarter or halfyear review. The KPIs that are relevant to you now might thus not be as relevant in the near future. It’s essential to remember that tracking all KPIs at all times will get you nowhere, as some of them won’t be correlated at all with the actual objectives. That being said, you should know what the main KPIs are and when to track each of them. For the best results, connect these KPIs with the current stage that your buyer persona is in the marketing funnel:

Reach and engagement Site traffic coming from social media Social media ROI (Return On Investment)

Decide which ones you should focus in the near future and prepare regular reports. These will help you keep an eye on the things that work and the ones that don’t. With such reports at hand, you will be able to make adjustments while negative outcomes can still be avoided.

Brainstorm, Curate & Plan Your Content Accordingly Pocket, the read-it-later browser extension recently acquired by Mozilla, is a tool that might come in handy both during brainstorming and ideation, as well as for collecting sources of inspiration. Bear in mind that you can also use Pocket on all sorts of platforms and browsers, from smartphones and tablets to PCs and Macs, so there are no restrictions to gathering your ideas.

Tools To Help Organize Your Social Media Content Strategy Trello might seem like a good option to plan your social media content. However, bear in mind that Trello can only handle the planning part, so if you also mean to schedule the social media content, you will have to look elsewhere.

Google Sheets seems to be a exible, yet less visually appealing solution. You can create separate les or separate sheets for each channel and keep track of most planning aspects listed above.

For an all-in-one solution, give Swat.io, the social media management tool for teams a try. This platform can provide a lot of structure to the entire process. Swat.io helps you to plan and publish scheduled posts on your prefered social media channels, to keep track of customer request in one ticket inbox and analyse the statistics of your social media marketing efforts for each channel.

After carefully planning all social media related tasks, move on managing social media. You have several options available. Choose the ones that best matches your goals.You’re halfway to becoming a social media marketing hero! Read on to find out what social media seeding is all about when crafting a social media marketing strategy.

Discuss, Draft And Approve Social Media Posts Collaboratively With Swat.io START YOUR FREE TRIAL

8. The Perks Of Social Media Seeding


f you’re new to social media planning, applications such as Excel or Google Sheets might be more up your alley. Using any of these two, you will be able to keep track of the ideas to be used for the social media content plan. More than that, you could even keep an eye on when the content was published. However, if you’re looking to measure any of the aforementioned KPIs, the effort is simply not worth it. For starters, there’s too much time-consuming manual work involved. But you can do more than an overview of ideas. Social media seeding is a process where content is spread on social media platforms. The process to seed your content, works in this order. • First plan your content. Take in consideration on which channels, at which time and what type of content you want to publish. • Promote your content. • Plan and run effective campaigns regularly. • Plan and create ads to support your goals.

To manage all those tasks it might be helpful to use a social media management tool. You can give Swat.io - The Social Media Platform for Teams, a try. Not only will you be able to collaboratively write your social media updates, but you will also be able to schedule them and even track the performance of each post. Now let’s go more into detail and have a look at social media posting frequency. You might know what type of content works best on the social network your audience visits most frequently. Do you also know when and how often to deliver your message so that it’s heard? Industry statistics indicate not only how often people visit each social network, but also on which days.

Facebook, Twitter And Instagram Posting Frequency Recommendations • According to the Global Web Index Social Summary, the recommended posting frequency for Facebook Business Pages is once or twice a day. • On Twitter, posting 1-5 tweets a day should optimize engagement, especially for the younger, highlyeducated demographic. However, you should do a test. Start posting your daily tweets, and assess whether the engagement increases on decreases as you post more. • On Instagram, the key to mastering visual content updates is consistency. There aren’t any frequency rules, although you can maximize engagement if your posts go live on Mondays at 7 AM.

1-2 /day

1-5 /day

±Mo 7AM

Social media marketing goes beyond social seeding and automating content distribution. To make the most of your strategy, monitoring social media is equally important.

BONUS FAQs Response Template Deliver fast reply rates with our FAQs response template!

9. Look Beyond Fans & Followers With Social Media Monitoring


ook beyond fans, followers, likes and shares on social media. There are several different metrics you can measure, but you stick to those that answer these questions:

• Am I reaching the right people? • Am I engaging with the right people? • How many of my social media fans ask about my product/service? • How many are actual customers?

Defining KPIs On Social Media Social media engagement, the industry buzzword that promises to revolutionise marketing as well as customer services and bring loads of benefits along the way. You know it has to be valuable, continuous, on different social media platforms, but what exactly should you be measuring in order to know whether you’re doing it right or not? Here is a selection of the top social media KPIs that you should be tracking on a regular basis: • Community size - fans and followers

• Comments

• Demographics - Age, gender, interests, socioeconomic status, and perhaps most importantly location of your fans and followers

• Mentions

• Engagement

• Shares

• Likes

• Retweets

• Sentiment

• Favourites

Social Media KPIs Template Easily track your Social Media KPIs with a dedicated template.

Reach And Engagement Metrics Despite also playing a role in the conversion phase, social media platforms are mostly used for awareness, reach and engagement are an excellent metric for that. While the reach is the actual number of people who have seen your updates, engagement refers to the total number of interactions people have had with your social media content. While it might not always be the main KPIs to look at, engagement and reach should be monitored continuously. The reason is that they indicate how relevant your brand is and how easy your message gets to your intended audience. Some of the metrics to keep an eye on include: • Post Reach / Total Reach • Fans or followers gained/lost • Active followers

• Engagement or Interaction Rate (Content Likes, Shares/Retweets and Comments) • MentionsReach and engagement metrics

Similarly, Facebook Insights features a breakdown of reach and engagement for each of the published posts over the selected period of time. Once you identify the posts with high reach and/or engagement, try to gure out what made them work based on topic, language and wording, targeted audience and timing. Use high-performing posts as a standard for upcoming organic and paid social media campaigns. By default, Twitter provides info regarding reach and engagement for a 28 day period. Known as “Tweet impressions,” the reach is defined by the number of people who have viewed your Twitter updates over a defined period of time. Website traffic coming from social media can act as an indicator of your content’s appeal in the consideration phase of the sales funnel.

Social Media ROI Indicators A positive ROI suggests that your current social media content not only reaches the intended audience, but also that it determines it to convert. On the contrary, a negative ROI indicates that a change in direction is mandatory. Paid social marketing might be the boost your brand needs, especially since reach and engagement are virtually non-existent for organic campaigns without paid support. That’s particularly the case on Facebook, but other social platforms are also joining this trend. After identifying the social network your audience uses the most, but still didn’t get it to engage with your content, paid social marketing is a good approach for getting the ball rolling. Keep an eye on the following metrics, once you start doing paid social media campaigns: • Cost per Lead

• Cost per Click (CPC)

• Cost per Sale

• Cost per Download

• Revenue Ratio

• Cost per View for video ads

• Cost per Thousand Impressions (CPM) You will notice that each platform offers several ad formats that can each be used in every stage of the marketing funnel. In fact, that’s the first thing Facebook and Twitter ask that you do when setting up a new campaign: are you looking for awareness, engagement that can be treated as a form of consideration, or clicks? Answer this whenever starting a new campaign, and then check out the ads manager of each social media platform to monitor the above metrics.

Social Media Budget Planning Use the Social Media Budget Planning template in our kit to avoid resource allocation surprises.

You’re almost done! The 10th step of our social media strategy kit is all about choosing social media analytics. Do you want to know why you need them when developing a social media strategy? Read on to find out.

10. Choose The Best Social Media Analytics Tools


ocial media metrics are comprised by data and statistics that provide insights into the performance levels of your social media marketing strategy. Some social media metrics are universal, and can be applied to more than one channel, others are tailored to match a specific platform. Out of dozens of social media metrics you can analyze on the biggest social channels, how do you choose the ones that matter the most for your brand and business? We’ve outlined the main universal tools for the most popular social platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Facebook Insights (Pages to Watch) Download your Facebook Insights data to dig deeper into the valuable analytics of Facebook. Sort out and manipulate the exported data to have a clearer view of what type of content works on your page and what’s not. Even though Facebook Insights might be of some help, it’s not enough for efficient social monitoring of your audience. Even though you can do social media monitoring on Facebook in-house, it’s not the most efficient approach because the results you get are not in-depth. Most Facebook users care about their privacy. Even when they talk about a brand or product using #tags, if that user’s profile is on private mode, you are not able to monitor that mention (unless you’re friends, which can’t be done because people “Like” Facebook Business Pages, they don’t “Add Friend” them).

Instagram for Business Instagram is a great channel for interacting with fans, boosting awareness and driving brand/product engagement. But it’s not enough to upload photos and videos if your goal is to use Instagram as a social media listening tool. The problem is, there aren’t any in-house monitoring tools for Instagram. What you can do is leverage the power of the hashtag function. Unlike on Facebook (where most people’s accounts are private), there aren’t that many private accounts on Instagram. There’s another trick you can try out, although it’s not a stand-alone monitoring strategy on social media. When uploading Stories on Instagram, you can see the number of people who viewed your story, as well as the actual names of the people who viewed it. It’s not much you can do, but still, it might be worth looking into when targeting a certain group of people.

Twitter Audience Insights (TweetDeck) Twitter recently doubled its character length, going from 140 to 280 per tweet. With this new change, the time to get creative on Twitter is now. The good news is, unlike Facebook and Instagram, Twitter provides more efficient in-house social media monitoring tools.

Developed by Twitter, TweetDeck is a free app you can use for social media monitoring. Set up tweet streams that mention keywords related to your brand, business, industry and competitors. For example, if you follow conversations about “digital marketing trends”, the app keeps you posted on what people say about other related topics, such as “B2B marketing, “lead generation”, “social media management”, and more. Steps to help you get started with TweetDeck: • Visit http://tweetdeck.twitter.com, or click to open the app from Mac • Go to the official Twitter website, log into your account • Connect your account (or multiple accounts) to your TweetDeck account • Start adding columns, and assign each column for a specific type of content (e.g. you can add columns that include mentions, search queries, latest Tweets from trends, hashtags, list of likes)

Pinterest Analytics To make the most of Pinterest Analytics, first you need to set up a business account on Pinterest and get your website verified. Use Pinterest Analytics to: • Check site metrics • Finetune your data • Improve online sales with Pinterest’s Most Repinned content tab • Assess impressions & reach of your pins Try out Swat.io’s social media management tool to help you develop an efficient social media marketing strategy by boost engagement levels & manage community feedback on all relevant social media platforms. • Schedule and publish posts in a shared calendar • Discuss, draft and approve each post together • Collect all user activities in one ticket inbox • Never again miss a request or complaint again • Monitor social media activity and keep track with everything your audience says on social



f you’re a business and you’re on social media, you need a well-rounded social media strategy to stand above the competition. Without an active presence on the most used social media channels preferred by your audience, other brands will eat you alive. We’ve got you covered! In our ebook, “From 0 to Hero. Social Media Marketers’ Strategy Kit for 2018”, we’ve tapped into 10 essential steps that will make you social media efforts skyrocket. After reading our ebook, you should hurry up and craft your own strategy, tailored after the needs and wants of your business. Within the downloadable archive that comes with our ebook you’ll also find a series of useful templates to help you organize your social media marketing strategy, covering all 10 steps with a lot more ease. The guidelines, examples, and insights we’ve shared, along with the set of templates should be everything you need to help define your goals and tasks to support you getting a competitive advantage on social media.

Congratulations! You are now officially a social media marketing HERO. Well done going through all of our 10 stages, and we hope you’ve enjoyed the journey.

Want to get started with professional Social Media Management? START YOUR FREE TRIAL Feel free to get in touch with us, if you are facing challenges in social media management or social customer support. No strings attached. We usually follow-up within a few hours. Contact us offi[email protected] or call +43 (1)942 48 91

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